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26 Cards in this Set

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Check for leaks under truck

General hoses, Passenger side

Properly mounted and secure at both ends

No abrasions, bulges, or cuts

Not leaking

Belt-driven altinator

Properly mounted and secured at both ends

Not cracked, bent, or broken

All wires are properly connected with no exposed wires

The belt is not cracked or frayed

There is no more than 1/2 to 3/4 inch of free play in the belt.

General hoses, driver's side

Properly mounted and secured at both ends

No abrasions, bulges, or cuts

Not leaking

Coolent reservoir

Properly mounted and secured at both ends
Not cracked, bent, or broken

Not Leaking

Filled to Manufacture Specs

Belt-Driven Water Pump

Properly mounted and secured at both ends

Not cracked, bent, or broken

The belt is not cracked or frayed

There is no more than 1/2 in to 3/4 in in freeplay in the belt

Oil Level

Filled to manufacture Specs

Power steering reservoir

Properly mounted and secured at both ends

Not cracked, bent, or broken

Not Leaking

Filled to Manufacture's specs

Gear-Driven Air Compressor

Properly mounted and secured at both ends

Not cracked, bent , or broken

Not leaking

Steering gearbox and hoses

Properly mounted and secured on both sides

Not cracked, bent, or broken,

No abrasions, bulges, or cuts

Not leaking

Steering Linkage

properly mounted and secured on bith ends

Not cracked, bent, or broken

No missing Castle nuts and cotter pins

Point out all three castle nuts and cotter pins

Pint out the pittman arm, drag ink, and tie rod

Spring hangers and mounts

properly mounted and secured

not cracked, bent, or broken

Leaf springs

Properly and secured on both ends

Not cracked, bent, or broken
None are shifted


Properly mounted and secured on both ends

Not cracked, Bent, or broken

None missing

Shock absorber

Properly mounted and secured on both ends

Not cracked, Bent, Or broken

Not Leaking

Brake Hose

Properly mounted and secured on both ends

No abrasions, bulges, or cuts

Not leaking

Brake Chamber

Properly mounted and secured

Not cracked bent or broken

Not leaking

Slack adjuster and push rod

properly mounted and secured

not cracked, bent, or broken

With brakes released and pulled by hand, the push rod should move no more than one inch

Brake Drum

Properly mounted and secured

Not cracked, bent, or broken

Brake lining

properly mounted and secured

not cracked, bent, or broken

No oil or debris

Not worn dangerously thin, no less than 1/4 in

Steer tire

No abrasions, bulges, or cuts to the tread or sidewalls

tread is worn evenly

no less than 4/32 of an inch tread deapth

Filled to manufacture's specs of 100-110 PSI, which is checked with a tired pressure gauge at the valve stem

Valve stem

Properly mounted and secured

not cracked bent or broken

not leaking




Properly mounted and secured

Not cracked, bent, or broken

No unauthorized welds or holes

Lug nuts

Proper mounted and secured

Not cracked, bent, or broken

None are missing

No rust Trails, powder residue, or cracks around the bolt holes

Hub seal

Properly mounted and secured

Not cracked bent or broken

not leaking

no missing bolts

filled to manufacture's specs