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14 Cards in this Set

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What is government? What are public policies?

Government is a institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies

Public policies are things that the government decides to do

What are the four characteristics of a state?

Territory, population, government and sovereignty

What is the difference between Confederate and federal form of government?

Confederate places most power with the States, Federal District beats power and authority

What is the difference between parliamentary and presidential form of government?

Presidential is legislative and executive equally powerful parliamentary is executive is chosen by legislature

What are the five basic concepts of democracy?

worth and dignity for every person, equality, a faith in majority rule and insistence upon minority rights, compromise, individual freedom

What are two types of things that people are entitled to in a democracy?

Equality of opportunity and law

What powers are given to Congress under the AOC?

Declare war with other nations, right inside foreign treaties, settle disputes between states, regulate US currency, borrowing money from the states, and have direct operations of land and Naval forces

What are the weaknesses of the AOC?

Lack of power given to government, gave congress the power to pass laws been on porcelain, Congress had to ask dates for men and money, each day had one vote, no president or courts, no checks and balances

What was the purpose of the Philadelphia Convention? what were the delegates authorized to do?

Fix and revise the AOC which they eventually chucked and created the Constitution

What are the six basic principles of the Constitution?

Popular sovereignty: people have the power, limited government: no hov is all powerful, separation of powers: three branches, checks and balances: branches can restrain another, judicial review: if an action is constitutional and federalism: central and several regional govs

What is an expressed, implied, and inherent power?

Expressed or written out in the constitution for the government, implied are not stated in the Constitution but are reasonably suggested, inherent powers are national Powers historically possessed

Exclusive powers and concurrent powers

Exclusive powers can only be exercised by national government alone, like coining money, treaties war, concurrent powers are both the national and State powers like taxes, Courts, crimes and punishments

Give examples of national, state, and concurrent powers

National: declare war, signed treaties, coin money

State: marriage laws, drinking and gambling laws, public schools

Comcurrent: levy and collect taxes, define crimes and set punishments, condemn private property

What does the supremacy clause State about the constitution in the laws and treaties of the US?

It is the supreme law of the land. This means the Constitution stands above all other forms of the law in the United States.