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87 Cards in this Set

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In Harry Harlow's study, the baby monkeys preferred
The cloth mother
Martina Horner found that fear of success was greatest in
women of abover average intelligence
Dr. Jones is a psychologist who explains motivation in terms of underlying physiological states. To which theory does Dr. Jones subscribe?
Drive reduction theory
Studies have shown that hig hachievers prefer to be associated with
experts who help them acheive
Pleasure obtained from stimulation is overlooked by what theory
Drive reduction theory
The "hierarchy of needs" was developed by
Abraham Maslow
State a Self actualization need
Fulfilling one's own potential
Charles Darwin argued that people from different cultures express certain basic feelings...
In the same ways
Studies on obese individuals indicate that
they respond to external cues to eat
What thory states that biological needs drive an organism to act in certain ways until its needs are satisfied?
Drive reduction
The tendency of an organism to return or maintain a normal state is called
David McClelland used the TAT to
Measure achievement motivation
J.W. Atkinson developed the ___ theory to explain goal-directed behavior
Abraham Maslow refers to biological drives, including the need for physical safety and security a ___ need
_____ Explains the differences in emotional expressions that we find in various cultures
The Cannon-Bard theory proposed that
The Brain arouses the body and triggers emotions sumultaneously
The _____ theory is a homeostatic theory of emotional reactions
Opponent process
In maslow's hierarcy, the need to receive and give love is a(n)____ need
Incentive theory stresses the role of ____ in motivating behavior
The engironment
Creativity is a compination of what 3 things
Recombination, flexibility, and origional use of information
the "aha" experience orsuddently realizing the solution to a problem is called
Which of the following is not a type of thinking?
-Directed, nondirected, metacognition, heuristic
A label used to represent a calssof objects or events is called a
Changing andreaorganizing the information sored in memory to create new or transformed information is called
what is a visual, mental representaiotn of an event or object?
Metacognition occurs when you think about
"mass remains constant respite changes inapperaance" is and example of a
Rearranging the elements of a problem in order to find a new solution is called
A child who speaks in sentences,but does not use articles or prepositions is exhibiting
telegraphic speech
Chunking is associated with
Short-term memory
Photocraphic memory is also called
Eidietic memory
Interference refers to
Blockin of a memory by previous or subsequent memories
Which of the following describes your ability to identify the name of your first grade teacher in a newspaper article
Short-term memory
has a limited capacity
Psychologist george miller discovered taht short-term memory is limited to about
seven items
Which of the following describes your ability to identify the sound ofa musical instrument you have heard before?
Recall, Recognition, Semantic memory, echoic memory
The tree memory processes are
Encoding, storage, and retrieval
HOMES, an acronym for the 5 great lakes is an example of
a mnemonic device
remembering how to jump rope, a skill you have not practiced in many years, is an example of which kind of memory?
Which of the following does NOT result in forgetting?
Decay, repression, interference, confabulation
The three types of memory are
Sensory, short-Term, and long term
In classical conditioning, the best results occur when the conditioned stimulus is presented
before the unconditioned response
A subject responding to a second stimulus similar the the origional CS is an example of
An unpleasant consequence that decreases the frequency of the response that produced it is called
To play baseball, several response chains are organized into
response patterns
Learning from the consequences of behavior is called
Operant Conditioning
A child saying "daddy" to his father is an example of
In classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus elicits
an automatic response
in human society, money serves as a
Secondary reinforcer
Individuals who believe that no matter what they do their actions make no difference are exhibiting
Learned helplessness
An individual watches a friend send and email message. when the individual is later able to send an email message, the type of learning exhibited is
A type of altered conciousness in which people become highly suggestible is called
Barbituates, alcohol, and valium are classified as
Sigmund freud believed that dreams
Contain clues to unconscious thoughts and desires
Hallucinations can be caused by
Drugs, fatigue, hightened emotions
what occurs during REM sleep
The controversy regarding whether and how meditaition works has focused on similar effects that can sometimes be achieved simply by
Sensations or perceptions without any external cause are
Sleepwalking has been linked to
Stress and fatigue
Someone suffereing tension headaches might achiever releif through
What cant a hypnotized subject do
Be forced to do things against his or her will
Which of the following does NOT characterize any state of sleep.
Limited physical mobility, altered state of consciousness, responsiveness to the environment, reapid eye movement
Responsiveness to the environment
The vast majority of psychologists study
Everyday behaviors and feelings
The prsuit of knowledge for its own sake is called
basic science
A complex explanation based on findings from many studies is a
The concept of "unconscious determinants of behavior" is associated with
Sigmund Freud
Which of the following is NOT associated with B.F. Skinner.
Walden Two, Reinforcement, Free association, behaviorism
Free Association
A hypothesis
is an educated guess, has to be scientifically tested
The first modern psychologist was
Wilhelm Wundt
Sir Francis Galton contributed to the development of the
Personality test
Which of the following is associated with Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers?
Clinical psychology, humainistic psychology, developmental psychology
Humanistic psychology
Psychologists who use psychological principles tgoe solve immediate problems are practicing
Participants in an experiemtn who are exposed to the independent variable are called the
experimental group
The most commonly used measure of central tendency is the
When neither the participants nor the experimenter knows which group of participants is the experimental one, the study is known as a
Double-Blind study
In ____ studies, psychologist styd the same group of participants at regular intervals over a period of years
The variable that experimenters manipulate is called the _____ variable
Who first used observation as a way to understand the world?
Greed Philosiphers
When participants' illnesses change because they believe a treatment will have an effect, they are exhibiting
the placebo effect
What are the parts to the scientific method
Asking questions, conducting experiments, gernerating a theory
To conduct a valid study of a large population, you should use a
representative sample
Sir Francis Galton explored how _______ influences a person's behavior
The variable that the experimenter changes to observe its effects is the
Independent Variable
What are the goals of psychology?
Explanation, Influence, Prediction
________Psychology theorizes that behavior is influenced by our perceptions, memories, and expectaions
When researchers analyze data, they use inferential statistics to determine if
the data supports the hypothesis or the results are due to chance
Stanley Milgram's Experiment was a
Single-Blind experiment