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141 Cards in this Set

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Differentiation - process by which cells take on their separate identity - occurs on the level of cells
Morphogenesis - process that gives rise to the shapes and forms of tissues and organs - occurs on the level of tissues
Formation of 3 germ layers
1. Ectoderm (AKA the epiblast)
2. mesoderm
3. Endoderm (AKA the hypoblast initially, followed by the definitive endoderm)

(Note: Used to think hypoblast became primitive gut. Primitive endoderm of hypblast is replaced by true gut endoderm. Learned this via transgenic mice. )
A sequence of events beginning with contact between sperm and the secondary oocyte and ending with fusion of maternal and paternal nuclei resulting in intermingling of their chromosomes.

A. Passage of sperm through the corona radiata
B. Penetration of the zona pellucida
C. Fusion of the oocyte and sperm plasma membranes
D.The oocyte completes the second meiotic division
E. Formation of the male pronucleus
Super important steps of development:
1. Fertilization
2. Compaction
3. Blastocyst formation
4. Implantation
5. Gastrulation
-occurs in oviduct
-secretions of oviduct tube alter plasma membrane of sperm
-necessary for sperm to undergo acrosomal reaciton
-allow sperm tail to stop moving wildly so they can move with ACTIVE FORWARD MOTILITY
What enzymes does the sperm release when it meets with the corona radiata?
1. hyaluronidase
2. acrosin
**eats between radiata cells
What proteins are responsible for sperm + egg?
Sperm has fertilin, binds to integrins on the egg
Block to polyspermy
After hydrolytic enzymes are released from the acrosome of the sperm and they form a channel through the zona pellucida through which the sperm makes contact with the plasma membrane of the oocyte, a ZONA REATION occurs in which enzymes located in cortical granules on the innermost cytoplasmic side of the oocyte are released into the perivitelline space causing the zona to change chemically resulting in it becoming impermeable to other sperm. This block to polyspermy ensures a diploid phenotype of the resulting zygote.

**cortical release triggered by waves of intracellular calcium
What part of the sperm enters the egg?
The head and tail of the sperm enter; plasma membrane left behind
haploid male and female pronuclei come in close contact near each other and lose their nuclear membranes allowing the maternal and paternal chromosomes to intermingle

46 chromosomes
Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection

-way to circumvent male infertility due to defective sperm
1. passage of sperm through the corona radiata
2. penetration of the zona pelucida
3. fusion of the oocyte and sperm plasma membranes
4. exclusion of sperm membrane from cytoplasm

Can solve some short-term problems with regard to male infertility such as low sperm count, lack of sufficient sperm mobility, and/or lack of enzymatic reactions needed for sperm entry
*but think about the offspring's sperm.. fail.
2cell -- 8 cell stage
retained within the zona pellucida, so progressively smaller blastomeres are formed
Blastomeres change their shape and undergo compaction (flattening on each other, make cell adhesion junctions) into a ball of 12 or more cells called the morula
Where does zygote cleavage to form the morula generally occur?
within the oviduct over about 3-4 days

following compaction of the morula, greater cell-to-cell interactions results in differentiation of a blastocyst.
trophoblast cells -- give rise to part of the placenta
inncer cell mass (stem cells) -- give rise to the embryo
When does the embryo hatch?
morula stage ~day 3
before compaction
At what stage does the embryo implant?
At the blastocyst stage

typically occurs in the endometrium, but can occur other places and are called ectopic pregancies
What cells are totipotent? What cells are pluirpotent? When does this switch occur?

inner cell mass in the BLASTOCYST
(the tropoblast is differentiated)

*onset of differentiation occurs at the 12 cell stage because its at this point that (geometrically) you can have a cell that's INSIDE and cells OUTSIDE -- aka cells have different environments
***this is driving force for differentiation
What cells secrete estrogen during the luteal phase? Progesterone?
Theca lutein cells of the corpus luteum produce estrogen.

Progesterone is produced by the granulosa lutein cells of the corpus luteum.
**high levels of progesterone inhibit the positive feedback of estrogen and inhibits follicular development
What happens if implantation occurs? If it doesnt?
If implantation does not occur 12 days after ovulation the corpus luteum finally degerates ceasing production of progesterone and estrogen. The inhibitory action of estrogen and progesterone is removed allowing LH and FSH to increase and a new cohort of follicles to grow. The drop in both estrogen and progesterone brings on menses.

If implantation occurs, the stromal cells of the endometrium enlarge in response to increased progesterone. The corpus luteum is rescued by hCG from the placenta that replaces the LH,
Tissues of the uterus
Perimetrium – outer layer
myometriumn – muscle, contracting
endometrium – inner, where embryo emplants

*During secretory phase Three layers of endometrium are distinguishable.
i. Compact Layer
ii. Spongy Layer
iii. Basal Layer
2. Basal layer of endometrium has its own blood supply and is not sloughed off during menstration, but the compact and spongy layers are
Ru486 = drug binds to progesterone receptors..
Competitive receptor ANTAGONIST. Uterus behaves as if there is NO progesterone there.
Fails to activate receptor.
This causes MENSES.
Doesn’t let progesterone bind to receptors and activate it

2mg daily dose – general prevention 10 mg single dose again – day after pill
**trophectoderm cells bind to endometrial epithelium send out stuff liike mmp9 = metalic protease eats away at those cells gets into endometrium
What % of twins are dizygotic?

Dizygotic twins originate from two zygotes
Dizygotic twins result from the fertilization of two ova by different sperm
They can be the same sex or different
Generally they have two separate placentas, although the placentas may become fused
Dizygotic twins are no more alike than brothers or sisters born at different times
Dizygotic twinning shows a hereditary tendency with the risk of recurrence about 3x that of the general public
What % of twins are monozygotic?

Monozygotic twins result from fertilization of the same ova. Monozygotic twinning usually begins in the BLASTOCYST stage by the division of the inner cell mass into two embryonic primordia. Subsequently, two embryos, each in its own amniotic sac, develop and have a common placenta. Monozygotic twins are of the same sex, genetically identical, and share a very similar appearance. Slight physical differences result from environmental influences.
Conjoined twins
Conjoined twins result from incomplete division of the embryonic disc of monozygotic twins. An example of conjoined twins are Siamese twins. conjoined twins can be fused by skin only or they can share fused organs (liver, skull, etc.)
The manipulation of donor somatic cells with an identical genome to produce identical embryos which when implanted in a host can produce embryos with a genetic composition identical to each other and to the donor.
Clones may be larger than the donor (lack of genomic imprinting?) and telomeres are shortened
How to make a clone!
a. remove the nucelus from a somatic cell donor
b. implant the nucleus into an enucleated host ooctye or one zygote derived from the surrogate mother to be
c. treat the new nucleus/cytoplasm with certain growth factors and apply small electrical charge
d. implant the treated cell into the uterus of the surrogate mother
Differences between clones and monozygotic twins
A. temporal difference in date of births
B. clones exhibit shortened telomeres
C. clones are less viable
D. clones may be larger due to lack of genomic imprinting
E. Clones exhibit features of premature aging
Mechanism of function unclear
-made in granulosa cells
-feeds back on the pituitary to inhibit FSH
-also seems to help speed up the regression of the corpus luteum when pregnancy does not take place
Decapacitation protein
aka phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1 (PEBP 1)
-a receptor in the sperm membrane
-plays a fundamental role in capacitation by causing alteration in the sperm plasma membrane in both head and flagellum, with functional consequences for membrane-associated proteins
-functions prior to capacitation by organizing phospholipids and proteins within the membrane so the sperm can undergo capacitation
-it must be removed for capacitation to proceed normally
Premordial v. primary follicle?
Primordial follicle occurs before birth and soon after birth and are surrounded by a single layer of flattened follicle cells. The oocyte is in prophase 1.

The primary follicle is seen after birth and is identifiable by the cubodial single layer of follicle cells. The oocyte is sitll at prophase 1.
How do high levels of estrogen convert from negative to positive feedback on LSH secretion during hormonal control of the uterine cycle? What is the mechanism?
It is all in how many receptors in the pitutary are occupied by estrogen. If a few are occupied then LH (not LSH) secretion is suppressed. If high numbers of estrogen receptors are occupied within the pitutary, these cells behave differently by secreting LH. It's not receptor popultaion shifting, it's the number of receptors occupied.
What hormone(s) causes body temp to rise during ovulation?
Mostly estrogen and to a lesser extent progesterone
Function of the corpus luteum?
Secrete progesterone until the middle of the first trimester, after which the chorion secretes necessary progesterone
Process by which the bilaminar germ disc (epiblast and hypoblast) is transformed into a trilaminar structure (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm)

begins early in week 3

marked by extensive cell migration
Embryonic development consists of two processes:
1. Morphogenesis (tissues take on shape)
2. Differentiation (cells take on identity)
Extraembryonic mesoderm
-most, but not all, of the extraembryonic mesoderm is formed prior to gastrulation from the epiblast cells in the peripheral and caudal regions of the disc
-forms the amnion, chorion and yolk sac
-the cells at the junction between embryonic and extraembryonic mesoderm are pluripotent and, depending on the environemtn, will differentiate into extra or embryonic mesoderm
On day 16 of development, the germ disc consists of two layers (name the two layers). It contains the following structures (name the structures).
Germ disc consists of two layers: epiblast and hypoblast

1. Buccopharyngeal membrane
-region where the epiblast and hypoblast fuse at the future cranial end of the embryo
-will form the future mouth and oral cavity
2. Cloacal membrane
-fused region at the caudal end of the embryo
-will form anus and associated structures
3. Primitive streak
-epiblast cells converge on the midline of the embryonic disk forming a furrow known as the primitive streak at the future caudal end of the embryo
-the primitive streak establishes a visible longitudinal axis of bilalteral symmetry around which all embryonic structures will organize and align
-probably equivalent to Spemann's organizer in xenopus
a. primitive groove
-shallow valley extending along the length of the streak
b. Primitive node
-a raised circle of cells at the rostral tip of the primitive streak
-(Henson's node)
c. Primitive pit
-a depression in the center of the primitive node
Buccopharyngeal membrane
1. Buccopharyngeal membrane
-region where the epiblast and hypoblast fuse at the future cranial end of the embryo
-will form the future mouth and oral cavity
Cloacal membrane
Cloacal membrane
-fused region at the caudal end of the embryo
-will form anus and associated structures
Primitive streak
Primitive streak
-epiblast cells converge on the midline of the embryonic disk forming a furrow known as the primitive streak at the future caudal end of the embryo
-the primitive streak establishes a visible longitudinal axis of bilalteral symmetry around which all embryonic structures will organize and align
-probably equivalent to Spemann's organizer in xenopus
a. primitive groove
-shallow valley extending along the length of the streak
b. Primitive node
-a raised circle of cells at the rostral tip of the primitive streak
-(Henson's node)
c. Primitive pit
-a depression in the center of the primitive node
Primitive groove
-shallow valley extending along the length of the streak
Primitive node
-a raised circle of cells at the rostral tip of the primitive streak
-(Henson's node)
Primitive Pit
-a depression in the center of the primitive node
What forms the definitive endoderm and mesoderm?
Epiblast cells replace hypoblast cells to form definitive endoderm and mesoderm
PRIMITIVE STREAK STARTS CAUDALLY MOVE BCKWARD (primitive pit moves towards the buccopharyengeal membrane indication)
On the left, the nascent endoderm is intercalating into the hypoblast. This view shows us the Left on the Left, Right on the Right, and Anterior end of the embryo. On the right, you can see the mesoderm extending away from the primitive streak as indicated by the arrows. At the primitive streak PRIMITIVE STREAK cells undergoing ingression primitive ectoderm  ectoderm can call it ectoderm ~day 11 cells dividing very quickly come together and ingress downward cells intercalate and push aside hypoblasts first cells that come through primitive streak replace hypoblast and become true gut a few days later when the hypoblast cells are replaced by true endoderm stop signals, cells that later come through make mesoderm ectoderm cells ingress and within an hour have differentiated into mesoderm. Happens quickly! 2 things going on: cell movement and differentiation different set of signals controlling both of those.


epiblast cells migrate from the node and primitive streak to replace the cells in the hypoblast and form the definitive endoderm.
-the hypoblast cells recede into the yolk sac and do not contribute to the enbryo
-at the same time another group of cells migrate between the ectoderm and endoderm to form the MESODERM
-this is the INTRAEMBRYONIC MESODERM that actually forms the embryo
-thus the embryo is formed entirely from the cells from the epiblast
Notochordal process
-epiblast cells that migrate rostrally from the primitive node become the notochordal process which contributes cells to the vertebral column
-once the notochordal process has formed, the primitive streak begins to shrink
The following mesodermal structures are formed during gastrulation:
1. Notochord process
-epiblast cells that migrate rostrally from the primitive node become the notochordal process which contributes cells to the vertebral column
-once the notochordal process has formed, the primitive streak begins to shrink

2. Prechordal plate mesoderm
-located midline and cranial to the tip of the notochordal process
-induces midline structures such as brain
-cells arise from primitive pit
-note: mesodermal cells do NOT penetrate the regions of the buccopharyngeal or cloacal membranes that remain thin

3. Paraxial mesoderm
-the region of mesoderm closest to the notochord and prechordal plate
-gives rise to the somitomeres, the precursors of the somites that ultimately form the segmented structures associated with the vertebral column
-the first seven pairs of somitomeres DO NOT FORM somites, instead they give rise to the striated muscles of the face, jaw and throat
-the first somites (derived from somitomeres 8-10) appear on day 20 in the region ofthe future base of the skull
-the rest of the somites form in a cranio-caudal progression at a rate of three or four a day and are responsible for the segmented organization of the body

4. Intermediate Mesoderm
-located lateral to the paraxial mesoderm
-gives rise to the urinary system and part of the reproductive system

5. Lateral plate mesoderm
-the outermost layer of the intermediate mesoderm
-splits on day 17 to form two layers that contribute respectively to the structures of the body wall and digestive tract

a. Splanchnopleuric mesoderm
-adjacent to the endoderm
-gives rise to the mesothelial covering of the viscera

b. Somatoplueric mesoderm
-layer adjacent to the ectoderm
-gives rise to the inner lining of the body wall, and to part of the limbs
Prechordal plate mesoderm
-located midline and cranial to the tip of the notochordal process
-induces midline structures such as brain
-cells arise from primitive pit
-note: mesodermal cells do NOT penetrate the regions of the buccopharyngeal or cloacal membranes that remain thin
Paraxial mesoderm
-the region of mesoderm closest to the notochord and prechordal plate
-gives rise to the somitomeres, the precursors of the somites that ultimately form the segmented structures associated with the vertebral column
-the first seven pairs of somitomeres DO NOT FORM somites, instead they give rise to the striated muscles of the face, jaw and throat
-the first somites (derived from somitomeres 8-10) appear on day 20 in the region ofthe future base of the skull
-the rest of the somites form in a cranio-caudal progression at a rate of three or four a day and are responsible for the segmented organization of the body
Intermediate Mesoderm
-located lateral to the paraxial mesoderm
-gives rise to the urinary system and part of the reproductive system
Lateral plate mesoderm
-the outermost layer of the intermediate mesoderm
-splits on day 17 to form two layers that contribute respectively to the structures of the body wall and digestive tract
Splanchnopleuric mesoderm
-adjacent to the endoderm
-gives rise to the mesothelial covering of the viscera
Somatoplueric mesoderm
-layer adjacent to the ectoderm
-gives rise to the inner lining of the body wall, and to part of the limbs
somitomeres, the precursors of the somites that ultimately form the segmented structures associated with the vertebral column
-the first seven pairs of somitomeres DO NOT FORM somites, instead they give rise to the striated muscles of the face, jaw and throat
-the first somites (derived from somitomeres 8-10) appear on day 20 in the region ofthe future base of the skull
-the rest of the somites form in a cranio-caudal progression at a rate of three or four a day and are responsible for the segmented organization of the body
What's going on?
What's the mechanism?
-Mesoderm cells spread
Cranio/caudal location of cells leaving node dictate their destiny (fate).
For example…cells that pass directly though primitive node become notochord

-Epiblast cells secrete hyaluronic acid into Ecto/Endo space
-Keeps mesoderm cells from aggregating to soon
-Fibronectin on basal side of ectoderm enhances the ability of mesoderm cells to walk on a substrate
-Cilia on ectoderm near p.n. create proper currents for distribution of intercellular molecules
Embryonic cell movements
A. Ingression
-entails the movement of single cells away form a layer, such as occurs when epiblast cells migrate to form mesoderm and when ectodermal cells give rise to neural crest cells
*epithelial to mesenchymal transformation --> ingression usually entails alterations in the adhesive properties of cells, for example, changes in cadherin expression are often associated with a transient or permanent change from an epithelial to mesenchymal phenotype

B. Invagination and Involution
-occur when sheets of cells form tubes (eg. neural tube, gut) or acini (glands, lungs)

C. Spreading
-cells spread or re-organize to cover an area of the embryo
-an example of this is convergent extension where cells migrate together and this causes the extension
What is this process?
Once mesoderm cells have gone through the primitive streak and are infiltrate much of the space between endo/ectoderm, they start touching each other and forming clumps of cells. Hyaluronic acid is no longer there to keep them from clumping, so once they start touching mesoderm cells will converge on one-another and then extend resulting in components within the embryo lengthening and narrowing into tube-like structures.
Kartagener's syndrom
Kartagener's syndrome 1:10,000 births
- triad of bronchiectasis, sinusitis, and situs inversus (50% of ICS patients)
-autosomal recessive
-associated with male infertility

-result of cilia that have abnormal dyenin arms so that they don't move properly
-Normally, cilia on ectoderm near p.n. create proper currents for distribution of intercellular molecules
-Sonic hedgehog usually diffuse to left axis, activate nodal.
If this doesn’t happen can get Kartagener's syndrome

In Kartagener's
SHH and FGF-8 then diffuse arbitrarily to both left and right axes leading to embryonic lethality or situs inversus

men come in, cant have children, SPERM TAILS DON’T WORK. Find out they have situs inversus / kartagener’s syndrome
talk a little more about what's going on here
Embyronic mesoderm: notochord process primitive streak has formed, undergo gastrulation primitive streak regresses caudally, brings cells through with it forming notochord process primitive streak normally regresses completely (diseases do occur where primitive streak remains) disappears notocord extends caudally
Tell me what I need to know.
have notochord process (PURPLE) has HOLE in it there is HOLE inside of it what happens as it extends caudally is that the notochord process, like a worm asheres to endoderm and fuses to endoderm this becomes the notochordal plate. LASTS FOR A DAY. REALLY IMPORTANT DAY. What happens is that for a brief period of time, that tissue is in contact w an netirely different envrionemnt (the 2’ yolk sac) this CHANAGES THE TISSUE. Tissue rises again and form the NOTOCHORD. NOTOCHORD PROCESS dif from notochord: 1. no hole 2. can secrete a whole bunch of factors (Shh***** ) notochord process to notochord important transition
The switching of cells from one developmental pathway to another by the influence of an adjacent group of cells
3 types of inductive interactions:
(gentle reminder -- induction is The switching of cells from one developmental pathway to another by the influence of an adjacent group of cells)

1. Diffusion of soluble signals
-in some cases, cells can secrete factors that diffuse to adjacent cells and are detected by corresponding receptors on the target cells, initiating a signaling transduction
-in many cases, these factors can only diffuse a short distance
-factors that can influence the developmental fate of cells are termed MORPHOGENS
-an example of this is the secretion of Shh by the notochord that induces the differentiation of cells in the somites into chondrocytes

2. Direct cell to cell contact between inducing and responding cells
-There are cases in which the membrane of one cell contains a hormone-like molecule that can make direct contact wit ha receptor on an adjacent cell
-the interaction of these two molecules sends a signal to the target cell initiating a response

3. Contact of cells with the extracellular matrix of other cells
-Cells come in contact with the ECM of other cells and this sends signals
-in tissue culture, cells behave quite differently depending on whether they are grown on a natural substance (collagen) or artificial (plastic)
factors that can influence the developmental fate of cells
Diffusion of soluble signals
Diffusion of soluble signals
-in some cases, cells can secrete factors that diffuse to adjacent cells and are detected by corresponding receptors on the target cells, initiating a signaling transduction
-in many cases, these factors can only diffuse a short distance
-factors that can influence the developmental fate of cells are termed MORPHOGENS
-an example of this is the secretion of Shh by the notochord that induces the differentiation of cells in the somites into chondrocytes
Direct Cell contact between inducing and responding cells
There are cases in which the membrane of one cell contains a hormone-like molecule that can make direct contact wit ha receptor on an adjacent cell
-the interaction of these two molecules sends a signal to the target cell initiating a response
Contact of cells with the extracellular matrix of other cells
-Cells come in contact with the ECM of other cells and this sends signals
-in tissue culture, cells behave quite differently depending on whether they are grown on a natural substance (collagen) or artificial (plastic)
The Regulator Hypothesis of Edelman
Postulates that embryonic morphogenesis is directed by genes that control the timing of the expression of cell adhesion molecules, morphogens and other molecules that are directly responsible for morphogenesis

small differences in the amount and timing of the expression of these molecules accounts for morphological differences between species
Induction can be controlled by:
1. feedback loops
-there are situations in which one cell will secrete a factor (A) that induces an adjacent cell to secrete another factor (B) that, in turn, then stimulates the first cell to produce more factor A
-in this fashion, a positive feedback loop can be initiated that determines the fate of these cells
-in other situations, factors can inhibit the production of the same factor by adjacent cells, leading to a punctuate pattern of cells that produce a particular factor

2. Regulator Hypothesis of Edelman
-Postulates that embryonic morphogenesis is directed by genes that control the timing of the expression of cell adhesion molecules, morphogens and other molecules that are directly responsible for morphogenesis
-small differences in the amount and timing of the expression of these molecules accounts for morphological differences between species
p 26 of NOTES
Signals indicate to invaginate accompanied by CYTOSKELETAL CHANGES in actin and myosin .. Cellular actin and myosin lets cells invaginate When invagination takes place, get neural groove beinging to form. Day 19. neural folds = ridges
Primitive streak is regressing as it does that notochord transition is taking place get notochord (is under the neural groove) signals ectoderm above it (via Shh and other signals) to form neural plate
Signals from notochord continue to communicate ectoderm to invaginate further-directed by cytoskeletal changes and underlying mesoderm proliferation
Neural folds become evident
- Somites begin to arise within underlying mesoderm
Day 20, neuyral folds more evident, somites begin to arise (form the spine essentially .. Muscle and bones)
Signals from notochord continue to communicate ectoderm to invaginate further-directed by cytoskeletal changes and underlying mesoderm proliferation
Neural folds undergo involution

notochord directs ectoderm cells to form spinal cord
Initial tissue types in developing embryo?
1. Gives rise to the embryo
1. Gives rise to placenta and its derivatives
Uterine tissue undergoes hormone-induced proliferation and differentiation caused by
1. progesterone (directly)
2. FSH, LH, and estrogen all indirectly influence the uterine preparation for pregnancy

if no fertilization occurred then the uterus sheds
How do you get the blastocyst cavity?
how do you get this blastocyst cavity ? Way this happens occurs over and over again in development. Major theme. Basically: on the outside cells, have differentiated into endothelium. Have NA/K pumps. On apical membrane. Pump 2 K into cells and 3 sodiums out. The sodiums will be pumped out into the spaces between those cells. Early on, 12 cell stage in compacted embryo (COMPACTION makes tight junctions, adherns jcns, desmosomes.. Doesn’t let water go back out when it comes in) once you start pumping sodium in, diffusion happens, water goes hwere salt is, starts expanding the space. Sodium, some other electrolytes in blastocoel cavity why is blastocoel cavity important? Drawing: blastocyst implanting into endometrihm metaloproteases like mmp9 and others eat away at epithelium cells. Once they meet endometrium lots of stuff happens.
Touch endometrium, trophectoderm cells begin to lose their membranes between the cells! When they do that (see light green, dotted membrane) forms SYNCTIOTROPHOBLAST CELLS (one pointed to have 4 nuclei) cytotrophoblasts have membrane intact ALSO inner cell mass starts to DIFFERENTIATE: blue cells = epiblase. Yellow cells = hypoblast they are human terms. Epiblast (aka primitve ectoderm in other animals) hypoblast (aka primitve endoderm in other animals) **primitive is key. NOT gut endoderm white area here is mom’s tissue. Colored tissue is mom’s blood (red). Rest of colored tissue is embryo
Have implantation taking place electron micrograph view bottom drawing shows interpretaiton of TEM at top syncytiotrophoblast in dark green cytotrophoblast in light green pull embryo into endometrium blue tissue = epiblast (primitive something) also have na/k atpaswes on them. FORM ANOTHER CAVITY  proamniotic cavity all colored tissue is embryo except for red (which is mom’sb lood)
Have entire embryo in endometrium see uterine epithelium has grown over and healed itself trophectoderm gets fluid filled spaces – trophoblastic lacuna epiblast at this stage can call bilaminar disc (epiblasts and hypoblasts) proamniotic cavity gets larger hyperblasts, primitive endoderm, migrates along blastocoelic cavity. Imagine 3d ball here, not just flat cut through. DAYS. For exam: know that this isnt happening week 10 .. Get it within a week or so
Another day in development, day 10/11 getting bigger (still microscopic) trophoblastic lacunae getting bigger, more fluid filled also note that hypoblast has completely migrated around the cytotrophoblast in the blastocoelic cavity .. Called HEUSER’s MEMBRANE: hypoblast cells and ECM proteins they secrete (two components of this membrane). Once the primitive endoderm has encircled.. NOW CALLED PRIMITIVE/PRIMARY YOLK SAC (will be 2’ yolk sac eventually)
? Starting w/ tropectoderm mom’s blood is started to enter the trophoblastic lacunae cavity gets bigger then have extraembryonic reticulum. Where is this from? Space between heuser’s membrane and cytotrophic blast and secreting stuff (RELISTEN) and forms gelatenous stuff. Secrete ECM between the two. This is around days 10-11-12
The extraembryionic reticulum signals .. Provides signals for primitive ectoderm/epiblast to differentiate at least at that portion of the epiblast cells become EXTRAEMBRYONIC MESODERM (mesoderm that’s part of the placenta) take home: extraembryonic mesoderm come from EPIBLAST. Migrate along heuysers membrane and cytotrophoblast check out mom’s blood all over the place another day goes by, have extraembruonic mesoderm all over the place, completely covering what odes that do? Leads to next important structural change. Cells can no longer secrete ECM proteins bc theyre blocked by mesoderm. The ECM in between breaks down, evenutally breaks down. Whole thing is getting bigger but has no more protein to supply, replaced by saline
Have primitive yolk sac beginning to get PINCHED OFF. Hypoblast (?) cells growing and yoc sac getting bigger. Pinches off. The whole thing is getting larger day 13 what did extraembryonic reticulum become? The CHORIONIC CAVITY. Important cavity. Embryo is now growing into this structure
primary yolk sac pinches off furthter, floats away to other sdie, adheres, degenerates
leaves behind 2’ yolk sac
Why does this all have to happen? Cells are different, capable of a different fxn. One fxn is to make vascular cells .. Vasculargenesis where you get first blood cells important structures: extraemrbyonic retiulm becomes chorionic cavity this is what embryo grows into
Embryo are the bilaminar disk hyperblast and epiblast (yellow and blue ,resp) proamniotic cavity inside the blue area at bottom, blow it up a little all trophoblastic lacuna are full of mom’s blood, which is NOT interacting w embryo
PRIMARY STEM VVILLUS where you start to see thicking Chorionic cavity = top white bottom white = endometrium all the cells in between are contacting each other and sending signals to each other 100s of dif types of signals tell cells to proliferate if you have thickening of cells in yellow, tell extraembryonic mesoderm to proliferate w it Secondary stem villus Only in specific areas cytortophoblast cells tell extraembryonic mesoderm to proliferate with it no membranes broken, continuous membrane of synctiotrpoblast grows toward endometrial side then 3’ stem villus
Clinical pathology between day 4 and 21 ectopic pregnancy most of the time 54% its in the ampular region, but can also happen in cervical region and in interstitial region also isthmic region
Can ALSO have INTESTINAL AND RECTAL implantations. Follow this with ultrasound  vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain normally ultrasound done around week 16, but symptoms for ectopic pregnancy happen before that **Growth of embryo can result drawing maternal blood vessels to it to provide nutrients. These blood vessels usually burst resulting in internal bleeding. If untreated, can be lethal to mother.
-A syndrome recognized by shallow implantation
-Occurs in 5% of all pregnancies
-20% of all serious birth complications
-especially in first preg.
-overweight women
-IVF with donor egg
-Cause is not really known (until a couple of years ago -- sFlt1)
-can be genetic predisposition
-Creates problems in both mother and fetus – mostly in mom
Mother: throughout pregnancy (mostly seen in 3rd trimester)
1. Hypertension-can be very serious
2. Proteinuria – protein in urine
3. Liver inflammation
4. Edema
5. clot-plugging platelets depleted
6. Severe cases lead to swelling in the brain, convulsions and possibly coma.
At that point the syndrome is termed Eclampsia
1. Usually results in premature birth

- Flt-1 (VEGF receptor) found on endothelial cells-
responsible for blood vessel growth.
ALSO found circulating in blood (called sFlt-1).

- placental growth factor (PLGF) produced by placenta and binds Flt-1
to enhance blood vessel growth during
pregnancy especially during 3rd trimester

Clinical Findings: Blood from women who developed pre-eclampsia was compared to blood from women who did not.
-5 weeks before disease onset sFlt-1 levels rose significantly while PLGF levels significantly dropped

Conclusion: sFlt-1 in the bloodstream hijacks PLGF leading to deterioration of existing blood vessels and inhibition of new ones in placenta and other organs such as kidneys, liver, etc. (last bit leads to edema)

Treatment: Flood mother with PLGF to compensate
Hydatiform mole (complete)
A. Background
1. No Fetus
2. Conceptus Comprised Only of Placental Membranes
3. Occurs in 0.1-0.5% of Pregnancies
4. Most Common in Women Under Age 25
5. Hydatis-Cyst or cyst-like; Mole-Fleshy growth

B. Symptoms
1. Vaginal Bleeding
2. Hypertension
3. Edema
4. Abnormally High Levels of Plasma hCG ** KEY
5. Complete moles usually abort early (by week 10)
Remnants may remain\

C. Identification requires cytogenetic analysis (eg. chromosome count, PCR)

A. Mole Can Be Aborted or Surgically Removed
1. Persistent Trophoblastic Disease
2. Residual Trophoblastic Tissue Can Form Tumor, Which Can Become Malignant
a. Invasive Mole (Mort. Rate in 1980 was 60%. Now 0%
b. Choriocarcinoma (Mort. Rate 1980 was 100%. Now 20%

B. Reasons for Drop in Mortality
1. Highly sensitive assays for plasma hCG
2. Cytogenetics and PCR to I.D. Chromosomes in Trophoblast
3. New Chemotherapies

Complete mole: diploid oocyte + sperm  sperm pronucleus divides  diploid nucleus oocyte + 2 sperm  two male pronuclei DON’T LOSE FEMALE PRONUCLEUS. IT NEVER FORMED IN FIRST PLACE. Spindle apparatus, all of female chromosomes went into 2nd polar body. Fertilization can still take place, but get all male chromosomes
Partial hyadtiform moles
A. Background
1. No Fetus
2. Conceptus Comprised Only of Placental Membranes
3. Occurs in 0.1-0.5% of Pregnancies
4. Most Common in Women Under Age 25
5. Hydatis-Cyst or cyst-like; Mole-Fleshy growth
B. Symptoms
1. Vaginal Bleeding
2. Hypertension
3. Edema
4. Abnormally High Levels of Plasma hCG ** KEY
5. Complete moles usually abort early (by week 10)
Remnants may remain
C. Identification requires cytogenetic analysis (eg. chromosome count, PCR)
A. Mole Can Be Aborted or Surgically Removed
1. Persistent Trophoblastic Disease
2. Residual Trophoblastic Tissue Can Form Tumor, Which Can Become Malignant
a. Invasive Mole (Mort. Rate in 1980 was 60%. Now 0%
b. Choriocarcinoma (Mort. Rate 1980 was 100%. Now 20%
B. Reasons for Drop in Mortality
1. Highly sensitive assays for plasma hCG
2. Cytogenetics and PCR to I.D. Chromosomes in Trophoblast
3. New Chemotherapies

INCOMPLETE / Partial hydatiform MOLE: triploid
2 sperm and keep female pronucleus there. May be XXX, XXY, or XYY -result in further embryonic development than complete moles -spontaneous abortion usually occurs in 2nd trimester -rarely, an abnormal fetus is born. Does not survive.
A. Pathology and Symptoms
1. CNS Malformations
2. Impaired Body Control
3. Mental Retardation
4. Short Stature
5. Insatiable Appetite a. Starting at 2-5 years b. Obesity 6. Behavioral Difficulties a. Temper tantrums, Stubborness
B. Incidence
1. 1 in 15,000 live births

deletion of a portion of chromosome 15 at site q11-q13 on the MALE chromosome.

NOTE: Prader-Willi and Angelman’s Syndrome Result from the Same Chromosome Deletion at 15q11-q13 P.W. Occurs when the deletion is inherited from the father
A.S. Occurs when the deletion is inherited from the mother
Angelman's syndrom
CAUSED by a deletion of a portion of chromosome 15 at site q11-q13 on the FEMALE chromosome

Pathology and Symptoms
1. Developmental Delay
2. Little or no Language Skills
3. Movement or Balance Disorders
4. Happy Demenor

B. Incidence
1. 1 in 15,000 live births

NOTE: Prader-Willi and Angelman’s Syndrome Result from the Same Chromosome Deletion at 15q11-q13 P.W. Occurs when the deletion is inherited from the father
A.S. Occurs when the deletion is inherited from the mother
Besides hydatiform moles and PW/AS, what are some other clinical consequences of genomic imprinting?
Clinical Consequences of faulty genomic imprintin
A. Severity & age of onset of genetic disease depends on parent who had the mutation
1. Spinocerebellar ataxia
2. Myotonic dystrophy
3. Neurofibromatoses I and II
4. Huntington’s Chorea
5. Wilm’s Tumor (caused by WT-1 gene)
Meckel's diverticulum
an anomoly of the digestive tract resulting from a yolk sac that does not dissolve
Where is the major site of hematopiesis?
extraembryonic mesoderm forming the outer layer of the yolk sac
Decidual reaction
decidual tissue came from endometrium. Call it decidual because the cells makin gup the white area have undergone massive proliferation as compared to endometrium 10-15 cm away that has not undergone that much proliferation
Day 21 Now have EMBRYONIC BLOOD VESSLES enmeshed in EXTRAEMBRYONIC MESODERM this is where they come from! – this is what gives rise to fetal blood vesseles the spaces are partly responsible/help allow mom’s blood to have some force/pressure being squirted into trophobastic lacuna note arrows .. Lets water, gucose to get across the membrane and into embryonic blood stream remember mom and baby blood not supposed to mix
Here the chorionic cavity is on the bottom, decidua tissue is on the top (opposite from other image) cytotrophoblast are cytotrophoblast dark green synccytiotropblast CHANGE IN TERMINOLOGY: INTERVILLOUS SPACE (instead of tropoblastic lacuna). Maturation. Can see these using ultrasounds. Important to look at at 16-17 weeks. Do first ultrasound look not just at fetus itself, also look at placenta to make sure structures like this are nice, plump, full of blood
Here the chorionic cavity is on the bottom, decidua tissue is on the top (opposite from other image) cytotrophoblast are cytotrophoblast dark green synccytiotropblast CHANGE IN TERMINOLOGY: INTERVILLOUS SPACE (instead of tropoblastic lacuna). Maturation. Can see these using ultrasounds. Important to look at at 16-17 weeks. Do first ultrasound look not just at fetus itself, also look at placenta to make sure structures like this are nice, plump, full of blood
chorionic cavity at the top, decidua at the bottom note mom’s blood vessles bringing oxygenated blood to intervillus spaces blood is then pushed with pressure into intervillus spaces, bathe synctiotrophoblast blood is pushed through into the veins (maternal in uterus) work way up, see that the CHORION is considered the FETAL PORTION OF THE PLACENTA there are actually 2 portions to the placenta: the embryo’s portion (syncstiotrophobloast, cytotorpoblst, extraembryonic mesoderm) and mom’s part – chorion

Also have umbilical arteried and veins ** note that artery has deoxygenated blood FROM fetus and vein has oxygenated blood to the fetus. Has to do w/ blood in respect to MOM HEART.
barriers that keep mom and baby's blood from mixing?
cytotrophoblastic cells synctiotrophoblast cells extracellmatrix between all those cells
also enodthelial cells – cell membranes of the endothelial cells that make up the capillaries/blood vessles from the embryo.

These are all barriers from mom and embryos blood mixing
Cells that can shed to mom's blood
Synctotropoblast and cytotroblast cells can shed to mom’s blood
1’ 2’ and 3’ stem villus CHORIONIC PLATE cells of cytotrophoblast that is next to chorionic cavity also have cytotrophoblastic shell (those are near intervillous space) spiral artery from mom are more or less injecting blood into intervillous space, bathing 3’ stem villus. STEM VILLOUS CONTINUE TO BRANCH UP UNTIL MIDDLE OF LAST MONTH OF PREGNANCY. spiral arteries from mom also proliferate (with the help of plgf etc) maternal blood does not mix w fetal blood. The barriers that keep them from mixing are numerous cytotrophoblastic cells synctiotrophoblast cells extracellmatrix between all those cells also enodthelial cells – cell membranes of the endothelial cells that make up the capillaries/blood vessles from the embryo. These are all barriers from mom and embryos blood mixing
Synctotropoblast and cytotroblast cells can shed to mom’s blood when bloods do mix not the end of world but not necessarily a good thing
SEM this is chunk of tissue coated in gold, silver different metals chorionic plate is at bottom of this image main stem villus coming up white arrows are terminal villi main sem villus then have cytotrophoblastic chell dark area is all filled w mom’s blood. Rest of structures are fetus’s tissue
**BE FAMILIAR W THIS IMAGE FOR THE EXAM. Not just labeling for the exam, give FUNCTION of what’s going on. Eg. chorion frondosum = functional part of chorion (chorion = embryo’s portion of placenta). This is the area that more related to where the umbilical cord is associated. Mom blood into intervillous space the chorion leave (leah-ey- vee) closer to the external part of uterus white area at bottom is the lumen of the uterus. This hasn’t grown yet, once it does the lumen of the uterus more or less disappears note chorion leave normally breaks down decidua capsularis. Take mom’s portion of the placenta ****decidual = mom’s portion of the placenta. If you break it down a bit further, the decidua capsularis is on the outer embryonic side of the placenta. Chorionic plate borders the chorionic cavity outer cytotrophoblastic cells borders the decidua

A. Transport
1. Gases O2, CO2, CO (if you’re exposed to CO)
2. Water, Glucose, Vitamins, lipids
3. Hormones
a. hCG (feeds back on the corpus luteum in early stages), Corticosteroids (from mom) – stress hormones can get through and affect baby. If mom is under a lot of stressw it can affect embryo
4. Electrolytes (NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl, etc.)
5. Maternal antibodies
a. Selective uptake of IgGs
neonatal Fc receptor (Fc receptors binds to Fc portion of ab from mom’s blood. Brings them across and deposit into embryo’s blood. Dunno how this happens exactly. Can see it when you label certain ab. Sets up passive immunity
b. Sets up Passive Immunity against diptheria, smallpox, measles, but not chicken pox, and whooping cough. (Fc receptors for those not found on syncsitotrophoblast)
6. Drugs and their metabolites
7. Waste products.
1. Cutoff around 100,000 Daltons
a. excludes most viruses (bigger than 100,000 daltons) and bacteria. What about Cells??
C. Produces hormones
1. hCG (syncitiotrophoblasts)
3. local production of Indoleamine 2,3, deoxygenase (IDO) destroys tryptophans on maternal T cells rendering them inactive as they approach the placenta (nature paper. Renders T cells locally inactive. Makes embryo safe from mom’s immune system)
4. Somatomammotropin (gives fetus priority of maternal blood glucose. Can cause mother to become temp. diabetic)
What's the cutoff size of things that can cross the placenta?
1. Cutoff around 100,000 Daltons
a. excludes most viruses (bigger than 100,000 daltons) and bacteria. What about Cells??

CANCER CELLS CAN CROSS --> Melanomas, leukemias, and lymphomas (**blood types of cancer) have been shown to cross the placenta resulting in the fetus developing cancer. – don’t know whether its active or passive)
Blood flow by week 18?
500 mls / min
The decidua basalis – light colored orange is MOMS portion of placenta. This is portion that borders the CHORION FRONDOSOM the decidua parietalis – this is the mom’s portion of the placenta, hasnt really interacted yet w embryo’s portion of the placenta yet. This is on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF UTERUS FROM WHERE EMBRYO HAS EMPLANTED decidua capsularis .. This is the decidua cells that interacts specific with chorion laeve chorion = embryo’s portion decidua = mom’s portion ***** choironic cavity although it’s getting larger is beginning to shrink is size because the amniotic cavity is filling up the space of the chorionic cavity. It’s separated by the amniotic sac (arrow to it) do ultrasound stuff w fluid black, so amniotic sac and chorionic cavity would both be black. 2’ yolk sac also degenerates over time. The functionn of the yolk sac has no more function by 10 weeks UTERINE CAVITY .. Technically your embryo is still technically in the endometrium. Not in the uterine cavity. Did not grow just by binding to the uterine epithelium. It INVADED INTO ENDOMETRIUM and made all these structures and now this is just growing. The decidual capsularis is the border that is keeping it within the endometrium of the uterus amniotic sac fuses to chorionic plate/laeve decidua capsularis, decidua paritalis, chorion laeve FUSE on the opposite side of the uterus. The amniotic sac, which was small has also fused to the chorionic plate, to the chorion laeve. Still exists, the amniotic sac is still there, chorion laeve is still there, decidua paritalis and decidua capsularis is still there. All demarcated by membranes. Chorion frondosum, where all of mom’s blood is being injected into. the decidual paritalis, all these other tissues still there, demarcated by membranes. chorionic frondosum is mom’s blood injected here
Note fetal circulation (2 arteries 1 vein) amniotic cavity at this point has probably taken over chorionic cavity If you don’t have many tert stem villi in the wayt, decidua basalis cells can grown between tertiary vicilli, form structure called SEPTUM (arrow)– VERY IMPORTANT STRUCTUES. what’s so important about septum you ask? Spiral arteries and veins still doing their thing. The septum, however, are important because you can compare area that does not have 3’ stem villus (see 2 septum far apart) with area that has 3’ stem villus present. If septum wasn’t there, it would be pushed into that area and be forced to go upwards to the chorion plate. Without septa, really difficult to get oxygenated blood to the chorionic plate. Septa super important. Other importance of septum is when you’re looking at this stuff more macroscopally.
after birth, have the afterbirth comprised of both mom’s portion of placenta (decidua basalis) and the chorion the afterbirth all the colored placenta tissue is born about 20 minutes later what comes out looks like whats on this slide first thing obgyn does is to look at the structure, the decidual side. If removes the decidua basalis have the remnents of small septum. , .. Sometimes have remnants of big deep sections, sometimes decidua basalis grows almost all the way down to choreonic plate. big septum that’s called cotyledon. MUST look like this when it comes out if you have area where cotyledons are collapsed or don’t look healthy, that’s a sign that you need to look at baby for issues – first thing obgyn does anyway is listen to the heart. If it’s there, have a good beat, great. When afterbirth comes out and cotyledons are not in good shape, need to listen to heart more closely – embro/fetus was NOT getting enough oxygenated blood to side opposite chorion, so FETUS’ HEART WORKS HARDER  GET VALVE PROBLEMS. NEED TO LISTEN FOR A MURMOR. If there is a relatively bad murmor, may need to do surgery on baby to do valve repair main issue for baby heart mumor: bad blood flow from placenta small tiny septum.. Also deep septum make cotyledon.
Comprised of epithelial cells (from epiblast and mesoderm) a few layers thick and is the inner most fetal membrane
1. Fluid
a. Composed of water from maternal blood that diffuses through intervillus spaces. Other components include electrolytes, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, desquamated fetal epithelial cells.
b. Entire volume is replaced every 3 hrs. diffusion
c. By 37 weeks the amniotic sac contains 800-1000mls of fluid
d. Functions to cushion the embryo from impacts, maintains consistent temp., acts as barrier to infections, and allows a consistent environment.
e. Also functions to bath the external areas within the embryo (e.g., lungs, G.I. Tract).
Amniocentesis is carried out when there are medical concerns of the fetus.
For the detection of, for example, Tay Sachs disease, down syndrome.
A couple may want to know the sex of their child
Chromosomal analysis will reveal trisomy

Removal of small amount of amniotic fluid via needle
Not usually done before 13-14wks (not enough fluid)
Amniotic fluid contains cells that have been sloughed from embryo
Fluid: examine proteins present (e.g., alpha-fetoprotein signals neural tube defects)
Cells: sex (e.g., X chromosome; trisomy) or genetic defects (e.g., PCR/enzymes for Tay Sachs)

Take out, spin down, isolate cells. Breaking amnion risks for premature birth, can do other things too. If that baby flips, a leg can go outside of that hole, would amputate the leg if its outside of the amnion. Hole pretty small, heals fast, can cauterize when you pull it out. Not really concerned about fluid loss.
Umbilical cord
-Derived from extraembryonic mesoderm at posterior end of disc
-Blood vessels undergoing angiogenesis enter the connecting stalk around week 3
-3-4 weeks: see extraembryonic ectoderm and extraembryonic mesoderm begin to fold upon connecting stalk. In connecting stalk have 2’ yolk sac begin to be squeezed out. Note the embryo’s body. In umbilical cord can see ectoderm and extramebryonic mesoderm covering the entire connecting stalk. ISSUE WITH IMAGE: arteries are colored red, should be blue, veins blue should be red.

Here is umbilical cord, large structure early on compared to embryo. By week 6-8 its covered by amniotic membrane. The intestinal endoderm, true gut, can enter into the umbilical cord. If it is NOT retracted back, get umbilical hernia. yellow tissue that intestinal loop is pointing to is true gut endoderm from primitive tissue then have true gut/hypoblast. Right at star. One cell difference.
Color Doppler Ultrasonogram
of Umbilical Circulation

A Color Doppler ultrasonogram measures the blood flow through the umbilical vein and arteries.
Flow Velocity Waveforms (FVW) are visualized by a sonogram detector, which measure direction and resistance of blood flow. (not pressure, upper and lower limits are not measured)
A typical set of FVWs in an umbilical artery from an 8 week embryo is seen in ‘A’
FVWs in the umbilical vein in ‘B’ at 8 weeks are much stronger relative to the arteries. Why? – larger, more volume
By week 12 the arteriole FVWs contain an additional wave called an End Diastolic Velocity (EDV – red arrows) suggesting increased resistance in the arteries. If they aren’t there, can make an educated guess that there may be some problems with blood flow in the placenta.
These can be used as diagnostic tools for determining blood flow to and from the embryo/fetus
Receptors responsible for vasculo and angiogenesis
Fibroblasts make vegf, binds to vegf receptor. Flt1 is receptor. Sflit = soluble flit, floating around in mom’s blood also flk1 these two receptors for vegf help define the paths these cells take. Do they become Hemangioblasts that then become rbc or do they become capillary? Plgf helps to drive this too

**recall that high levels of sflit and dropping levels of pglf indicate preeclampsia
Treatment: Flood mother with PLGF to compensate
Dizygotic twins
1. Formed as ovary releases two eggs. Each are fertilized by a single sperm
Usually develop separate placentas (A)
Chorions can fuse as in (B)
a. Can lead to erythrocyte mocaicism (when that happens fetus is fine but they can have erythrocyte mocaicm mom is A dad is O, baby left is A baby right is O, can have type A and O in blood streams. Will always have that. NOT A PROB WHEN THIS HAPPENS EMBRYONICALLY )
Monozygotic twins
Identical, formed from one egg and sperm

Can result in three different arrangement of fetal and placental membranes
1. Embryo possible splits prior to blast formation-Results in separate compartments
-->embryo possibly splits prior to blastocyst formation –what is likely happening is that embryo hatched prior to blastocyst formation/differentaition and embryo splits into two. Can still develop w/o a zona. Embryos go into uterus and impant in separate spots
2. ICM spilts-Results in shared placenta` and chorionic sac. this is usually what happens
3. Gastrula splits-Results in Shared placenta, chorionic sac, and amniotic sac . Doesn’t happen often. Is a defect in signaling mechanisms (shh, etc.) the entire placenta is shared when this happens.
What happens to the embryo at week 6?
Between week 6-8 the entire structure is surrounded by amniotic membrane creating the primitive umbilical chord
1. Also at this stage, excess intestinal endoderm can enter the chord resulting in an umbilical hernia, but usually are withdrawn back into fetal abdomen by Week 24-26
Where does vasculargenesis begin?
Vasculargenesis begins in yolk sac. Get blood islands that expand to make vessels. Enter and start combining with other blood islands forming in the extraembryonic mesoderm. This is where initialization of blood vessels form. 2’ yolk sac. (not 1’.. This is long gone).
What forms the amniotic cavity?
Na/K atpase pump
What happens to the embryo at week 7?
A. This embryo is enmeshed in its fetal membranes.

C. Within the umbilical chord, the arteries and veins are enmeshed in a proteoglycan-based substance called Jelly of Wharton – prevents arteries and veins from being clamped off
Jelly of wharton
Within the umbilical chord, the arteries and veins are enmeshed in a proteoglycan-based substance called Jelly of Wharton – prevents arteries and veins from being clamped off
Clinical problems related to membranes and their fluids?
Umbilical Chord Abnormalities
1. Chord can wrap around neck causing difficulties
2. False Knots can cause decreased blood flow
a. Cardiac and vascular defects
Amniotic Banding
1. Results from amniotic membrane tears allowing legs, arms, fingers, head or face to become constricted. May result in amputations or craniofacial deformities.

Amniotic Fluids
1. Hydramnios or polyhydramnios
a. Results from excess amniotic fluid.
i. Can result in maternal diabetes
ii. Anencephaly
iii. G.I. Defects -- too much fluid in GI tract, extends cells. Bad
2. Oligohydramnios
a. Results from decreased amounts of amniotic fluid
i. Can cause lung and G.I. Deformities. Problems if there isnt enough fluid in the lungs of the embryo
Amniotic Banding
1. Results from amniotic membrane tears allowing legs, arms, fingers, head or face to become constricted. May result in amputations or craniofacial deformities.
Hydramnios or polyhydramnios
a. Results from excess amniotic fluid.
i. Can result in maternal diabetes
ii. Anencephaly
iii. G.I. Defects -- too much fluid in GI tract, extends cells. Bad
a. Results from decreased amounts of amniotic fluid
i. Can cause lung and G.I. Deformities. Problems if there isnt enough fluid in the lungs of the embryo
Placenta Accreta:
Lack of decidua basalis

can lead to various Intrauterine Growth Restrictions (IUGRs)
Fetal demise (morbidity)
Perinatal distress
Low birth weight (smoking)
Perinatal asphyxia (low or lack of oxygen to fetus)
Cognitive abnormalities
Cerebral palsy
Cardiac anomalies (valve disorders)
Placenta Percreta
Villi penetrate myometrium
Into endrometrum
Not good. Goes way past the endometrium

can lead to various Intrauterine Growth Restrictions (IUGRs)
Fetal demise (morbidity)
Perinatal distress
Low birth weight (smoking)
Perinatal asphyxia (low or lack of oxygen to fetus)
Cognitive abnormalities
Cerebral palsy
Cardiac anomalies (valve disorders)
Intrauterine Growth Restrictions (IUGRs)

Fetal demise (morbidity)
Perinatal distress
Low birth weight (smoking)
Perinatal asphyxia (low or lack of oxygen to fetus)
Cognitive abnormalities
Cerebral palsy
Cardiac anomalies (valve disorders)
How do cadherins influence development?
Controlling expression of cadherins (cell adhesion molecules) spatially and temporally dictates how and when cells adhere to one another. Change that adhesion by regulating cadherins may control the body plan of an animal.