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24 Cards in this Set

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What was the Renaissance/rebirth?
-Rebirth of classical ideas from Greek and Roman times that were lost
-Rebirth of human intellect
-Rebirth following the devastation of the Black Death
A cultural revolution that took place in Europe from roughly 1400-1650 CE characterized by advances in art, literature, science, religion and philosophy
How it starts
Oppurtunities arose for serfs to leave their land and master a trade after the plague.
Some important goods valued in the Renaissance
Silk, PAPER, Spices, MEDICINES, Perfume, ceramics, cotton, sugar
Why was paper important?
Paper in the Renaissance was extremley valuable because before all they had was parchment which was hard to produce. It helped spread the ideas
Hanseatic League
An economic alliance between Northern Europe, which, when they began to trade with Italy, spread the Renaissance ideals to Northern Europe.
Why was Italy good for trade?
It's geographic location was ideal
It was described as Europe's gateway to the east
City States
250 city states in Italy. Each was politically independent and had its own HINTERLAND
Hinterland Benefits
-Protection for battle, acted as a buffer
-Housed citizens that could fend off an attack or, help in one
-Provided farmland
-Most powerful in the Renaissance
-Dealt with expensive goods and sold them at a higher price in another place
Galileo Galilei
-Believed in heliocentrism, the theory that the Earth orbits the sun
-Sentenced to house arrest with the charges of heresy
-Proved Aristotle wrong in floatation and gravitation
"We do not feel the earth moving in orbit, just like a fish in a fishbowl does not feel the bowl moving"
Andreas Vesalius
-Flemish scientist
-Wrote the book on the human body "On the Fabric of the Human Body"
-First accurate medical textbook
-Often stole bodies to study them
"It is only after taking the body apart that we can begin to understand it"
Niccolo Machiavelli
-Wrote a book about government without religion "The Prince"
-Father of Modern politics
"It is better to be feared than loved"
"One must determine the damages that will be inflicted, and inflict them once and for all"
Johannes Gutenburg
-Created the first printing press which REVOLUTIONIZED books and literacy
-More people could become literature with the help of his books because they could afford them
"I can create 180 bibles in the time it takes you to hand copy one"
Martin Luther
-Was upset with the church because it made a huge profit selling indulges
-Decided to promote his own religion, Protestant
-Wrote down a list called "95 Theses" things he didn't like about the church and posted on church walls
"Protestantism has its roots in the protest of the Catholic Church"
The Medicis
Florence was run by this banker family. They were PATRONS OF THE ARTS and spent a lot of money comissioning artists and architects. Florence had the worlds first art school
Leonardo Da Vinci
-Comissioned by Medicis
-First painter to use oil paints, a technique that changed art forever
-A true Renaissance man, who was interested in both art and anatomy.
-One of first artists to study human body
"Vitruvian Man"
"Mona Lisa"
Fillipo Brunelleschi
-Comissioned by Medicis
-Designed and built the dome of the Florence cathedral
-Invented the use of linear perspective in art, which created depth
-Comissioned by Medicis
-Young painter who refused to paint religious subjects, instead he looked at Roman gods and godesses
"The Birth of Venus"
"La Primavera"
-Comissioned by Medicis
-Created on of the most famous statues in the world "David"
-Comissioned to paint ceiling in the Sistine Chapel for the Pope
-Thought to be a rival of Da Vinci's
David's importance
-Represented David from David and Goliath, which was a metaphor for Florence vs. The Church
-Displayed pride in the human body and anatomy
-Represented rebellion against the Church
Brunelleschi's Dome
A freestanding dome was something no one knew how to do, so it was a symnbol of Florence power and especially the power of the Medici family.
"La Primavera" By Botticelli
Important because it was the very first painting without religious subject. It depicted Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. The people in the Renaissance also felt like they were celebrating spring time, or a rebirth
Was a monk who believed that the Renaissance was a sin, and tried to convince people to return to the dark ages.
He held a bonfure called "The Bonfire of Vanities" and people were convinced to throw all of their art and luxury items into the fire