At its most basic form Utilitarianism seems like a useful and effective form of ethics. Utilitarianism …show more content…
One of the major problems with all types of utilitarianism is the fact that it does not take into considerations the minorities feelings and ends up enabling racism. One example follows the same format as the ones which explain utilitarianism. Suppose ten people are in a group and a decision is to be made each person is identical in every way except one: each has a total happiness of one, however some are red and some are blue. If we say the group is split up with four people who are red and six who are blue. If the decision is whether or not to kill the red group, thus being racist against the red people. If we say that committing such murder would decrease the red groups happiness from one to zero and increases each person in the blue groups happiness by one it would result in a greater amount of happiness in total. Utilitarianism does not care that that choice is racist; act utilitarianism would say the only moral thing to do is to commit the racist act. This, however, is clearly immoral. This brutal contradicting situation causes a dilemma for many utilitarian’s and cannot be …show more content…
In the beginning of a utilitarian swap over, the initial decisions would most likely not be racist or cause to much drama. However, with 63% of the us being white slowly the decisions would become complex. Eventually the decisions would hit racism. The first decision to be racist would spark an ignition from not only the remaining 37% of the united states but would also ignite a large part of the 63%. The result would be chaos. Because of such chaos there would be no way to know the resulting happiness and in total happiness would be