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35 Cards in this Set

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The patricular way in which a person takes in information
learning style
people who learn best by seeing, reading, and looking at images
visual learners
use flash cards, write out key info in your own words
people who learn best by hearing and saying things outloud
auditory learners
join study groups, read outloud,tape lectures
people who need to touch objects in order to learn about them
tactile learners
spend time in the lab, participate in hands-on activities
people who prefer to learn by doing and being active
kinesthetic learners
read while talking and walking, put info into a rhyme or tune
people who prefer to learn with othe people or in groups
social learners
a strategy or trick for aiding memory
early perspective in psychology associated with William Wundt and Ed Titchener, in which the focus of study is the structure or basic elements of the mind
early perspective in psychology associated with William James, in which the focus of study is how the mind allows people to adapt, live, work, and play
early perspective in psychology focusing on perception and sensation, particularly the preception of patterns and whole figures
Gesalt psychology
the theory and therapy based on the work of Sigmund Freud
the science of behavior that focuses on observable behavior only
modern version of psychoanalysis that is more focused on the development of a sense of self and the discovery of other motivations behind a person's behaviour than sexual motovations
psychodynamic perspective
modern perspective that focuses on memory, intelligence, perception, problem solving, and learning
cognitive perspective
Study of the physical changes in the brain and nervous system during thinking
cognitive neuroscience
perspective that focuses on the relationship between social behavior and culture
sociocultural prespective
perspective that attritubes human and animal behavior to biological events occuring in the body, such as genetic influnces, hormones,and the activity of the nervous system
biopsychological perspective
perspective that focuses on the biological bases of universal mental characteristics that all humans share
evolutionary perspective
a medical doctor who has specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders
either a psychiatrist or psychologist who has special training in the theories of Sigmund Freud and his method of psychoanalysis
a social worker with some training in therapy methods who focuses on the environmental conditions that can have an impact on mental disorders, such as poverty, overcrowding, stress, and drug abuse
psychiatric social worker
a professional with an academic degree and specialized training in one or more areas of psychology
system of gathering data so that bias and error in measurement are reduced
scientific method
tentative explanation of a phenomenon based on observations
In research, repeating a study or expirment to see if the same results will be obtained in an effort to demenstrate reliability of results
Q tendency of people or animals to behave differently from normal when they know they are being observed
A observer effect
Q a naturalisttic observation in which the observer becomes a participant in the group being observed
A observer bias
Q study of one individual in great detail
A case study
Q randomly selected sample of subjects from a larger population of subjects
A representative sample
Q the entire group of people or animals in which the researcher is interested
A population
Q a measure of the relationship between two variables
A correlation
Q a number derived from the formula for measuring a correlation and indicating the strength and dirrection of a correlation
A correlation coefficient
Q a deliberate manipulation of a variable to see if corresponding changes in behavior result, allowing the determination of cause-and-effect relationships
A experiment
Q definition of a variable of interest that allows it to be directly measured
A operational definition
Q variable in an expirment that is manipulated by the expirmenter
A independant variable