The response to this question will vary largely depending on who is providing the answer or what aspect of life and/or world view is being considered. Many people believe that biblical faith and science are mutually exclusive or total enemies, if you may. However, very few understand that modern science is a product of Christian world view and that it cannot be taken away from biblical faith.
In the aspect of human existence, it is difficult for one to believe in the concept that the universe and all that is in it was created by God and not be seen as an anti-science ignorant. Many notable scientists like Richard Dawkins are very outspoken against the idea that the universe was created by God. He …show more content…
Biblical faith does not hinder scientific inquire, but also does not explain science. Genesis chapter one is in the language of ancient cosmology not modern science. It does not describe the material make-up or the exact way things came into being, but, the way things are to function. As Wright puts it, telling a story about someone who constructs something in six days is a temple story (see Biologos website: It does not explain or critique modern science, or answers the question, how? It tells the story of God making the heavens and the earth as a place he wants to dwell and placing humans in the earth to reflect his love. It answers the question, …show more content…
This ratio is in contrast to the previously explored view. Biblical faith believes that human life is sacred because God created each and every human as a unique being in his image and likeness (Genesis 1: 27). It is the image of God in us that sets us apart from other forms of life. Being created in his image implies that we are God’s stewards on earth and that we are like the one who created us. We are made to model his behavior, love, character, and all that he is. This sacred gift obligates us to value one another and protect human life from destruction, or violation of human rights as commanded by God himself (see the 10 commandments, Deut. 5: 6-21). Upholding the sacredness of life also includes offering due respect and care to each human being that we encounter. Similarly, many scientists believe that humans are unique, though there are disparities in the science world on what actually makes us unique and sacred. Some, such as Dr. Robert Sapolsky (professor of neuroscience at Stanford University) believes that human uniqueness has nothing to do with our genes, but rather “our capacity to have not do unto others or do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (see