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18 Cards in this Set

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What is Paternalism?
The concept that denied that the form of slavery practiced in the South was brutal and exploitative.
What did Paternalism claim/
Claimed that plantations joined master and slave together in an enterprise that benefited all.
Paternalism was one part what and one part what?
One part propaganda and one part self-delusion.
What was one consequence of Paternalism?
Small improvement in slaves' welfare like diet, housing, clothing, and rest periods.
Paternalism encouraged better treatment of slaves because of what?
Because it made economical sense due to the valuable nature of slaves.
Like their northern counterparts, southern ladies were expected to possess what virtues?
Piety, purity, chastity, and obedience within marriage, motherhood, and domesticity.
What did Southern Women on Plantations have to do?
They managed the plantation by supervising slaves, assigning work, feeding, and punishing them.
TRUE OR FALSE: Plantation mistresses could come and go from the Plantation as desired.
FALSE. They needed chaperones if they wanted to go anywhere.
What feature of plantation life generated the most anguish for plantation mistresses?
What is Miscegenation?
Mixing of the races - often done by plantation owner whites with black slave women
What was African American Christianity?
Christianity that blacks took and made their own in which it becomes a religion of Justice - God kept score and that all accounts would be settled in the next world.
Non-plantation owners were largely what class of people?
Yeoman farmers.
What were non-Plantation owner aspirations in the South?
Upward mobility but largely just get by and do their own thing.
What was the slave population in 1860? What was it in 1830? What was it in 1790?
4 million in 1860.
2 million in 1830
<700,000 in 1790
Black slavery encouraged southern whites to do what?
to unify around race rather than to divide by class
What percentage of whites in the South actually owned slaves?
Why did the 19th century southern economy remain primarily agricultural?
Planters funneled the huge profits earned from land and slaves into more land and more slaves. With the invention of the Cotton Gin, cotton became even more profitable so they didn't feel the need to move to industry.
Who was Harriet Tubman?
Former slave who ran away and formed the Underground Railroad from the south to the north states which saved the lives of blacks from slavery.