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39 Cards in this Set

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Who was F.W de Klerk?

What did F.W. de Klerk say was the first requirement in the war against AIDS and key to economic growth and development?

He was president of South Africa, lifted the ban on apartheid and freed Nelson Mandela


How did the Arabic traders influence Africa?

They introduced Islam and Arab culture to Africa.

Which group of Europeans owned slaves?

How did Slavery affect West and Central Africa?


So many people were taken that the land was left empty.

Who was Kwame Nkrumah?

Ghana's first prime minister, wanted to overthrow all colonial rule in Africa, worked for freedom of all africans.

When and how did the European powers divide Africa for colonization?

They held a meeting in Germany with no african representatives.

What is the current economic trade problem in African countries?

African countries are too dependent on overseas trade.

Who were the 2 groups that fought in Rwanada?

The 3 trading empires in West and Central Africa?

Hutu and Tutsi

Mali, Songhai and Ghana

Mineral resources have become the region's most important trade items because they provide...?

The percentage of the land farmed in the rainforest is____ through 80% of the people in the rainforest earn a living by farming.

Money and Jobs


Afrikanns (language)

Who were the Afrikanns?

Was a language spoken by Afrikaners in South Africa

Settlers in South Africa from France, Germany and Netherlands who spoke Afrikann

What was the impact of diamonds on Africa?

People migrated to the diamond mines to seek jobs and Diamond trade increased trade with other countries

The Sahel?

The Savanna?

The land between the desert and the savanna, also known as the transition zone

Grassy plain with scattered trees where everything is green

Who were the Afrikaners that owned slaves and worked on the large farms in Southern Africa?

The Afrikaners language is based on?

The Boers

Dutch (included Khoisan), French and German words



Long term process in which fertile land is changed to desert, a drought is like a curse

Removal of trees, and causes soil to erode rapidly



Goods sent for sale to other places

Goods brought in for sale from other places

How did slavery effect West and Central Africa?

What were the Europeans interested in after the Slave Trade ended?

It had a terrible affect because so many people were taken that that the land was left almost empty.

Africa's natural resources



Government ruled by or subject to religious authority

System of government in which the king or queen rules

African Union


Group formed to promote trade among African Nations and prevent conflict

2 or more people or things dependent on each other


military dictatorship

Governing system in which one person rules with absolute authority

One person rules with absolute authority and the authority is not inherited

constitutional monarchy


Government with a constitution, a monarch and a parliment

Former government policy that stressed the separation of the races

ethnic conflict

environmental problems

People of the same ethnic group that want to have their own country

Harmful effects of human activity on the enviroment


Social issues

European nations split up Africa to use and for natural resources

An issue that influences and is opposed by many people in society



Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, group that helps with oil production and amounts and prices

Proposed, African common market with free trade and common currency, to also promote trade and prevent conflict



To divide up into groups based on race, religion, or other means

Remain or support oneself

Representative democracy

Democratic republic

A governing system in which citizens elect people to make laws and decisions for them

government in which a country's people elect their leaders and rule by majority

Unlimited government

limited government

Single ruler has control, no limit on ruler's authority

Everyone must obey the laws, constituions, statement of citizens rights on other laws define the limit

Public goods

private goods

Services provided by governments for the good of the population, such as railroads, water systems, and electricity

services that are able to be purchased in the private sector for a price. Example: Clothing

What was the role of the ANC?

What did Nelson mandela and F.W. de Klerk achieve?

To seek rights for africans of color ANC stand for African Nation Congress

The Nobel Peace Prize

Pan Africanism

Nobel Peace Prize

Organization for african unity proposed on african common market with free trade and common currency would provide economic pan-africanism

award for people or groups that promote good for mankind or bring about change and equality for people

Who were The Boers?

Who was Nelson Mandela?

Farmers and merchants in South Africa, who used slave labor to grow grain, grapes and raise livestock

One of the 5 leaders of the ANC and was arrested and sent to jail for 28 years, he was freed by F.W de Klerk and believed that Africans should fight unfair rule

Which African country was an example of "limited government?"

Which group was responsible for the death of millions of Tutsi's

South Africa at the end of apartheid


What are 2 major current problems on the African continent today

What ways are the African governments working to improve the economies of countries?

Staying united and raised standard of living

Helping to become more self-reliant and helping farmers

What region is the transition zone between desert and grasslands?

The climate of this region consists of regular we and dry seasons. Because of this farming is a major economic activity

The Sahel

The Savanna

Most of the farmers ____ on what they grow

____and_____ Africa was the focus of the transatlantic salve trade


West and Central Africa

Who had colonies throughout Africa?

The Europeans built mines, factories and plantations. Often they treated african workers in these places as?

The Europeans


Kwame Nkrumah urged africans too...?

During the 1980's, the organization of African Unity began to look for ways to make...?

united to fight foreign rule and trade policies that favored Europe.

Africa less dependent on overseas trade

After independence was won, leaders of african countries were face with building a single nation from:

Which Nation has the strongest economy?

Many different ethnic groups

South Africa

What are 3 problems that are common with food sent from other countries?

1.) Government officials have stolen food and other goods intended to help people

2.)Some countries have refused to give food to their citizens because of international/political disagreements

3.)farmers see no reason to plant crops when food is given away

What happened to the Tutsi when the Hutu gained power during Belgian rule in Rwanda?


They began to fight with each other, tutsi's became refugees that were displaced and fled to other countries

In Chad and Mauritania, European languages are not official languages. Arab traders first reached these countries in the 700's. They spread islam and Arabic language to West Africa. Today, many African Muslims in Chad and Mauritania learn Arabic as part of their religious education.

What was the main idea of this?

There was a large Arabic influence in Africa