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21 Cards in this Set

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Erythema nodosum causes

localized inflammatory condition of skin (type of hypersensitivity rxn)

think anytime you have red nodules on anterior aspect of legs

assoc with preg

most common causes:

streptococcal infections







Erythema nodosum presentation

multiple painful, red, raised, nodules on anterior surface of lower extremities

tender to palpation

do not ulcerate

can last ~6 weeks

multiple painful, red, raised, nodules on anterior surface of lower extremities

tender to palpation

do not ulcerate

can last ~6 weeks

Erythema nodosum next steps

Want to fig out cause:

CXR --> sarcoid, fungal infection

further w/u if CXR is negative

Fungal infection presentation

superficial fungal infections of skin, hair, and nails are dx with visual appearance and confirmed with KOH test

leading edge of lesion on skin or nail is scraped with scalpel to remove epithelial cells --> KOH dissolves epithelial cells but does not affect fungus

Tinea versicolor

occurs in humid climates or those who sweat perfusely

common in adolescents

dx with KOH with wood lamp

occurs in humid climates or those who sweat perfusely

common in adolescents

dx with KOH with wood lamp

Rx of fungal infection

Onychomycosis (nail infection):

oral terbinafine or itraconazole

6 weeks for fingernails & 12 weeks for toenails

monitor LFTs when on terbinafine

Griseofulvin for fingernails (6-12 months)

less efficasious than terbinafine & no longer rec for toenails

Tinea captitis (hair infection):

Oral terbinafine or itraconazole

Griseofulvin for 6-8 weeks

Tinea versicolor vs vitiligo appearence

Tinea versicolor:

lesions of different colors from tan to pink

lesions do not tan



no pigmentation



chronic dz with idiopathic pathogenesis

assoc with autoimmune dz such as addison's dz, hashimoto thryoiditis, DM1

rx with topical steroids, calcineurin inhibitors, phototherapy

chronic dz with idiopathic pathogenesis

assoc with autoimmune dz such as addison's dz, hashimoto thryoiditis, DM1

rx with topical steroids, calcineurin inhibitors, phototherapy

Herpes simplex

Genital infection --> multiple painful vesicles (normally caused by HSV2 but can also be HSV1)

Many ppl infected are asympt

Oral infection --> vesicles are usually visible & rx should be started immediately (oral acyclovir, famciclovir, or valacyclovir) w/o test confirmation (usually caused by HSV1)

Herpes simplex diagnosis

dx is done with active lesions only

if dx not clear, best initial test is Tzanck smear of lesion --> detects multinucleated giant cells (technique is similar to pap smear)

most accurate diagnostic test is viral cx (takes 1-2 days)

serology NOT useful (just distinguishes acute vs chronic)

Herpes zoster

occurs in elderly or immunocompromised pts

vesicles follow dermatone distribution with erythematous base

pain occurs prior to vesicle appearance

Can dx with appearance but Tzanck prep is best initial test & viral cx is most accurate test

rx with oral acyclovir (800mg 5x/day for 10 days), valacyclovir, famciclovir

aluminum acetate soaks can be comforting for skin lesions

disseminated herpes zoster (multiple dermatones) --> IV acyclovir

postherpetic neuralgia --> analgesics (eg gabapentin, amitriptyline, lidocaine patch, pregabalin)

Ramsay hunt syndrome

Zoster affects geniculate ganglion of sensory branch of facial nerve

vesicles and pain appear on external auditory canal

pts lose their sense of taste in anterior 2/3 of tongue w/ipsilateral facial palsy

facial palsy + pain = zoster

facial palsy w/o pain --> something else (eg Lyme dz)

Syphilis presentation

primary syphilis --> chancre- an ulcertaion with heaped up indurated edges that is painless (but can also be in oral area)

secondary syphilis --> generalized copper-colored, maculopapular rash on palms and soles of feetcan also have mucous patch...

primary syphilis --> chancre- an ulcertaion with heaped up indurated edges that is painless (but can also be in oral area)

secondary syphilis --> generalized copper-colored, maculopapular rash on palms and soles of feetcan also have mucous patch, alopecia areata, or condylomata lata

secondary syphilis is infectious and VDRL & RPR is only positive in secondary syphilis

Syphilis dx & rx

Primary syphilis:

best initial test --> darkfield exam (false neg rate of 25% for both VDRL & RPR)

Secondary syphilis:

VDRL and RPR have ~100% sensitivity followed by treponemal specific testing (eg fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS)

rx with single IM dose of penicillin but if allergic, can give orally dox for 2 weeks

rx with pencillin causes rapid death of treponemal & can cause Jarisch-Herxheimer rxn (fever, chills, rigor, hypotension, headache, tachy, vasodilation, myalgia)

Lyme dz

caused by Borrelia burgdorferi transmitted by deer tick (Ixodes scapularis)

>85% develop a erythematous rash (erythema migrans) with central clearing that occurs 7-10 days AFTER tick bite --> if seen, can start treatment with no further w/u

rx with oral dox, amox, or cefuroxime once rash is seen

with no rx, rash goes away in a few days to weeks with 2/3 of pts eventually develop monoarthritis or rarely migratory arthritis & smaller number of pts develop neurologic or cardiac d/o

neurologic (b/l facial nerve palsy) or cardiac sxs (AV block, PR interval incr)--> IV ceftriaxone 2-4 weeks


L melanoma R normal

superficial spreading melanoma is most common type (2/3 of cases)

L melanoma R normal

superficial spreading melanoma is most common type (2/3 of cases)

Types of melanoma

Lentigo maligna melanoma --> sun exposed body parts in the elderly

Acral-lentiginous melanoma --> palms, soles of feet, and nail beds

Lentigo maligna melanoma --> sun exposed body parts in the elderly

Acral-lentiginous melanoma --> palms, soles of feet, and nail beds

Melanoma dx & rx

Bx is with full thickness sample bc tumor thickness is most important prognostic factor

rx with excision

Squamous cell carcinoma

develops on sun exposed skin in elderly

10-25% of skin cancers are squamous cell

common on lip (more common with tobacco use)

ulceration of lesion is common

dx with bx

rx with surgical removal and RT can be used for lesions that cannot be operated

Basal cell carcinoma

65-80% of all skin cancers

seen in sun exposed areas, particularily face

shiny or "pearly" appearance

dx with shave or punch bx

rx with surgical removal (Mohs microsurgery has greatest cure rate with instant frozens done to determine whe...

65-80% of all skin cancers

seen in sun exposed areas, particularily face

shiny or "pearly" appearance

dx with shave or punch bx

rx with surgical removal (Mohs microsurgery has greatest cure rate with instant frozens done to determine when enough tissue is removed)


silvery scales develop on extensory surfaces

can be local or extensive

nail pitting is common

rx with salicyclic acid to remove heaped up collections of scaly material --> if localized, topical steroids

if severe --> coal tar or anthralin derivatives

to avoid long term use of steroids, can use topical vit D (calcipotriene) or topical vit A (tazarotene)