All over the globe we see different age pyramids showing the range and variety of different age groups inside the set country. Japan has a population pyramids where they have a high density of older people on top which starts around the age 65- 69 (Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100 , n.d.) And with very few youth at the bottom. Ghana has the opposite of Japan their population pyramid faces a different reality where around the ages 0-4 there is a high number of youth and from there the pyramid starts to thin out. (Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100, n.d.) From two different parts of the globe they both carry different population pyramids that show the state of the aging population in the county, however the factors that show how the aging population has a major effect on the economy and society creating consequences for countries no matter the state the aging population is at are not shown. For countries like Canada and Japan which land on a developed scale where they face an older population their problems will differ from countries where they have high youth which are usually developing. Canada being developed does well with most of its economic, social, and political problems, but Canada has a problem on a rise like Japan Canada has a much older population compared to youth. Canada will be faced with much more harsh problems when it comes to economic, political and social. The consequences Canada will face with the population that will affect the three sectors is due to the fact majority of the population is older forcing money to be placed into health sectors of Canada which effects jobs where people who are older are leaving work to retire making ability for younger generations to take over but they do not carry the proper skills to take over these jobs. Canada had a population of 35,851,774 in 2015 (Canada's population estimates: Age and sex, July 1, 2015) with this people aged at 65 or older outnumber children in Canada from ages 0 to 14 (Canada's population estimates: Age and sex, July 1, 2015). The age structure of Canada’s population is ageing and will grow. Canada current age structure is composed …show more content…
With this the labour market is facing labour and skills shortages many trade type jobs like pluming and other jobs like police have low employment and suffer and feels the effect of this adjustment in the labour force. Older population are leaving the work force which leaves open spaces for younger people to come in, but there is a struggle to fill these jobs. Many youth have more time spent in post-secondary education before they enter the workforce today creating a lack of experience, with lack of experience no jobs can be filled. To fill these positions training for these jobs are needed and time which is taking up resources and money from the company which is not wanted. Labour force slowing down due to the population ageing the economy would grow but at a slow pace and with this less money will be spent on goods the money will rather be spent on retirement homes. (Social, Economic & Political Effects)
Taxes will rise to fuel the many more pensions which will impact the economy but the impactions it will have on social factors will make pensions to be lower in the payout. Canadians population becomes less and less independent with age which the health care sector will see the effects of and will be growing at a rapid pace changing the government to focus their energy more towards the elder