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55 Cards in this Set

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Name the 5 levels of TH amputations
1) elbow disarticulation
2) long TH
3) medium TH
4) short TH
5) Humeral neck
Describe the control mechanism for a TR Px
single control bowden cable
Describe the control mechanism for a TH Px
Dual control fair-lead cable which include a split housing, 2 cables (1 for elbow flex and TD and 2nd for elbow jt locking), and 3 fxns
Describe the control mechanism for a TH or SD Px
Triple control- 1 cable to operate elbow lock (nudge control) 2- controls elbow flexion 3- operates TD
the more ______ the TR amputation the less ROM (excursion available)
Elbow flexion attachement holds the cable and housing ________ and ________ to mechanical elbow axis
anterior/posterior and proximal/distal
when EFA is located proximal to elbow axis it will require
more or less force to flex arm?
more force to lift arm but will require more excursion to do so
when EFA is located distal to elbow axis it will require more or less force to flex arm?
less force to lift but it decreases the amount of excursion needed to flex arm
where is the proximal base plate and retainer located in a TH socket?
25 mm proximal to cut end of humerous. Posterior lateral quadrant of humerous. Never more distal then the cut end of the bone
What happens if the proximal base plate and retainer is moved more posterior/distal?
Less excursion required to flex elbow. Cable moves closer to elbow, CAS more inf on scapula, force needed increases
What happens if the prox base plate and retainer is moved more lateral/proximal?
Moves cable anterior to the elbow. More excursion required to flex elbow. CAS superior on scap which means you're not capuring all excursion/body motion that is possible
What happens if base plate and retainer are attached distal to cut end of the bone?
Pt may c/o anterior distal pressure due to opposing forces
What is the body motion required to lock the elbow in a TH design?
shoulder abd, extension, depression
What is the most commonly used elbow joint for a long TH?
Positive locking elbow. E400
HOw much excursion is needed to lock/unlock the elbow?
where is the anterior suspension strap located?
Deltopectoral groove
What is the sequence of functions for TH TD use?
Shoulder flexion (flexion of mechanical elbow), shoulder depression, abd, ext (lock mechanical elbow), and shoulder flex (terminal device operation)
What are the trimlines of a ED/ long TH Px?
exclude acromion, deltopec groove, lateral border of scap
What are the trimlines of a medium length TH Px?
Up to acromion, include deltopectoral groove, include lateral border of scapula
What are the trimlines of a short TH Px?
Include acromion and acromio-clavicular joint, medial to delto-pec groove (25 mm), medial to lateral border of scapula (25mm)
What is the fxnal ROM of shoulder flex, abd, extension,
0-180, 0-170, 0-50,
What is the min shoulder flex ROM while wearing a px to obtain 41/2" of excursion?
What is the min MMT strength?
45 degrees.

If you have b/l amputee, how do you determine the length of arm and forearm?
Carlyle formula
.19 x body height= AC-LE
.22 x body ht = LE-TT
For a unilat amputee, what msr do you take for the Px length?
Acromion to LE.
LE to TT
Describe the prosthetists hand position when casting a TH
Right hand in axilla. With the left hand- thumb inferior to head of humerous, finger inf to spine of scapula
How do you cast for a elbow disartic?
Pad above the medial humeral condyle to allow cast to be removed due to the bulbous shape of the limb
What is an angulation osteotomy?
Procedure to create an angle in humerous to allow for suspension and IR/ER
What components are preferred with a TH Px?
Aluminum and using a positve locking elbow v. a outside locking hinge (even if that means that the anatomical and mechanical elbow won't match)
What are the 4 types of turntables for a postive locking elbow hinge?
Standard, internal exiting cable, standard with melt out plug, and IR/ER exiting cable with melt out plug
HOw much shoulder flex, abd, and ext should you have in a TH Px?
Shoulder flex: 90
" abd: 90
" ext: 30 degrees
What 3 alignment marks do you need for a TH design?
Coronal, sagittal, and acromion process
Where should the coronal aligment line be?
should fall 25mm away from the widest point of the body
What is the fxn of the turntable on a PLE (positive locking elbow)?
Allows rotation thru passive prepositioning. Friction mechanism
Where is the sagittal alignment line of a TH check socket?
Bisects the long axis of the arm from the acromion process
How do you determine cable length for a TH Px?
Exended Px arm and pronate the TD. 3mm clearance between hanger and housing
How do you determine housing length for a TH Px?
Flex Px arm, supinate and open TD
What is the fxn of the lateral suspension strap (LSS)?
Where is it located?
Main suspensor of Px. Over the apex of the shoulder and slightly anterior.
What is the fxn of the anterior suspension strap (ASS)?
Where is it located?
Where is the attachement point for elastic attachement?
Assists in suspension and controls ER. Deltopec groove. 2 straps sewn together 1" dacron and 1" elastic Jxn is 25mm inf to clavicle.
Distal section of humerous and not interfering with turntable and medial to elbow lock cable. This position helps keep ASS in deltopec groove and helps prevent ER
What is the fxn of the elbow lock strap?
Where is it located?
Locks/unlocks elbow
1/2" dacron strap sewn onto ASS. 25 mm to clavicle
What is the fxn of the axilla loop?
Where is it located?
Main anchor of harness.
Sound side axilla
What is the location of the control attachement strap?
Inf. 1/3 of scapula
Operation of elbow and TD
What is the fxn of the cross point?
inf to C7 and on sound side.
Jxn of all straps
What is the fxn of the cross-back strap?
Who is it typically indicated for
Keeps harness from superior migration and keeps the CAS inf on scap to capture more ROM.
Elastic. Inf. axilla loop to CAS.
Short TH
What is the advantage of a ring as your cross point?
Allows adjustability and allows it to lie flat on Pt's back
What does it mean when someone has an excursion problem?
Inabiltiy to get to full TD opened at the mouth
Name 8 solutions to a excursion/ unable to open TD at the mouth problem?
1) Tighten CAS
2) Check triple swivel. Is the distal end of cable housing hitting triple swivel?
3) Move EFA proximal but this increases force needed
4) Move prox base plate prost and distal
5) Add cross back strap
6) "Z" modifiation. Great for short TH.
7) Dual ring harness-lowering CAS on scapula
8)Expanded cross point- lowers CAS on scap
9) Baja piece- Ring that lowers CAS
10) Check socket fit for loose fit
What does it mean when someone has a force problem?
Pt is lifting forearm and TD is opening. Requires so much force to lift forearm it's bypassing elbow and opening TD instead.
Name 10 solutions to a force problem?
1) Check # of rubber bands
2) Move EFA distal
3) Move prox base plate ant/prox
4) Add spring lift assist-coil assisst. Be sure to move EFA to most proximal location.
5) Add second retainer to redirect cable
6) ERGO arm- spring lift assist on whole arm instead of just at elbow joint
7) Shorten forearm
8) Lighter TD
9) Teflon lining/ spectra line- helps decrease friction therefore reduce force
10) Check fair lead for contact.
Name the straps on this fig 8 harness
Axilla Loop, lateral suspensor strap, elbow lock strap, anterior suspensor strap, extra suspension strap
Name the straps
CAS, cross back strap(elastic), axilla loop, lateral suspensor and extra suspensor
Name 2 advantages of fig of 8 with ring
lies flat on pt's back and it adjustble
Disadvantages of fig of 8 with ring
Straps pivot which causes loss of excursion
Name the harness in the 2nd pic from top and name the straps
Chest strap with saddle.
Chest strap, ELS, CAS, LSS, ASS
Name this fig 8 mod modification and describe
Z modification. Continuous strap from hanger of CAS to axilla loop. Same fxn as CBS
Why would you use a lateral " Y " strap?
When you have a cut out over deltoid region