Wright discuss the increased pressure for performance and accountability in nonprofits and the relationship between performance measures and effective decision making in their work, Does Performance Measurement Improve Strategic Decision Making? Findings From a National Survey of Nonprofit Social Service Agencies. From their survey, they determined that a positive relationship existed between the array of performance measures nonprofits used and their level of effective decision-making (LeRoux & Wright, 2010). Federal positions have also experienced pressure for performance and accountability, as the public wants to know how tax dollars are being spent. This has led to federal agencies developing and implementing more performance indicators and measurements. It cannot be generalized from the study on nonprofits that federal agencies also show a positive relationship between performance indicators and strategic decision-making. However, federal organizations can learn from the nonprofit study and examine their own decision-making strategies in response to performance indicators. From my research, I can already see that information is used from performance measurements in order to make decisions within the BFM Division code
Wright discuss the increased pressure for performance and accountability in nonprofits and the relationship between performance measures and effective decision making in their work, Does Performance Measurement Improve Strategic Decision Making? Findings From a National Survey of Nonprofit Social Service Agencies. From their survey, they determined that a positive relationship existed between the array of performance measures nonprofits used and their level of effective decision-making (LeRoux & Wright, 2010). Federal positions have also experienced pressure for performance and accountability, as the public wants to know how tax dollars are being spent. This has led to federal agencies developing and implementing more performance indicators and measurements. It cannot be generalized from the study on nonprofits that federal agencies also show a positive relationship between performance indicators and strategic decision-making. However, federal organizations can learn from the nonprofit study and examine their own decision-making strategies in response to performance indicators. From my research, I can already see that information is used from performance measurements in order to make decisions within the BFM Division code