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29 Cards in this Set

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Factors that effect force output?

Length-Tension Relationship

Moment Arms

Strength Curve

Force-Velocity Relationship

Time Available for Force Development

The Central Nervous System

Muscular Coordination


The Stretch Shortening Cycle

Length-Tension Relationship

Tension is dependent on cross bridge interaction. More interaction equals more tension. Lowest amount of cross bridge interaction at extreme ranges of muscle length. Resting muscle is at the optimal length to generate tension. Muscle length changes as joints move.

Moment Arms

Perpendicular distance from muscle through the center of rotation of the joint. Longer moment arms impart more force.

Strength Curve

Within a movement the moment arm and length tension relationship change. These factors contribute to strong and weak positions within a movement. Ascending, descending, and bell-shaped.

Types of Contractions

Contraction refers to the muscle generating tension (not necessarily Shortening).

Concentric-shortening of the muscle, positive velocity, and lowest possible force output.

Isometric-no length change, zero velocity, and moderate possible force output.

Eccentric-lengthening of the muscle, negative velocity, and highest possible force output.

The eccentric strength of an athlete can exceed isometric strength by as much as 50-100%.

The Force velocity Relationship

If force is high, velocity must be low. External resistance must be high for force to be high. Isometric hold (clinical). 1 rep maximum (applied). It takes .3 to .4 seconds to generate maximal force. The force and velocity of a movement are determined by the mass of the external resistance.

Takeaway from force velocity curve?

Improvements in sport performance occur at the point of the force velocity curve that they are trained. High velocity exercises improve high velocity movements. High force exercises improve high force movements.

What is Conditioning?

How good athletes are at metabolism.

What is Aerobic exercise?

Greater then 2 minutes of sustained output. High enough intensity to stimulate metabolic processes. Low enough intensity to be sustainable for relatively long time periods (i.e. not depend on anaerobic metabolism).

Compared to other energy systems the Aerobic System has?

Slowest rate of ATP production.

Highest yield of ATP.

Highest potential for adaptation and improvement.

There are two major challenges to the Aerobic System which are?

O2 delivery and utilization.

Substrate delivery and metabolism.

All adaptations to aerobic exercise will improve one, or both, of these systems.

What are the major components of the Aerobic system?

Cardiac System

Respiratory System

Vascular System

Skeletal muscle

Important components of the respiratory System?





How do you get respiratory minute volume?

Tidal volume multiplied by respiratory rate.

Respiratory minute volume is?

Measuring breathing or pulmonary ventilation.

What is tidal volume?

The amount of air in lungs. Acute changes due to exercise. Minimal chronic adaptation.

What is respiratory rate?

Number of breathes within a given time period (usually one minute). Acute changes due to exercise. Minimal chronic adaptation.

O2 and CO2 diffusion?

Occurs in the respiratory membrane (alveoli and capillary). Diffusion is passive. Rate of diffusion is controlled by the partial pressure of oxygen. Rate of diffusion can not be changed through adaptation. Total diffusion can be changed by increases in alveoli and capillary density.

Physiological adaptations of the respiratory System in response to Aerobic exercise?

Increased pulmonary ventilation (acute). Increased tidal volume during exercise. Increased respiratory rate during exercise (decreased at resting and sub-max levels). Increased pulmonary blood flow.

Parts of vascular System explained?

Arteries-deliver oxygenated blood to the body.

Veins-bring deoxygenated blood back to the heart (eventually to the lungs).

Capillaries-smallest vasculature, site at which gas diffusion occurs (lungs, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle).

Blood-combination of plasma and hemoglobin (red blood cells).

What is arteriovenous difference?

The difference in O2 content between the blood found in the arteries (before contact with muscle) and the blood found in the veins (after contact with the muscle). Simply, a measure of how efficiently muscle extracts O2 from oxygenated blood.

Physiological adaptations of the vascular system in response to aerobic exercise?

Increased A-VO2 difference .

Increased blood volume (Plasma and red blood cell content).

Increased capillary density.

Important components of the heart?

Right Ventricle-to lungs

Left Atrium-from lungs

Left ventricle-to body

Right Atrium-from body

What is cardiac output?

Stroke volume times heart rate.

Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle. Acute increase during aerobic exercise. Chronic increase due to aerobic exercise.

Karvonnen method


Physiological adaptations of the heart in response to Aerobic exercise?

Increased stroke volume (at rest, sub-max and max).

Increased contractility of the heart.

Decreased resting heart rate.

Decreased heart rate at given workload.

Increased cardiac capillary density.

Hypertrophy of cardiac musculature.

Important aspects of muscle cells?

Capillary density

Myoglobin content

Mitochondrial density

Substrate stores-carbs and fat

Physiological adaptations of skeletal muscle in response to Aerobic exercise?

Hypertrophy of type-1 fibers

Increased size and density of mitochondria

Increased myoglobin-increased cellular O2 stores

Increased cellular triglyceride stores

Increased cellular glucose stores

Increased oxidative enzymes

Path of O2 from air to muscle cell?




Alveoli (diffusion)

Hemoglobin, blood, arteries, capillaries (heart)

Muscle cell




Atp, CO2, H2O