The Hero’s Journey follows seven archetypes: a hero, mentor, threshold guardian, herald, shadow, trickster, and shapeshifter. Each archetype has a designated role in the motion of a story, the hero being the main protagonist. A character in a story can play more than one archetype in the story. The reason that these archetypes are so important is because they provide for the deep structure of human motivation and meaning. The hero needs each and every one of these characters to …show more content…
This person may also find themselves going through the twelve different stages of The Hero’s Journey. This is also an attribute of why The Hero’s Journey is such a popular theory. Since the monomyth is able to apply to events of a person’s real life, readers are able to communicate emotions more to literature that follows the monomyth. Readers can connect to a storyline better when they are able to relate it back to their own lives. The monomyth applies to the reader’s life, making them the hero to their own worldly quests in today’s