Adam is portrayed as someone who possesses two weaknesses that ultimately lead him to his fall. Paradise Lost stresses the …show more content…
Milton not only revealed to the reader certain parts of their individual personalities, but also the way they worked together as a couple. Both Adam and Eve would not have been complete on their own. Not only do their personalities balance each other out, but their weaknesses compliment each other as well. This is where Milton takes their relationship one step deeper. He allows the reader to see not only the good in their relationship, but how they caused each other to fall and how they mended their relationship again. They way Milton portrayed Adam’s hopeful personality and Eve’s repenting spirit truly allowed him to relate to the reader no matter what time period. Milton may not have been Biblically accurate in every way, but he did get one thing right: “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis