Allegory Of Morality In 'On The Waterfront'

Improved Essays
In 1954, the film “On the Waterfront” by Elia Kazan was released. “On the Waterfront” tells the story of a man bringing down a corrupt union boss along the docks of Hoboken, New Jersey. Kazan uses the film to paint a vivid picture of the waterfront as a space distinctly unique from other spaces in America. Through techniques of narration, Kazan uses the setting, characters and events of the film to create an allegory of morality. The waterfront, corruption, communist party, and events in Kazan’s personal life are all part of the allegory Kazan constructs to put forward the power of religion, morality, and human conscience. The communist party, the corruption of capitalism, and the mob represent vices, while Kazan’s personal actions, Father …show more content…
Kazan makes it clear that the waterfront as a location is central to the meaning of the film. At the beginning of the film the audience is given a picture of the waterfront. It is lined with docks and boats along the edge of New Jersey. The audience is introduced to the atmosphere of the waterfront in the opening scene. The union uses Terry to trick his friend Joey into going on the roof to receive a pigeon Terry found. At first this seems like an innocent exchange, until the music changes and the camera pans up to the roof, where two men are clearly waiting for Joey. Rather than join Joey on the roof like he said, Terry is shown talking to some of the corrupt union men on the street when the camera shows Joey get pushed off the roof to his death. The incident brings out a crowd of longshoremen along with two police officers. While the policemen suspect foul play and try to get Joey’s father, Mr. Doyle, to answer questions about the incident, Mr. Doyle refuses. Another longshoreman states the reason for Mr. Doyle’s silence: “One thing I learned— all my life on the waterfront— don’t ask no questions— don 't answer no questions. Unless you want to wind up like that.” Just from this scene, the audience learns a lot about life on the waterfront: it is dangerous, corrupt, and oppressive. The men on the waterfront adopted a tradition of acting “deaf ‘n dumb.” In order to work men are forced to bend to the will …show more content…
A longshoreman named Tommy explained that “the waterfront is tougher, like it ain’t part of America. Anywhere else you got the law protectin ' ya. Here ya just get knocked off and forgotten.” This quote seems to describe the waterfront as well as a picture would. It communicates to the audience that this space is unlike any other. It is darker, more dangerous, and less forgiving than the rest of the country. The waterfront has been turned into a space with violence, crime, and mob rule. Corruption is so common that it was accepted as part of the waterfront. The law seemed not to apply to the space because men were killed daily without justice and the police were not a threat to the

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