The strategy laid out by the President could be a very effective way to appease both sides of this argument, if a detailed plan, adequate funding, and proper oversight were instituted. The program’s effectiveness will require multi agency cooperation at local, state, and federal levels along with mental health facilities, without violating HIPA or privacy rights. Over the years funding has been a major issue. This is an expensive task. The Brady act of 1993 has not been effective thus far. Frank Campbell, the man who was charged with heading up the background checks required in the Brady act said “There’s been no publicly stated reason by Congress or the President why they ask for so little in their budgets,” Campbell tells The Trace. “It doesn’t make any sense.” (Yablon) The lack of organization and coordination by these agencies not only put people’s lives at risk, but is also violates its citizen’s constitutional rights. The Charleston shooter, Dylann Roof, exploited the weakness in the system and bought a gun even after admitting substance abuse issues. “Under federal law, the F.B.I. has three business days to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to deny a purchase. If the bureau cannot come up with an answer, the purchaser can return to the dealer on the fourth day and buy the gun”. (Schmidt). If laws about NICS changed, this same system could eventually be used to impede on a person’s rights by not allowing them to buy a gun until they do have that information. If a person has to wait 10 day, 1 month, or 2 years due to a backup or failure in the system, it would be violating their Constitutional rights by, in a less direct manner, not allowing them to be prepared to defend their country from tyranny. Another problem with NICS is the gun registration proposal that goes with it. …show more content…
It is a clear violation of privacy. “"You just worry that you're going to see searches of the databases and an expansion for purposes that were not intended when the information was collected, Chris Calabrese, an ACLU privacy lobbyist, told The Daily Caller”. (Good). This goes hand in hand with the fear that some citizens have of a tyrannical government. The government should not use this system to limit firearms or monitor those with guns. That would be another violation of the constitution. There has to be a way to do background checks without weapons registration. Mental illness is another area that has to