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25 Cards in this Set

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embodied by the activities and processes that provide a given level of value for the consumer--from manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer perspectives. From the customer's perspective it is the perception the shopper has of value chain.
Value Chain
Total bundle of benefits offered to consumers through a channel of distribution.
What are the 3 aspects of value-orientated retail strategy? provide a brief description of each.
Expected retail strategy- the minimum value chain elements a given customer segment (e.g., young woman) expect from a type of retailer
Augmented retail strategy- The extra elements of a value chain the differentiate one another
Potential Retail Strategy- value chain elements not yet adopted or perfected by competitors
What are the 5 potential pitfalls associated with planning a value-orientated strategy?
1)planning a value with just a price perspective.
2) providing value-enhancing services that no one wants to pay for.
3)Competing in the wrong value/price segment
4)Believing augmented elements alone create value
5)Paying Lip service to customer service.
What can we do to prevent these pitfalls from accuring?
Use a value oriented retailing checklist (figure 2-2 pg., 29)
In relationship retailing, what are the four factors to keep in mind?
customer base
customer service
customer satisfaction
loyalty programs/defection rates
Core Customers
a firms best customers. Customers that should be singled out
Expected customer service
the service level that customers want to receive from any retailer, such as basic employee courtesy
Augmented Customer Service
included the activities that enhance the shopping experience and give retailers a competitive advantage
Employee Empowerment
the ability for employees to have the discretion to do what they believe is necessary.
revolving credit Limit
allows a customer to charge items and be billed monthly on the basis of the outstanding cumulative balance
option credit limit
Form of of revolving account that allows partial payments. no interest is assessed if payed in full when due
open credit limit
Requires a consumer to pay his bill in full when due
Customer satisfaction
occurs when the value and customer service provided through a retailing experience meet or exceed consumer expectations.
What is retail satisfaction comprised of
Shopping system satisfaction
Buying satisfaction
consumer satisfaction
Consumer Loyalty programs
reward firms best customers, those with whom they want long-lasting relationships
What are the 5 types of Reward programs from the customers prospective
Economic Rewards
hedonistic rewards
social-relational rewards
informational rewards
functional reward
Goods retailing
focuses on the sale of tangible products
Service retailing
transactions in which consumers do not purchase or acquire ownership of tangible products
What are the three basic types of service retailing? Provide brief explanation.
Rented-good services- consumer rent or lease goods for specific period of time
Owned Good Services- Goods owned by consumers are repaired, improved or maintained.
Non-Goods Services- Intangible personal services are experienced by consumers rather than possessed
What are the four unique aspects of service retailing?
1)the intangibility of many services makes a consumer's choice of competitive offerings tougher than with goods.
2)the services provider and his or her service are sometimes inseparable
3)the perishability of many services prevents storage and increases risk
4)the human nature involved in many services makes them more variable
acting in a trustworthy, fair, honest and respectful manner with each of its constituencies
Social responsibility
acting in the best interest to society
the activities of government, business and other organizations to protect people from practices infringing upon their rights as consumers. consumers have the right to safety, to be informed and to be heard.
Americans with Disabilities Act-
Mandates that persons with disabilities be given appropriate access to retailing facilities.