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19 Cards in this Set

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Who is the composer?

Philip Chambon

Who was it commissioned by?

Christopher Bruce

What type of accompaniment is it?

electro - acoustic

What does this accompaniment include?

digitally sampled sounds, vocals, a reed pipe and popular dance rhythms

Unaccompanied interludes enable

us to hear the tapping of feet

When the music is slow and sad the dancing is

continuous and flowing to match, like in section when the victim dances alone

When the music is fast and strong the dancing becomes

more dynamic like in the section when the guards manipulate the victim

Where the music and dance work together

it demonstrates a direct correlation

The start of the dance is triggered by the sound

of the door slamming

In section 5 there is

no accompaniment - uses silence

This emphasis

- change of speed in movement,

- shows the atmosphere of a bleak prison cell

- highlights the dramatic impact of the prisoners' situation by the imagery of the prop (chair)

The silence in section 5

- the audience can hear the sound of dancers' movements and breath

- the chair and allows the dancer to improvise and feel the mood of the dance freely

In section 1 - question and answer use sounds of

taps, claps and finger clicks are also used to heighten the intensity of the interrogation

In section 6 - the cane dance, carnival type music is used

to add an element of comedy and to break the tension slightly

Chambon uses sounds of birds

makes us think of a trapped bird in a cage, like the prisoner in the cell

The mood is communicated throughout by the use of the reed pipes and vocals

creates an eerie, un-inviting atmosphere

The guards "tango" section music sets the rhythm

of movement, as well as the victims solo being slower, tired and soft

The theme of the dance is clear throughout

the synthesized accompaniment portrays the ideas of prisoner of conscience

The music gives us sound effects such as

pots and pans and bird sounds