As a developing country, it was essential for America to expand westward. The larger the nation became, the stronger and more stable it looked to other countries. The expansion of the United States brought a multitude of benefits as well. It increased trade, strengthened our economy. Document F, a map of the Lewis and Clark expedition shows the vast 50 million acres America would be gaining. It being labeled with rivers, important cities and other territories show that it is in a prime location. It’s near the Spanish for trade, near St. Louis, the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and will expand our country …show more content…
Though America was allied with France, it is dangerous to have another country controlling trade just a river’s width away. There could be surprise attacks or even a trade monopoly put on by France. According to James Madison (Document C) “It will be of great importance also to take the regulation and settlement of that Territory out of other hands, into those of the U.S who will be able to manage both for general interest and conveniency.” This excerpt, along with the whole document, serves the purpose of convincing Robert Livingston to agree to purchase the land. This letter was written right as America was deciding to say yes or no to France. His main purpose was to state that the purchase favors liberty, saves expenses and America needs to have control over the Mississippi River. Madison also believed in a loose interpretation of the constitution, which is a bias to why he supported the Louisiana Purchase. Along with the Mississippi River, America would gain New Orleans, an important port for trade. Having the port and the river would increase trade, importations and exportations and bring profit into America. Bringing profit into the new nation would also be essential to paying off war debts to England as