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92 Cards in this Set

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Arms and legs then hands and feet

These reflexes originate in the brainstem they are for protection or survival

Primitive reflexes

These reflexes oriented, the head and body in space

Allow child to maintain stability when changing positions

Righting reactions

These reflects is stabilized the body Maintain balance, and protect from injury

Equilibrium/protective reactions

When primitive reflexes don’t integrate at the right age what is this a sign of

Damage to the CNS or brain

What is the childish showing asymmetry with reflexes?

Injury to one side of the brain

Describe the onset and integration for rooting

Onset birth

Integration three months

Onset and integration for MORO

Onset birth integration, 3 to 5 months

What is rooting?

Stroking cheek at corner of mouth head turns towards stimulus

What is moro

Allow child’s head to fall back 20 to 30° in supported sitting they will abduct and extend the shoulders extend the elbows wrist and fingers

What are the clinical implications of routing being dysfunctional?

Could be a sign of depressed, baby they will turn away with full bellies. Persistence can interfere with oral motor development.

What are the clinical implications of MORO?

Challenges with sitting balance, fighter flight kick in easily

What is the onset in integration of Palmer grasp

Onset birth integration, 4-5 months

Onset and integration of plantar grasp

Onset, birth integration, nine months

What is Palmer grasp?

Pressure to palm finger flexion

What is plantar grasp?

Pressure sole of foot flexion curling of toes

Clinical implications of Palmer grasp

It’s a precursor to voluntary grasp patterns

What is a clinical implication of plantar grasp

Persistence can limit and delay gate or affect gate pattern

What is ATNR?

When you turn their head to one side, their arm or leg on face side, extend and abduct arm and leg on school, side flex, and abduct, fencing, or archer posture

What is the onset and integration for atnr

Onset birth to two months integration 4 to 6 months

Clinical implications of aTNR

Difficulty rolling no midline play with inability to grasp or look at objects on the same side scoliosis

What is STNR?

Suspended prone position with flexion or extension of head. The response is head flexion, arms flex, legs extend with head, extension, arms, extend legs flex.

Onset an integration for STNR

Onset 4 to 6 months integration 8 to 12 months

What are the clinical implications of STNR?

Persistence limits were reciprocal, creeping, walking integration, coincides with crawling

What is tonic labyrinth reflex?

When observing a child in prone or supine, if they’re prone flexed posture, dominates, if they’re supine, extended posture, dominates

What is the onset and integration for tonic labyrinth reflex?

Onset birth integration, 4 to 6 months

What are the clinical implications of tonic labyrinth reflex?

Abnormal response difficulties with motor coordination, planning and crossing midline effects, head control against gravity

What is primary standing reflex?

Support infant upright to allow feet to make firm contact with a flat service code contraction of flexors and extensors to allow weight-bearing in lower extremity

What is the onset in integration for primary standing reflex?

Onset, birth integration, two months

Critical implications of standing primary reflex

Absent and children with hypotonia and primary muscle weakness, prerequisite for the primary stepping reflux

What is the stepping reflex?

Supported stand position, reciprocal flexion/extension of legs

Onset integration for stepping reflex

Onset, birth integration, two months

Clinical implications of stepping reflex

Standing balance, CPG for volitional, walking and weight shifting

What is gallant reflex?

Positioned in prone, stroke, lateral to spine from shoulder to iliac crest, response, lateral flexion towards side of stimulus

Onset an integration for gallant reflex

Onset birth integration, 2 to 3 months

Clinical implications of Gallant reflex

Sitting balance scoliosis, negative effects on attention

Landau reflex

Prone suspension with trunk support, head, upper trunk, and hips and legs extend

What is the onset and integration for landau reflux?

Onset 3 to 4 months integration, 12 to 24 months

Clinical implications of Landau reflex

Poor response and infants with hypotonia breaks, flexor tone for development of head, trunk control against gravity

Begin in the first year of life assist in establishing upright positioning against gravity majority persist throughout life

Righting reactions

Begin in the first year of life assist in establishing upright positioning against gravity majority persist throughout life

Righting reactions

What is optical righting

Vertical suspension tip child to the side child head should return to vertical

Begin in the first year of life assist in establishing upright positioning against gravity majority persist throughout life

Righting reactions

What is optical righting

Vertical suspension tip child to the side child head should return to vertical

Onset an integration for optical righting

Onset, two months integration persists

Labyrinth righting

Vertical suspension with vision, occluded tip child to the side child’s head returns to vertical

All set in integration for labyrinth Righting

Two months to persist

What are the clinical implications for optical and labyrinth? Righting

Facilitates development of head control, prone walking

What is neck on body righting

Child and supine flex and rotate had to one side and hold child will turn body to the direction of the head

Onset an integration for neck on body Righting

Onset birth integration, 4 to 5 months

implications for neck on body

Needed to be able to roll absence result in lack of rotation patterns

implications for neck on body

Needed to be able to roll absence result in lack of rotation patterns

What is body on body? Righting

Child and supine flex, one leg and rotate across pelvis to the other side child would return to prone segment

Onset and integration for body on body Righting

Onset birth integration, 4 to 5 months

Clinical implications for body and bodyrighting

Rolling promotes transitions to quadruped persistence can indicate a CNS insult

Clinical implications for body and bodyrighting

Rolling promotes transitions to quadruped persistence can indicate a CNS insult

Patterns that help, maintain balance and safety, when shifting the center of gravity and base support

Equilibrium and protective reactions

Patterns that help, maintain balance and safety, when shifting the center of gravity and base support

Equilibrium and protective reactions

Prone equilibrium reaction

prone on tilt board and tips slowly to one side response, spine curves, so head and pelvis move in opposite direction as tilt

Onset an integration for prone equilibrium

5 to 6 months to persist

Clinical implications for prone equilibrium reaction

The last child, to maintain center of gravity in prone and prepare for upright

Sitting equilibrium reaction

Please child in sitting on a tilt board or a ball in tips slowly to one side spine curve so head and pelvis move in opposite direction as tilt

Onset an integration of sitting equilibrium

Onset 7 to 9 months integration, persists

Clinical implications of sitting equilibrium

Allows child to maintain center of gravity, and sitting and prepare for quadruped standing

Forward protective reaction

Vertical suspension, supported around trunk quickly plunge upper extremities forward and down towards the surface response reach towards the surface with extended arms and weight bearing ue

Onset an integration for forward protective

Onset 6 to 9 months integration, persists

Onset an integration for forward protective

Onset 6 to 9 months integration, persists

Clinical implications of forward protective reaction

Protects head and body from forward fall

What is sideward protective reaction?

Push sideways and sitting to cause loss of balance, shoulder, abduction with elbow extension to weight bear, lateral on arm

Onset an integration for side, word, protective reaction

Onset 6 to 9 months integration persist

Clinical implication of sideward protective

Needed for good sitting balance, protect head, and body from sideways fall

Backward protective reaction

Push child backwards and sitting to cause posterior loss of balance, shoulder and elbow extension backwards to catch themselves from falling

Backward protective reaction

Push child backwards and sitting to cause posterior loss of balance, shoulder and elbow extension backwards to catch themselves from falling

All set in integration for backwards protective reaction

Once at 9 to 10 months integration persists

Clinical implication for protective backwards reaction

Needed for good sitting, protect head and body from posterior fall

Developmental milestones

0-1 month

Prone- lifts head up briefly and turns side to side

Supine head turns side to side and tracks objects with eyes

Sitting-holds head upright for 1-2 seconds

Trunk is rounded with supported sit

Standing reflex standing and stepping

Crawling in prone

Jerky stiff arm movements swipes at objects fisted hand

cog lang-listens to voices, may smile, cries for attention

Developmental milestones 2-3 months

Prone lifts head to 45-90° lift chest and weight bears on elbows prone on elbows

Supine hand and foot play

Sitting rounded back with supported sit head up right, but may Bob, head lag with pull to sit

Poor weight-bearing

Hands to midline and to mouth play

Smiles faces

Developmental milestones, 4 to 5months

Progresses to prone on hand and rolls prone to supine

Rolls, supine to sideline playing with feet in supine (bottom lifting)

Head steady with supported sitting starts propped sitting Chin tuck with pulling to sit

Pivots in prone 30°

There is weight through legs supported

Grasps and releases toys

Laughs in babbles turns head to sound

Developmental milestones month, 6 to 7

Reaches in prone, can weight shift with one hand for toy

Supine to prone, log roll able to lift head in supine

Independent sitting with head steady

Still, bears weight supported

Pivots in prone 360°

Rakes and scoops objects

Laughs babbles turns head to voice

Developmental milestones month, 8 to 9

Rocks on hands and knees transitions in and out of prone separate, upper and lower trunk, segmented rolling doesn’t like to be in prone anymore

Moves in and out of sitting

Pulls to stand

Crawls and creeps hands on knees with reciprocal pattern

Maturing, grasping pattern

Babbles shouts for attention response to familiar people

Developmental milestones, 10 to 12

Transitions prone to stand

Side sits, and short sits and sit to stand

Cruises along surfaces

Standalone with a few independent steps

Walk with one handheld assistance

Hold bottle or sippy cup with handles

Pincer grasp to pick up small items

Says mama dada

Fear of strangers

Childhood 1-10 years

Dynamic balance, along with independence years one through five

Rapid muscle growth, coordination, and refining existing motor skills years 5 to 10

Gross motor/fine 12-15 months

Gross- Walks independently by 15 months creeps upstairs Bends over stoops and recovers

Fine-builds three cubed tower throws ball in sitting

Developmental milestones, 16 to 24 months

Squats in play kicks and throws ball walks up and downstairs with step pattern with a one handheld

Attempts to jump or walk backwards

Builds six cube tower holds crayon and fist with thumb up

Can point to 3 body parts

Developmental milestones, 16 to 24 months

Squats in play kicks and throws ball walks up and downstairs with step pattern with a one handheld

Attempts to jump or walk backwards

Builds six cube tower holds crayon and fist with thumb up

Can point to 3 body parts

Developmental milestones, 2-3 years

Walks upstairs alternating feet

Jump down hop jump forward off of the floor with both feet

Climbs on tricycle crayon, held with pronated grasp

Makes circle and horizontal strokes with crayon

Builds 8 cube tower

Dress undress

States name

Vocabulary words

Knows colors short sentences

30 month milestones

Walk, run, tiptoe kick throw transitions

Developmental 3-4 years

Jumps of floor with both feet

Over objects

Running galloping

Tripod grasp (thumb and first two fingers by age three)

Cuts dresses buttons hand dominance emerging

Clear speech

First and last name

Abcs 1-10

Milestones 4-5

Gallop skip one foot hop tip toe walk catches large ball

Dress comb hair brush teeth tripod pencil tracing cutting shapes

Knows address

Full sentences 1-20 and s and a a bc

Write name begins to read

Developmental 6-8 years

Skipping alternating feet

Jump rope hula hoop catch small balls

Print name replicates letters shapes and numbers

Cuts food with knife and fork

Reading writing add subtract


10-19 developmental

Motor skills mature by 12

90% off mobility and reaction time of an adult by 12

Previously acquired skills improve quantitatively