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20 Cards in this Set

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Early leadership trait research looked to find characteristics that might___

differentiate leaders from nonleaders

Behavioral theories of leadership focused on__

what effective leaders did

A democratic participative leader__

seeks input and shares final decision

In the Ohio State studies,__refers to how much mutual trust exists between employees and leaders


On the managerial grid, a leader who is high in both concern for people and concern for production would rate...


The key to the Fiedler contingency model of leadership is to match__.

leadership style and situation

Your boss has total control over hiring, firing, and promotions in your department. He has__

high position power

In the situational leadership theory (SLT), readiness is defined as __ to perform a task

both ability and willingness

A leader who pretty much leaves employees on their own is assuming this SLT role.


A__ leader in path -goal theory gives specific guidance in performing tasks


In order to transmit a message, the thought originating with the sender must be__ to symbolic form.


Which communication sequence is correct?


An example of nonverbal communication is

a smile

__ is the deliberate manipulation of info by the sender to make it appear more favorable to the reciever.


When an auto executive fails to notice an important demographics report in her overstuffed inbox before going to a meeting, she is likely to be suffering from__.

information overload

Jargon tends to cause problems when it is used__.

outside of a specialized, close-knit group

The purpose of feedback is to determine whether a message was__.

received and understood

One particularly effective form of providing feedback is for the receiver to__.

restate message in their own words

This is the primary goal of active listening

understanding the full meaning of the speakers message

How does jumping to conclusions affect the communication process?

causes listener to stop listening cause they already formed a view of what the speaker is attempting to express