I really enjoyed doing this assignment. Through this field experience, I became involved in committees and sat in many meetings. I started by getting involved with the parent involvement committee. The involvement of parents is very important in schools. Parents can have an impact on students’ behaviors and learning. It also helps the school by building a positive culture. Through the commit-tee, we worked on various events to meet the needs of our parents. One event we did was our first art fair. We invited parents to come and enjoy an afternoon of art projects with their kids. We had a smaller turnout than other events, but it was great for parents to spend time doing projects with their kids. Just like our other family events, …show more content…
This group focus is to im-prove our dual language component at our school. We believe that we are not meeting our mission “to ensure that students are bilin-gual and biliterate in English and Spanish and prepared for work and higher education and a global, diverse society.” At this point we notice that students are not embracing Spanish in the upper grades. Students prefer to speak English in their Spanish classes, and d they do not try to write and read in Spanish. One goal of this committee is to help teachers find resources to teach Spanish literacy. Another goal is to get data on student’s Spanish levels to help teachers teach students those skills. Another big focus of this commit-tee is to write entrance tests for our transferring students. At this point we do not have a way to access if students are prepared to suc-ceed in a dual language environment if they transfer after 2nd grade. In this committee I get the chance to work with my principal, instructional coach, and three other teachers. This committee meets standards #1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. I am excited to see the direction our school is taking and how it is changing under new …show more content…
I saw this as he made observations of my classroom and having pre and post observation meet-ings. I also saw it during our collaboration meetings. My principal and instructional coach worked with me to host a science collabo-ration meeting last week. This is the first year teachers are starting to meet and talk about science. This has started more conversa-tions in our school about science teaching. My instructional coach and I have spent a lot of time talking and attending PDs related to science. My principal also encouraged to apply to be the science content leader next school year. I hope that more science is taught in the lower grades, and not left to the 5th grade teacher only because they have to take the Science MAP