In Episode 3, Anakin makes a specific choice to join himself to the dark lord of the Sith and leave the many years of loyal service he committed to the Jedi order. In his turn to the dark side, Anakin betrays all of his close friends and family. And he would even become responsible for the untimely death of his wife.
From the very beginning when the first man pointed his telescope to the sky, mankind has always wondered, the big question, “are we alone in the universe?” Modern technology has allowed the curiosity of man to be satisfied to some extent. While at the same time, this new technology of deep space satellites, high end telescopes and supercomputing abilities, has also helped urge the answer seekers on further.
Contemporary media has encouraged young minds to seek answers to these same questions at ages earlier than ever before in history. Movie series such as: Battle Star Galactica, Star gate Atlantis, the various Star Trek series, and of course, the Star Wars Saga; has greatly impacted the youth in our current scientific age. Kids learn in the class room about space, the planets, the NASA program, and current scientific experiments being performed in order to give us light speed. Then these same school children go home and watch movies or play video games that pick right up where their science lessons left off with fantastically huge whole universes of science fiction. This combination of science and science fiction has created a culture that is very familiar with and accepting of extraterrestrial beings and