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35 Cards in this Set

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Annual weight gain of 7-8 yr olds


Annual height gain for 7-8 yr old


Cognitive development of 7 and 8 yr olds

1. Transition from perceptual thinking to conceptual thinking

2. Learns to tell time

3. Problem solving

4. See others perspective

Physical changes in School age children

1. Decrease in head circumference related to height

2. Decrease in waist circumference related to height

3. Increase leg length related to height

4. Age of the loose tooth

5. New permanent teeth too big for face

Maturation of systems of School age children

1. Caloric needs lower

2. Heart rate decreases

3. BP increases

4. Infections in the first 2 years of school due to developing immunity

5. Physical maturity may occur before emotional and social maturity

Age of puberty in girls (earliest, typical age, average age)

early as 8, typically 10, on average 12

Age of puberty in boys (earliest, typical age, average age)

Early as 8, Typically 12, on average 14

Sense of industry

Stage of accomplishment

1. Achieve a sense of personal and interpersonal competence

2. Growing sense of independence

3. Peer approval is a strong motivator

Sense of inferiority

Sense of inadequacy

1. Feelings derive from self or social environment

2. Children that set aspirations lower than their level of achievement are likely to succeed

Piget cognitive development

Age 7-11

1. Allows them to see through someone else's point of view

2. Makes judgement based on what they reason (Conceptual thinking)

3. Conservation (matter does not appear and disappear by magic)

3 concepts of conservation

1. Identity

2. Reversibility

3. Reciprocity

Conservation of liquids, mass, and length age


Conservation of numbers age


Conservation of weight age


Conservation of volume or displacement age


Kohlberg Moral development of School age children

1. Judge an act by it consequences

2. Interprets accidents as punishments

3. Older Children CAN judge an act by intention that prompts the act

4. Older Children understand to be treated the way they want to be treated

Spiritual development in school age children

School Age children want and expect punishment that fits the crime

Metalinguistic awareness

An ability to think about language and comment on it's properties

Social relationships of School age

1. Children have best friends

2. Middle childhood have clubs with rigid rules

3. Conformity is the core of the special group

4. Looking different is bad

5. Peer-group identification and association are essential to socialization

Direct bullying

Boys tend to use; physical force

Indirect bullying

Using exclusion, gossiping, or rumors

High risk of bullying

Increase likelihood of criminal behaviors, antisocial behavior

Relationship with family

1. Realizes parents can be wrong

2. Want independence, but still want rules for security (seen as love to them)

3. View siblings as equals

Age 8-9 adaptive growth and development

1. Makes use of common tools

2. Use household and sewing utensils

3. Helps with routine house

4. Assumes chores

5. Runs errands

6. Afraid of failing

7. Is more critical of self


Age 7 Mental growth

1. Notice certain items are missing in pictures

2. Can copy a diamond

3. Repeats 3 number backwards

4. Develops concept of time, can use clock

5. Often does not stop in a sentence skips words


Age 7 adaptive growth and develooment

1. Uses table knife

2. Brushes hair acceptably without help.

3. May steal

4. Like to help and have a choice

Is less resistant and stubborn


Age 7 Personal-Social growth and development

1. Is becoming a real member of the family group

2. Takes part in group play

3. Plays with same gender

4. Spends alot of time alone


Age 8-9 physical growth

1. Use cursive

2. Dresses self completely

3. Hard to quiet down after recess

4. More limber


Age 8-9 mental growth and development

1. Gaves similarities and differences between 2 things from memory

2. Counts backwards

3. Understand reversibility

4. Knows days of week and months in order; knows the date

5. Can get to school on time

6. Has collection of items

7. Learns conservation


Age 8-9 personal-social growth and development

1. Like the reward system

2. Dramatized

3. Interested in boy-girl relationships but wont admit it

4. Shows preference in friends

5. Plays mostly with groups of own sex

6. Develops modesty

7. Enjoys clubs


Age 10-12 mental growth and development

1. Write brief stories

2. Uses phone practically

3. Read for own enjoyment or for information


Age 10-12 adaptive development

1. Raises pets

2. Washes and drys hair but needs reminding

3. Can be left at home for an hour

4. Can babysit

5. Can cook

Age 10-12 personal-social growth and development

1. Constantly talks about friends

2. Selective friends. Has a best friend

3. Develop interest in opposite sex

4. Respects parents

Booster seat use until what height

57 inches

Child in backseat until what age