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26 Cards in this Set

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Involuntary absence of production of children?


Biological inability to bear children after one year of unprotected intercourse?


Actual production of children. The word best applies to specific vital statistic rates, but it is commonly taken to mean the ability to bear children?


Biological ability to bear children?


Generally defined as the loss of conceptus in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Also called spontaneous abortion?


Reduced level of fertility characterized by unusually long time to conception (over 12 months) or repeated early pregnancy losses?


The period in life during which humans become biologically capable of reproduction?


Eggs of the female produced and stored within the ovaries?


Cessation of the menstrual cycle and reproductive capacity in females?


An approximately 4 week interval in which hormones direct a build up of blood and nutrient stores within the wall of the uterus and ovum maturation and release?

Menstrual Cycle

During this, if the ovum is fertilized by a sperm, the stored blood and nutrients are used to support the growth of the fertilized ovum. If fertilization does not occur, they are relreased from the uterien wall over a period of blood flow?

Menstrual Cycle

A general term applied to infections of the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. Occurs predominately in younger women and is generally caused by infection with a sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea and Chlamydia?

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

A disease characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue in abnormal locations, such as deep within the uterine wall, in the ovary, or in other sites within the body. The condition is quite painful and is associated with abnormal menstrual cycles and infertility in 30-40% of affected women?


A protein secreted by fat cells that, by binding to specific receptor sites in the hypothalamus, decreases appetite, increases energy expenditure, and stimulates gonadotropin secretion. These levels are elevated by high, and reduced by low, levels of body fat?


Weight in kg/height in m^2?


BMI: Underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese?


NORMAL WEIGHT: 18.5-24.9


OBESE: 30+

Menstrual cycles in which ovulation does not occur?

Anovulatory Cycles

Absence of menstrual cycle?


Chemical substances that prevent or repair damage to molecules and cells caused by oxidizing agents?

Antioxidants (Vitamin C, E, selenium, and certain components of plants function as these)

Chemical substances (often oxygen-based) that are missing electrons. The absence of electrons makes the chemical substance reactive and prone to oxidizing nearby molecules by stealing electrons from them?

Free Radicals

Can damage lips, cell membranes, DNA, and tissues by altering their chemical structure and functions. They also form as a normal part of metabolism. Over time, oxidative stress causes damage to lipids, cell membranes, DNA, cells, and tissues?

Free Radicals

The developing organism from conception through 8 weeks?


The time period around conception, variously measured in weeks or months depending on the pregnancy outcomes of interest?

Periconceptional Period

The modification of a replicated strand of DNA by addition of a methyl group (CH3) to specific regions of the strand. IT can suppress the activity of certain genes in ways that affect metabolic processes and disease risk. It is a normal part of development and is needed for cellular differentiation and organ development but can also influence by nutritional and other environmental exposures?

DNA Methylation

The developing organism from 8 weeks after conception to the moment of birth?


A group of birth defects that are caused by incomplete development of the brain, spinal cord, or their protective coverings. One of the most common types of this defect?

Neural Tube Defects (NTDs)