Some gun laws will help stop criminals from getting guns, but will only make it harder for normal people to get them. A person that is going to hurt someone should not have a gun. But a person that is trying to live off the …show more content…
Gun laws aren't that good they just make people want guns to shoot and play with. 9 laws were associated with an increase in gun deaths ( Lenord, 2015, paragraf 5). If we want to reduce deaths we need to do more in depth background checks on criminals and not allow them to have guns.we Only people that use guns to survive should have guns criminals don't need guns all the will do is hurt people. Nothing good comes out of criminals getting guns. Kids are shot for no reason and or adults over some pointless stuff. If your mom says you can't do something are you going to do it anayways? That's the same way all criminals think if the govt says they can't do it they will.
We should keep our current regulations on guns but never add more because most people own guns responsible. Gun control may help at some point but we will ending up with no guns at all at that point. We just need to stop with it all and keep our current