The cost of both of these schools is something I know just enough about to tell you what I know. When I talked to a cadet from Norwich University last week at Hargrave Military Academy I asked him what the cost was like and how expensive it is per year. He said it was about $34,000 for board and room but in the end of all the payments it ended up to be about $57,000. At The Citadel the estimated cost is about $30,000 for room and board. In the end the cost for The Citadel is about $50,000 which is about $7,000 less than Norwich University total cost would be in the end order. Considering that I would be attending either college as a ROTC Cadet I would assume that both colleges have about the same strictness. Like I said earlier, though the cadet that visited Hargrave Military Academy two weeks ago said that The Citadel was more strict in their stature of the cadets. For example, at The Citadel they are told to walk a certain way everywhere they go and eat very specific and in uniform ways. At Norwich there is no certain way that the cadets have to walk around campus. This is just one way that shows how different each school is in strictness. What I know about the living conditions at Norwich University and The Citadel is that they are about the same in how the rooms are set up and how the barracks are handled. …show more content…
It is not like Hargrave where each company has its own barracks. At Norwich University and The Citadel everyone is mixed with different companies or platoons. I know that each room at Norwich has two beds, two desks, and two closets, just like Hargrave. At The Citadel there is more than 4 battalions on campus. Each battalion has 3 companies this means that there is a lot of cadets in each barracks. This is the same at Norwich University but they are more compact because they are also a private regular college where as The Citadel is just strictly a Military College. I don 't know much about the mechanical engineering field in general, but I know enough to tell you a little about it and how each school differs in their own ways. At The Citadel their mechanical engineering program is strong, yet they just started providing it to freshman through seniors. At Norwich University they have a very strong mechanical engineering program which consists of math classes, civil engineering, and language classes, along with multiple other mechanical classes. When a cadet from Norwich visited Hargrave, I asked what the finish rate of a mechanical engineer student and his response was surprising. He said that about 7-10 cadets actually follow through with their dreams of becoming a mechanical engineer after graduation. In conclusion, what I know as of right now is a start on what I need to know in order to make the right choice on which college I want to attend in the future. As of right now I know about the cost of each institution. They are both about $30,000-$35,000 with just room and board. I also know about how each college runs, with their strictness and how they control their cadets and their welfare. Alongs the lines of cost I also know the living conditions of each school and how the barracks are set up to help the cadets with their studies. Though I don’t know a lot about either school 's mechanical engineering program, I know enough to say that it will not be easy accomplishing what