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90 Cards in this Set

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Longitudinal study

Developmental research design that measures one cohort over two or more times of measurement

Microgenetic Study

Longitudinal design in which participants are tested repeatedly over a span of days or weeks

Sequential design

Developmental research design involving combinations of cross-sectional and longitudinal designs


Study of aging from maturity through old age

Cross-sectional design

Design in which people of different cohorts are observed at one time of measurement

Life-span perspective

Division of human life into two phases: childhood/adolescence and young/middle/late adulthood

Biological force

One of four basic forces of development that includes all genetic and health related factors

Psychological force

One of four basic forces of development that includes all internal perceptual, cognitive, emotional, and personality factors

Sociocultural force

One of four basic forces of development that include interpersonal, societal, cultural, and ethnic factors

Life-cycle force

Reflection of how the same event or combination of forces affects people at different points in life

Biopsychosocial framework

Way of organizing the biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces on human development


Group of people born at the same point or specific time span in historical time

Normative age-graded influence

Experience caused by biological, psychological,and sociocultural forces closely related to a person's age

Normative history graded influence

Event that most people in a specific culture experience at the same time

Nonnormative influence

Random event that is important to an individual but does not happen to most people

Primary aging

Normal, disease free development during adulthood

Secondary aging

Developmental change related to disease, lifestyle, and other environmental changes that are not inevitable

Tertiary aging

Rapid loss occurring shortly before death

Emerging adulthood

Period when individuals are not adolescents but are not yet fully adults


Belief that capacity is not fixed, but can be learned or improved with practice


Ability of a measure to produce the same value when used repeatedly


Degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure

Systematic observation

Measurement involving watching people and carefully recording what they say or do


People's answers to questions about a topic of interest


Study in which an independent variable is manipulated to observe effects on a dependent variable

Correlational study

Investigation in which the strength of association between variables is examined

Case study

Intensive investigation of individual people

Age effect

Fundamental influence which reflects the influence of time-dependent processes on development

Cohort effect

Fundamental influence which reflects differences caused by ones individual experiences and circumstances

Time-of-measurement effect

Fundamental influence which results from the time at which the data are collected


Situation in which one cannot determine which effect is responsible for observed behavior


Synthesis of the results of many studies with intent to estimate relations between variables

Congestive heart failure

Condition occurring when cardiac output and the ability of the heart to contract severely decline

Angina pectoris

Painful condition cause by temporary constriction of blood flow to the heart

Myocardial infarction

Heart attack


Process by which fat is deposited on the walls of arteries

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

Interruption of the blood flow in the brain


Disease in which ones blood pressure is too high


Tip of the chromosome that shortens with each replication


Enzyme needed in DNA replication to fully reproduce tips of chromosomes when cells divide


Random interaction between proteins that produce molecules that make the body stiffer

Free radical

Deleterious and short-lived chemical that causes changes in cells and is thought to result in aging


Degenerative bone disease in which bone tissue deteriorates severely to produce honeycomb-like bone tissue


Disease marked by gradual onset and progression of pain and swelling

Rheumatoid arthritis

Disease that develops slowly and involves severe swelling in several joints


Normative age-related loss of the ability to focus on nearby objects


Opaque spot on the lens of the eye


Condition in the eye caused by abnormal drainage of fluid


Normative age-related loss of the ability to hear high pitched tones

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Family of age-related lung diseases that block the passage of air and cause lung abnormalities


Severe lung disease that greatly reduces the ability to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen


Transition during which a woman's reproductive capacity ends and ovulation stops


Cessation of the release of eggs by the ovaries


Time of transition from regular menstruation to menopause

Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT)

Treatment of low doses of estrogen and progestin taken to counter the effects of declining estrogen levels

Autonomic nervous system

Network made up of the nerves in the body outside the brain and spinal column

Primary appraisal

Idea that events are categorized based on the significance they have for our well-being

Secondary Appraisal

Assessment of our perceived ability to cope with harm, threat, or challenge


Act of making a new assessment or reassessment resulting from changes in the situation

Average longevity

Time it takes for half of all people born in a certain year to die

Maximum longevity

Length of time an organism can live


Absence of acute and chronic physical or mental disease and impairments


Presence of a physical or mental disease or impairment


Process by which the immune system begins attacking the body


Study of psychological, neurological, and immunological systems that affect our ability to recover from disease

Acute disease

Condition that develops over a short period of time and causes rapid change in health

Chronic disease

Condition that lasts at least 3 months and may be accompanied by residual functional impairment

Stress and coping paradigm

Model that views stress as the interaction of a thinking person and an event


Attempt to deal with stress

Problem-focused coping

Dealing with stress by attempting to tackle a problem head on

Emotion-focused coping

Dealing with stress by dealing with ones feelings about the stressful event

Diabetes mellitus

Disease that occurs when the pancreas produces insufficient insulin

Type 1 diabetes

Diabetes that tends to develop earlier in life and requires the use of insulin

Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes that tends to develop in adulthood and is effectively managed through diet


Occasional or persistent loss of ability to control elimination of urine and feces

Stress incontinence

Incontinence that happens when pressure in the abdomen exceeds the ability to resist urinary flow

Urge incontinence

Incontinence caused by a central nervous system problem after a stroke or urinary tract infection

Overflow incontinence

Incontinence usually cause by improper contraction of the kidneys

Functional incontinence

Incontinence usually caused when the person is unaware of the need to urinate


Time needed for a medication to enter a patient's bloodstream

Drug metabolism

Process of getting rid of medications in the bloodstream, partly in the liver

Drug excretion

Process of elimination medications through urine, sweat, feces, and saliva


Use of multiple medications


Effect of chronic conditions on people's ability to engage in necessary or expected activities

Compression of morbidity

Situation in which the average age when one becomes disabled is postponed

Risk factor

Long-standing behavior or condition that increases ones chances of functional limitation or disability


Consequence that makes a situation worse than it was originally

Functional health status

How well a person performs in daily life

Activity of daily living (ADL)

Basic self care task such as eating, bathing, toileting, walking, and dressing

Instrumental activity of daily living (IADL)

Action that entails some intellectual competence and planning