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13 Cards in this Set

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Give 4 risk factors of a duodenal ulcer

- male gender

- smoking

- stress

- increased acid

Describe how food causes the release of HCl

- food stimulates G cells to release gastrin

- gastrin stimulates parietal cells to release HCl

How is acid production regulated (1)

- acid acts in a negative feedback loop to reduce the production of gastrin from G cells

List three surgical treatements for a duodenal ulcer

- vagotomy (one or more branches of the vagus nerve are cut - reduces rate of gastric secretion)

- subtotal gastrectomy (removal of part of the stomach)

- antrectomy (removal of the walls of an antrum of the stomach)

List 2 medical treatments of a duodenal ulcer

- acid lowering drugs

- H2 agonists and PPIs

How is H. pylori able to survive in the acidity of the stomach

How is H. pylori associated with duodenal ulcers

- produces an alkaline microenvironment: converts urease into ammonium bicarbonate (alkaline)

- Excess acid secretion. H. pyllori lives in the wall near the glands. Over production of ammonia by the bacteria - which it needs to do to survive - causes the glands to release more acid

List three first line treatments for treating H.pylori

- omeprazole

- metronizadole

- amoxycillin

List three second line treatments for treating H.pylori

- omeprazole

- clatrithromycin

- amoxycillin

List three presentations of gastric cancer

- anorexia

- weight loss

- anaemia

What percentage of gastric cancer is attributable to H. pylori

- >95%

- minority due to genetic predisposition

What percentage of people with H. pylori infection will have (1) no disease, (2) peptic ulcer disease and (3) gastric cancer

(1) >80%

(2) 5-15%

(3) 1-3%

What are the 4 main stages of gastric cancer

- H. pylori infection

- superficial gastritis

- atrophic gastritis and reduced of absent acid secretion (hypochlorhydria)

- dysplasia and cancer

List 5 factors which can determine the progression and severity of gastric cancer

- bacterial strain

- genetics

- male gender

- smoking

- diet