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22 Cards in this Set

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rapid plasma reagin for syphilis that are produced by bacteria

shows current and past infections

5 p's

educate: practices (educate and assess sexual health practices), past history/current symptoms, prevent complications, partners, protection

bacterial vaginosis

may not truly be an STI

normal balance of bacteria is disrupted and replaced with overgrowth of other bacteria

either from douching or a lot of intercourse which interferes with the vaginal pH, IUD use and stress can also affect

rise in vaginal pH

increases susceptibility to HIV and other STIs such as pelvic inflammatory disease

s/s watery gray discharge with fishy odor (especially when potassium hydroxide is added), clue cells evident when looking at wet mount (squamous epithelial cells coated with bacteria, dots around periphery of cell)

sometimes clears up without treatment

don't need to treat partner

flagyl or clindamycin is used, pregnancy doesn't affect treatment

no alchol should be consumed during treatment due to GI side effects!



affects men and women, more common in women

asymptomatic, or have yellow, green frothy, smelly discharge 5-28 days after exposure, pain during intercourse, speculum exam reveals ulceration on cervix that look like strawberry red spots (parasites which are causing bleeding)

leads to preterm and low birth rate babies

found in pools, locker rooms, places with wet towels

flagyl is used for treatment and go to both partners (can reinfect partner)

no alcohol during treatment, no intercourse until treatment is complete

condoms prevent


most common reportable STI

about half are asymptomatic

about 1 million infections but oculd have been 3 million

1 in 10 females test positive

Pelvic inflammatory disease can happen in 10-15% of females with chlamydia which can result in ectopic pregnancy, newborn pneumonia, chlamydial conjunctivitis

can cause blindness

must also treat for gonorrhea because it is expensive to test for it but frequently seen with chlamydia

s/s: appear 1-3 weeks after infection, can be silent, thin discharge, may experience bleeding between periods or similar symptoms to UTI, pressure in abdomen

recommend yearly chlamydial testing, cervix is not fully matured in young women so more likely to get infection

all pregnant women should be tested

azithromycin is used, very expensive, only single dose so good for non compliant, it is the only one used during pregnancy

doxycycline can also be used because it is cheap, but needs to be taken more frequent

no intercourse for 7 days, treat all partners

retest afterwards to make sure they're cured

amoxycilin- virtually useless!


second most commonly reported STI

"the clap"


men are more likely to have symptoms (2-5 days up to 30 days after being infected)

women are less likely (80% are asymptomatic and will develop within 10 days of infection)

s/s Men: painful frequent urination and pus-like discharge,

women: greenish-yellow vaginal discharge, swelling and inflammation of cervix

can spread to blood or joints/ life threatening/ PID- disseminated gonococcal infection/ arthritis

symptoms: fever, multiple skin lesions, painful joint swelling, infection of heart, inflammation of brain and spinal cord

treatment: cefiximine (by mouth) and doxycycline or azithromycin (when pregnant)

need to treat for chlamydia

must retest to verify cure

treat partners

encourage safe sex until cure is verified

mucous plug covers cervix to prevent infection to baby. can get infection through birthcanal if not treated which can result in eye infection leading to blindness

Herpes simplex virus

s/s painful blisters on genitalia

can become dormant after infection and may not have symptoms

genital herpes can be fatal for babies

most prevalent infection

can be mistaken for other things such as hemorrhoids, jock itch, condom irritation, yeast infection, uti

herpes select- inexpensive test for herpes

herpes 1 can commonly infect newborns

treatment : no treatment, but can suppress it. in pregnnacy acyclovir and valacyclovir can be used, only affects cells infected with HSV.

active lesions or symptoms- c-section

scalp electrodes, artificial rupture of membranes and instrument deliveries increase risk of transmission, asymptomatic shedding increases transmission

all women tested during pregnancy

HSV- localized annoyance for adults, but systemic infection, brain infection, developmental disabilities and death for newborns


human papilloma virus

very common

causes warts and cellular changes that can put women at risk for cervical cancer. high risk is cancer causing

in almost 90% of cases immune system can clear HPV, but because there are frequently no symptoms, it can be passed easily

over 100 types of hpv, 10 are associated with cervical cancer

pap smear

detects cellular changes of cervix to detect for cervical cancer

can take 10-20 years to develop

guidelines for cervical cancer screening

yearly pap smear for under 30 year olds

every 2 to 3 years after 30 if 3 normal consecutive papsmears

hpv symptoms

can't cure or treat hpv

cauliflower like lesions

friable cervix

painful genital warts

can remove warts or wait for them to disappear

treat the cells if they are abnormal or remove

HPV wart treatment

patient can sometimes remove themselves

if not pregnant, can use cryotherapy (freezing solution) or podofilox solution

don't offer podofilox for pregnant because can be teratogenic, remove cancerous cells, leave warts until after she delivers unless obstructive

gardisil is a vaccine available, doesn't protect against all hpv strains, cerverix is also available which protects against the type that protects against cervical cancer hpv

3 series of vaccines when 11-12 years old


symptoms: chancre

primary stage- soars, chancre (firm, small round painless nodule at site of virus entrance) (heals in about 4 weeks without treatment), infection to symptoms appearing is about 21 days,

secondary stage: skin rash, mucous membrane lesions, can resolve without treatment

latent: 15% of people, no signs or symptoms 10-20 years after infection

late/ tertiary: tumors develop in skins, bones, major organs

RPR test can detect virus

early stage needs penicillin,

pregnant: IUGR, preterm, stillbirth

hepatitis A

fecal oral route from contaminated food/water

not chronic, immunization available

hepatitis B

blood and body fluids

vaccinated against

chronic disease if contracted

hepatitis c

blood transmission

mild illness to severe lifelong illness

attacks liver

no good vaccine


can take up to 6 months for antibodies to be detected

viral load test can be done

asymptomatic period for months to years

AIDS diagnosis isn't made until CD4 is below 200

90% of children receive aids from mother

c-section before onset of labor or membrane rupture decreases transmission

25% of infants are infected if mothers don't receive treatment

numbers of aids perinatally have dramatically decreased

asymptomatic women will not have disease progress during pregnancy but if they are already symptomatic than it will progress

Zidovudine therapy diminishes risk of transmission to fetus

transmitted through breast milk

most likely to be infected during labor and delivery

no: amniotomy (artificial rupture of membrane), fetal scalp electrode/ sampling, forceps, episiotomy, vaginal tears

treatment for HIV



prophylaxis if positive


avoidance of breast feeding

what is the HIV patient at risk for after pregnancy

UTI infection, hemorrhage, poor healing, other infections,


enzyme linked immunosorbent assay

detects antibodies

positive antibodies do not establish infection in children due to maternal passive transfer

PCR is used instead to look for the virus itself, not just antibodies

positive titre does not mean infection

newborns from mothers with hiv

positive antibody titre for hiv, premature, low birth weight, small for gestational age


treatment for neonate with HIV

6 week regime of oral zidovudine

tested in first month, second month, fourth/ sixth month PCR genetic test

if mother didn't recieve therapy during pregnancy, then given zidovudine in labor because it crosses the placenta