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31 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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breathing, swallowing, blood circulation. automatic responses
coordination of voluntary movement
includes RAS
reticular activating system which is responsible for selective attention and arousal
Homeostasis, expression of rage and fear. release of hormones. suprachiasmatic nucleus is contained in the hypothalamus and it regulates circadian rhythms.
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
in the hypothalamus. regulated circadian rhythms
relay station for all senses except olfactory
Basal Ganglia
voluntary motor movement
Limbic system
is the emotional brain and contains the amygdala and hippcampus
part of the limbic system. emotional reactivity, attaches emotion to memory
part of limbic system.memory consolidation
Frontal lobe
contains primary motor cortex, prefrontal cortex, broca's area
Damage to the frontal lobe
impaired motor control, deficits in executive functioning, personality and emotional changes, broca's aphasia
Parietal Lobe
contains the somatossensory cortex
damage to the parietal lobe
contralateral neglect, apraxia, tactile agnosia, asomatognosia, anosognsia, gerstmann's syndrome
Temporal lobe
contains the auditory cortex, wernicke's area
damage to the temporal lobe
disturbances in auditory sensation and perception, memory deficits, wernicke's aphasia
Occipital Lobe
visual cortex
damage to the occipital lobe
disturbances in visual sensation, perception, and memory (visual agnosia, cortical blindness)
Left hemisphere functions
written and spoken language
verbal memory
logical, rational thought, positive emotions
Right hemisphere functions
visual spatial skills, creative intuitive thought, nonverbal memory, negative emotions
how memory is stored
amydala attaches emotion to memory, hippocampus consolidates info to long term memory, temporal lobe stores long term memories
Memory and the Prefrontal Cortex
damage to the prefrontal cortex on memory has two effects:
1. impaired ability to remember sequences of things (order)
2. ability to reduce proactive interference
James-Lange Theory
emotions are perceptions of body reactions to events
"I must be scared, I am shaking"
Schachter-Singer Two Factor Theory
Emotions are the result of a combination of physio arousal and cognitive interpretation (epinephrine study)
Cannon-Bard Theory
emtions occur when thalamus stimulates the pns and the cortex after receiving sensory info
Long Term Potentiation is
High stimulus alters the structure of synapses. underlies long term memory.
RNA and memory
protein synthesis is important for long term memory formation
Post-Concussional Disorder involves
loss of consciousness, amnesia, seizures
2. deficits in attention or memory
3. three or more symptoms for at least three months (irritability, fatigue, depression)
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
bradycardia, cold intolerance, confusion, impaired attention and memory, depression, fatigue
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
tachycardia, heat intolerance, decreased attention span, restlessness, emotional lability, mania, insomnia