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37 Cards in this Set

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What Army reference covers First Aid?

TC 4-02.1

How can a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of first aid save a life, prevent permanent disability, or reduce long periods of hospitalization?

By know what to do, what not to do and when to do it

What actions must be taken when a nonmedical Soldier encounters an unconscious or injured Soldier?

-Must quickly and accurately evaluate the situation and the casualty

-Should ask if trained medical personnel are available

-To prevent further injury to the casualty, there should be no interruptions once first aid has begun


Nonmedical units use this to refer to the movement of casualties aboard nonmedical vehicles


Combat lifesavers provide enhanced first aid for injuries


the first individuals in the medical chain that makes medical decisions based on their medical MOS training


immediate application of medical care to the wounded, injured, or sick by specially trained medical personnel


It includes measures, which require an additional level of training above self-aid and buddy aid


Is aid given when medical personnel is not immediately available

What is TC3?

Tactical combat casualty care

Tactical combat casualty care is divided into the following three stages:

-care under fire

-tactical field care

-Tactical evacuation

What determination is imperative that will dictate the methods to be used to control the bleeding when evaluating a casualty?

Is bleeding life threatening or not

What are the three methods of controlling external bleeding?

-direct pressure

-pressure dressing


What are four kinds of burns that Soldiers would likely encounter?





How is a Burn uncover?

-cut clothing away from burn area

-gently lift away clothing(if stuck leave alone)

-if hands,feet,wrist are burnt and the casualty has on jewelry take them off and put in their pocket

How is the casualty’s dry, sterile dressing applied directly over the wound?

-White side down over wound

-wrap the tail of the dressing so that dressing or pad is covered

-For a field dressing, tie the tails into a nonslip knot over the outer edge of the dressing, not over the wound

-Check to ensure that the dressing is applied lightly over the burn but firmly enough to prevent slipping

What are some signs and symptoms of shock?

-sweaty but cool skin

-pale skin


-severe bleeding


-rapid breathing


What are the procedures for positioning the casualty to prevent or control shock?

-remove them from direct sunlight

-position so that breathing is comfortable(on back)

-Elevate the casualty’s feet higher than the heart

-loosen clothing from binding areas of the body

What are the two major kinds of heat illnesses that are referred to as heat casualties?

-heat stroke

-heat exhaustion

What often precedes Heat exhaustion?

-cramps in arm, legs, and abdominal area

What are the signs and symptoms of Heat exhaustion?

(a) Dizziness

(b) Headache

(c) Loss of appetite

(d) Nausea

(e) Weakness

(f) Clumsy/unsteady walk

(g) Profuse sweating and pale (or gray), moist cool skin

(h) Normal to slightly elevated body temperature

(i) Muscle cramps

(j) Heat cramps

What components does the respiratory system consists of?

-air way


-rib cage

What are the first aid measures for Heat exhaustion?

(a) Rest Soldier in shade

(b) Loosen uniform and remove head gear

(c) Have Soldier drink 2 quarts of water over 1 hour

(d) Seek medical aid

(e) Evacuate if no improvement in 30 minutes, or if Soldier's condition worsens

What are the signs and symptoms for Heat stroke?

(a) Hot dry skin

(b) Headache

(c) Convulsions and chills

(d) Dizziness

(e) Nausea

(f) Weakness

(g) Pulse and respirations are weak and rapid

(h) Vomiting

(i) Confusion

(j) Combative

(k) Passing out (unconscious)

What are the three components of the circulatory system?



-blood vessels

What are the two general principles of First Aid?

-initial encounter

-transporting casualty

What must the responder quickly and accurately assess when a casualty is first encountered?

-what occurred

-extent of injuries

-what aid is necessary

What actions are taken when performing Care under fire?

-Return Fire as directed before rendering first aid

-check to see if the casualty is alive or deceased

-Provide care to the living casualty

-if the casualty is able, have them return fire, move to cover and conduct self aid

-once enemy is suppressed approach casualty

- Administer lifesaving hemorrhage control

-Move the casualty, his weapon, and mission-essential equipment when the tactical situation permits

What two techniques are used for opening the airway?

-head chin tilt method

-jaw thrust method

What help is given if a casualty has a mild airway obstruction ?

Do not interfere except to encourage the casualty

What help is given if the casualty has a severe airway obstruction?

Perform abdominal or chest thrusts

What is the first aid procedures for treating an open chest wound with a commercial chest seal?

-put on casualty’s gloves from IFAK

-uncover the wound (unless clothing is stuck)

-Place gloved hand or back of hand over open chest wound to create temporary seal

What is Hypothermia?

when heat loss is greater than heat production in the body

What are signs and symptoms of Hypothermia?

-Vigorous shivering



-Shallow breathing

-weak pulse

What is Frostbite?

It occurs when tissue is exposed to temperatures that are usually below 32°F

What are signs and symptoms of Frostbite?


-blistered tingling areas

- pale yellowish skin

-Significant pain after rewarming

What are the two kinds of Fractures?

-closed fracture: bone doesn’t break through the skin

-open fracture: bone that breaks through the skin