Since the dawn of time expansion has existed and has always pose as a threat. The United States have been had a challenge when it came down to expansion and how to achieve it. As people started to move to the U.S., the U.S. started to get bigger land had gotten bigger. People were able to move westward because the government made decisions to buy and win land out of bids. But as time went on stuff started to change from how they use to be. During the early 1900's America expanded and improved their already existing way of expansion by buying more land and selling more land to help the U.S. economy. Let it be known that buy winning land through negotiations it also help America thrive and prosper. They still got feeling of manifest …show more content…
and anyone who resided the land they wished for or desired, because they considered that this is their land and that those creatures belong to them. America believe in conquering and defeating who ever stood in the way of there growth. A great example of that is when they went after the Native Americans. was their sheer poverty, deprivation and starvation. They were placed on small reservations, without knowledge of how to farm or anything. Americans treated them as if they where there pets. However many Natives often wasted away, unable to carry out subsistence farming as they didn't really know how to. They began to rely on government money,external food sources and help from the Indian Bureau. Many of their fishing rights were revoked too. Consequently not being able to expand their economy, causing them to diminish in numbers. The Miriam Report of 1928 suggested that “the Dawes Act entirely failed in assimilating Native Americans into society, in fact doing the exact opposite; ostracizing them”. With starvation came real population failure ; in 1865, there were 300-400,000 Native by 1890, there were only 100,000 remaining, which obviously affected their economic growth capacity; only the Cherokee, who discovered gold, and few other tribes, survive to this day.the American have always had a strong hand when it come to expanding they always believe that if they have power and a army they could over come anything. However other country's easily bullied by American. Which in terms bring me to when America thought it would be a good idea to start a war with the Spanish. consequently starting the 1898 war between Spain and the U.S. Both the Mexicans and Indians fought many battles for rights, land and social issues but in the end they lost. Some Mainly due to the greediness of Americans at the time, they would do almost anything for