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True or False: Queues use FIFO (first in first out) to handle add processing.


What is the main condition for adding to a Queue?

Items must be added at the opposite end that they are removed from.

Why can it be problematic to implement a Queue using an array?

Limited capacity -- eventually the end will be reached.

The 2 properties that comprise a Queue Node are:

- value

* Data stored on the node

- next

* Pointer to the next node in the queue

True or False: A Queue Node's 1 constructor accepts a value and a next pointer.


What are the main differences between a Queue and a Stack

- Queue adds to one end and removes from the other, while Stack adds and removes to the same end.

- Queue uses getNext() while Stack uses getPrevious()

- Queue uses setNext() while Stack does not contain any set methods.

True or False: A true Queue only allows addition to one end and removal and processing on the other end of the list.


The 3 properties that comprise a Queue are:

- Head

- Tail

- Size

True or False: A Queue's 1 constructor accepts no parameters to create an empty Queue.


The private methods significant to Queue are:

- enqueue(object)

*Add a new object to the Queue.

- dequeue()

* Removes the first object on the queue and returns it for processing.

- front()

* Returns the first object on the Queue.

True or False: All Queue operations are O(1)


True or False: A Breadth First Search checks each possible location for the exit before going further, therefore guarantees the shortest exit is found.


Java supplied methods for Queues include:

- add (element)

* Equivalent to enqueue (element).

- offer (element)

* Similar to add(element) with the exception of return type.

- remove()

* Retrieve and remove the first item in line from the Queue.

* Throws exception if Queue is empty.

- poll ()

* Retrieve and remove the first item in line from the Queue.

* Returns null if Queue is empty.

- element()

* Equivalent to Queue's front() method.

* Throws exception if Queue is empty.

- peek()

*Similar to the Queue front() method.

*Returns null if Queue is empty.

True or False: Inner classes should never be public.


What would be the name of a Queue's inner Node generated class file?
