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12 Cards in this Set

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The 3 Hallmarks of Superior Scholorship

1. Reason
2. Balance

3. Evidence

What is politics the Master Science according to Aristotle.

Everything has a political context

Five Reason why people follow

Biology: we ran in herds

Psychology: we naturally conform

Culture: What groups of people do

Rationality: Rationality implies the conformity of one's beliefs with one's reasons to believe, or of one's actions with one's reasons for action.

Irrationality: Irrationality is cognition, thinking, talking or acting without inclusion of rationality.

What is the State of Nature

A world where there is no organized civilization or government

What is the social contract?

an unspoken agreement that keeps society going for a fear of SoN taking over.

What was thomas hobbe's views on the SoN

That is was uncivilized, nasty, short, poor, brutish, ect. Did not believe the SoN was good at all. Social contract was mandatory

What was John Locke's views on SoN?

People can get along, but you can't ptotect your property in a SoN, so you need social contract.

Rousseu's views on SoN?

State of nature is good. Civilization is bad and corrupting, and people need to be free on the S.C.

What is the Dialectic?

Thesis: Haves, rich, status quo.

Antitheses: Have nots, poor.

Synthesis: The perfect ratio that allows civilization to progress.

Marx's views on history in stages






AS the synthesis is achieved, civilization moves through the stages of history on the way to the "perfect spot"

Why is the middle class the back bone of a population?

Because it is the biggest population, and everyone in it has a stake as they are the main producers for that overall population.

theories matching
