My dad spoils us quite a bit, so he made ice cream sandwiches for our last breakfast at his house. He treats Kiersten, my sister, and me like we are five years old, but we just go with it since we only get to see him two months out of the year. After our very nutritional breakfast, we got ready and headed to the airport. We made my dad listen to rap music one more time, since he hates it, but it’s my sister’s and my favorite genre. We said our goodbyes and I cried a little, which was embarrassing, and Kiersten and I walked gloomily to security. Security went smoothly and I took that as a good omen. Usually, one of us gets checked and patted down, but it didn’t happen this time. I was searching for our gate alone, since Kiersten is no help; she always assumes I’ll find the right gate while she looks down at her phone. After I found our gate we had about an hour of downtime so we charged our phones and …show more content…
When we went through airport security; I got picked for the random bag search, and I hoped that was all the bad luck that would happen that day. We went to the same gate; the airport was very small and only had a few gates, and waited anxiously. The time came to board the plane, but no one moved. I started to hear a murmur from other passengers, some that I recognized from the day before, that our flight was delayed. I began to panic because I didn’t want to stay there for another day. An announcement came on saying that our plane was ready to go; we were just waiting for the pilot to arrive. More and more time passed and our flight was continually delayed. I knew we were going to miss our flight again, so I took the walk of dread to the airport kiosk to rebook our flight. I felt like a pro by this time. I booked a flight for the next available day, and as an apology the airline gave us each two hundred dollar vouchers. The worst part was that the next flight was two days