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107 Cards in this Set

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What are the guiding principles of your text

1- Personal Choice & Responsibility
2- Authoritative Information
3- Accept your own sexuality
4- Real-life relevancy
5-Physical & Emotional Health & Wellness
6- Critical Analysis of Research & Info about Sexuality

7- Awareness & Respect for Sexual Diversity

Awareness and Respect for Sexual Diversity means..

The information in this text will assist you in understanding the world around you, how and where you fit into it. The mosaic of diversity plays a major role in making human sexuality such a rich and fascinating study.

Physical and Emotional health and Wellness

The text is designed to focus on specific as well as general health issues and to decrease your discomfort in seeking care and treatment for sexual problems, if necessary.

Personal Choice and Responsibility

the assumption throughout this text is that you are an adult and in charge of your personal sexual choices. Throughout your life, it is your responsibility to make decisions that are right for you and that you can feel good about and do no harm on to anyone else.

Authoritative Information

The content of this text is based on the most up-to-date, scientific, and accurate research available.

Accept your own sexuality

The text highlights the importance of developing your personal sexual philosophy, so that you are in charge of the sexual situations in your life instead of the other way around.

Real-life Relevancy

Every effort has been made to ensure that this text is relevant and meaningful to you.

Critical Analysis of Research & information about Sexuality

This text will give you the ability to evaluate, intelligently and critically, the vast amount of sexual information you are receiving. Both from the media and from your social interactions with others.


severe self-discipline and avoidance of all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons


prejudice or discrimination on the basis of a
person's age


denoting or relation to a person whose self-identity conforms with the gender that corresponds to their biological sex; not transgender.

Consent/Consensual Sex

refers to any sexual activity in which EVERY person involved is in agreement and consents to the activity


dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people


the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.


this means something that was NOT related to producing children or offspring


view or treat (a person or group of people) as intrinsically different from and alien to oneself.


not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity


“interaction, especially sexual activity, in which one person enjoys inflicting physical or mental suffering on another person, who derives pleasure from experiencing pain”

Sex Positive

"pertaining to being comfortable with one's own sexuality and with sexuality in general"


“prejudice or discrimination based on sex; behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex”

*What was the basic underlying point shown through the presentation of Rubin's concept of the "charmed wheel"*

Rubin argues that sexuality is sorted into “good” or “bad” based on a set of hierarchies that are continuously redrawn based on current discourses of sex from influences such as religion, popular psychology, the media, politics, families, cultural influences, etc.

Experts from which discipline study sexuality?

biologists, psychologists, physicians, anthropologists, historians, sociologists, political scientists, and public health officials

What is a sexologist?

A person who specializes in the scientific study of human sexuality

What are the three fields of professional practice in sexology?

Research, Sex Education, and Clinical Practice

Sex Ed and Abstinence

Abstinence-only approach: the decision to avoid teaching adolescent students about sexual activity, STIs, contraception, etc..

What do studies show about the abstinence-only approach in schools?

there is an increase in unwanted pregnancies and STI's in this approach.

What do the studies show about schools who teach about sexual health

students were more likely to use condoms and other forms of contraception as well as they were less tolerant of rape in general and date rape


research supports a link between adults having accurate knowledge about sexuality and effective communication between parents and children

According to information in lecture “Early sex researchers and studies,” what was the focus of early sexuality research and from what was the most common profession of early sexuality researchers
Focused on the anatomy and most researchers were physicians

General types of research methodologies


-observational research
-correlation research

-experimental research

Types of surveys

-self-administered written questionnaire

-face-to-face interviews

-interviews conducted over telephone

-internet surveys

what is the preferred method of surveying for most honest responses?

written questionnaire

Based on information in Chapter 2 of your text, what were some of the erroneous “historical perspectives” related to human sexual anatomy?

1- human sexuality was seen as shameful
2- early beliefs about human sexual anatomy were:

-men & women have the same sexual body
- sperm comes directly from the male brain
- male body was "norm" & women's was "variation"

Based on information from your text and in lecture, what are typical findings related to penis size

research has not found evidence that penis size is related to height, nose size, shoe size, race or ethnicity.

-If anything, there would be a connection to size of father’s penis due to genetic inheritance

How do researchers conduct studies related to penis size

take volunteers and measure

who is more concerned about penis size – men or women?


how do the U.S. rates of circumcision compare to worldwide rates?
Today about 33% of babies born are circumcised. The U.S. is one of few countries that practice circumcision
What is the role of the epididymis
a crescent-shaped structure on each testicle where sperm cells are stored as they mature

Prostate gland

a gland in males that is surrounding the urethra that produces the largest proportion of seminal fluid
Vas Deferens

a tube extending from the testicle into the male’s body for the transport of mature sperm cells during ejaculation

What happens to sperm that is not ejaculated?

cells that are not ejaculated are simply reabsorbed by the man's body

What are the three most important issues related to testicular cancer?

1) most young men are unaware of their risk
2) They do not know that they should be examining their own testicles once each month for lumps, irregularities, swelling, and other changes that may be an early sign of cancer
3) they have no idea how to perform a testicular self-exam

How do you perform testicular self exams?

Check for any swelling on the scrotum skins, examine each testicle, check for lumps on the epididymis, and if you find a lump, see a doctor.


female external genitals


an erectile sexual structure consisting of the clitoral glans and two shafts that is primarily responsible for triggering orgasm in most women


a flexible, muscular canal or tube, normally about 3 to 4 inches in length, that extends into the woman’s body at an angle toward the small of the back from the vulva to the cervix


a very flexible organ with strong muscle fibers where a fertilized egg implants and an embryo and fetus grow, from a few days after fertilization until birth


the lower end of the uterus that connects to the vagina


the area of skin in the female between the vulva and the anus


The female organs that produce sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, and where follicle cells are stored and mature into ova
In the video from artist, Jaime McCartney, “The Great Wall of Vagina,” what was the outcome for the woman featured at the end? Was there a change in how she felt about the appearance of her genitals?

1-Women felt more comfortable with their vaginas

2-Women typically felt better about how theirs looked and didn’t want to change it anymore


a ring of tissue surrounding, partially covering, or fully screening the vaginal opening
Many myths surrounding the hymen:

-The condition of a woman’s hymen is indicative of whether or not she is a virgin
-Upon first sexual intercourse, the hymen will "break" and bleed
-Intercourse is very painful the first time due to the rupturing of the hymen
- if a women has an intact hymen, she cannot become pregnant

Female genital mutilation has 3 different procedures:

1) removal of the clitoral hood and part or the entire external clitoris
2) the clitoral hood & visible portion of the clitoris are removed and part or all of the labia minor (most common)
3) the clitoris and labia minora are removed, as well as the labia majora is cut or scored

According to your text “In Touch with Your Sexual Health” topic on Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), what are some suggestions to prevent or reduce the number of UTIs?
wear cotton-cloth underwear and pantyhose and change both at least once a day, drink plenty of fluids, do not douche or use feminine hygiene sprays or powders, take showers instead of baths, keep your genital area clean, wipe from front to back in the bathroom, use menstrual pads instead of tampons, avoid tight-fitting pants, drink cranberry juice or use cranberry tablets, and avoid fluids that irritate the bladder.
What is the main focus for people who practice “karezza” sex?
To have sex without orgasms
Understand the main points of Masters and Johnson’s 4-phase sexual response model. What are the 4 stages
Stages: Excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

Excitement Phase

phase in which the first physical changes of sexual arousal occur

Plateau Phase

stage during which sexual arousal levels off and remains at an elevated level of excitement

Orgasm Phase

third stage in which sexual excitement and pleasure reach a climax

Resolution Phase

stage during which sexual structures return to there unaroused state

Which phase of the Masters and Jonhson's sexual response model is the shortest?


Orgasms are highly variable. What are factors that lead to the variability of orgasms?

arousal prior to orgasm, length of time between, alcohol/drug use, comfort/intimacy with partner, time of month, familiarity with yourself, and/or “techniques” of what works and what doesn’t

Males typically do what during orgasm

ejaculate, but not always. There is a period of inevitability

True or False: a females orgasmic cycle can be interrupted


How do the Master and Johnson's 4 phases compare based on sexual orientation?

similar for all sexual orientations

What have been the main criticisms of Master and Johnson's model?

Criticized for being focused on physical response, namely orgasm, without regard to emotions and relationship aspects of sexual response.
Female Ejaculation

if indeed female ejaculation occurs, not all women ejaculate, and most women do not ejaculate do not particularly care one way or the other. Studies have indicated that 40-50% of women report being aware of ejaculating fluid during orgasm.

what percent of females experience orgasm from sexual intercourse alone?
36.6% of women don’t orgasm.
• What does research reveal regarding potential health benefits of orgasms?
Strengthen the immune system’s ability to resist flu and other viruses, pain relief, lower cancer rate, mood enhancement, longer life, greater feelings of intimacy, less heart disease, and better sleep

Sex is

biologically determined


The masculinity-femininity dimension of our basic nature as humans.

Gender Expression

how we communicate our gender identity to others (i.e. how we dress, wear our hair, talk, etc.)
Gender Roles
A set of behaviors, attitudes, and emotions that are generally socially expected for men and women in a given culture.

How do the male and female genitals develop during pregnancy

A person’s biological sex is determined at the moment of conception based on the combination of chromosomes that result from fertilization.

At what point of pregnancy can the sex be distinguished?

Sex can typically be distinguished at 3 months

What is Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY)?

a male genetic condition characterized by a rounded body type, lack of facial hair, breast enlargement in puberty, and smaller-then-normal testicles.

What is Turner Syndrom (X)?

a female genetic condition characterized by short stature, slow or no sexual development at puberty, heart abnormalities, and lack of ovarian function.

What are the three different types of intersex conditions?

1.Genetically male but have external genitals that are completely female

2. Genetically female but have external genitals that are completely male

3.Genetically female but have external genitals that are ambiguous, somewhere between male and female

what is the current recommendations for surgery of babies with disorders of sex development (DSD)?

Leave all babies intact as they come into the world and until they reach adulthood, when they can decide their sex

What does androgyny mean?

a person who embodies both masculine and feminine traits and behaviors.

What are the main criticisms of Sandra Bem’s work related to androgyny?

does not apply to diverse cultures

What does Sandra Bem's research related to androgyny?

Research suggests that androgynous individuals are generally happier and better adjusted

determine what was the premise of the parents’ lawsuit was in the article "Parents of Intersex Child Sue Over Sex Reassignment Surgery,”

alleging that the doctors involved in MC’s surgery violated his constitutional rights by having “surgically removed his phallus while he was in foster care, potentially sterilizing him and greatly reducing, if not eliminating, his sexual function,”

“The Overlapping Curve Model of Gender Differences” is about

a graphic representation of how two groups who differ on a particular attribute often share the characteristic to varying degrees and are not mutually exclusive

what is FGM?

Female Genital Mutilation

Why is FGM being done?

It is rooted to strong cultural beliefs. The culture places a high value on female "virginity" and in some cultures, it is a requirement for marriage

What has been the primary debate around circumcision

Whether or not there is a valid medical reason to perform it

Why is correlational research a popular methodology in sexuality studies?

because researchers typically cannot control people's sexual behavior as would be necessary for an experiment.

Sex positivity

Belief that sex is good, Respect and consent required

What are some factors that contribute to our understanding of sexual orientation and “what determines sexual orientation?”

the sex of those to whom a person is primarily romantically, emotionally, and sexually attracted is what determines sexual orientation.


your biological sex. Either male/female/intersex


the masculinity-femininity dimension of our basic nature as humans

sexual orientation

term specifying the sex of those to whom a person is primarily romantically, emotionally and sexually attracted

sexual behavior

a person's sexual practices (i.e. whether he/she engages in heterosexual or homosexual activity

gender expression

refers to the ways in which we each manifest masculinity or femininity. It is usually an extension of our "gender identity" (how we dress, how we dress, how we style our hair etc..)


a female with homosexual orientation


homosexual; applied to both men and women


a person who is attracted emotionally, romantically, and sexually to members of both sexes


a transgender person who has transitioned or is transitioning from his or her biological sex to his/her self-identified gender through actions, dress, hormone therapy, or surgery


historically a term considered more derogatory, currently being reclaimed by some to describe their sexual orientation in a broader way


typically defined as a heterosexual person who appreciates and embraces people who identify across the spectrum of sexual orientation. Someone who tends to take an inclusive approach in regard to sexual orientations.


capability of attraction to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. A person who is pansexual could be open to someone who is male, female, transgender, intersex, or agendered/genderqueer. The term is reflective of those who feel they are sexually, emotionally, & spiritually capable of falling in love with all someone based on their overall characteristics as opposed to a singular identify such as gender or sexual orientation.

Be familiar with Kinsey’s approach to studying and understanding sexual orientation.

Kinsey’s approach used a scale 0-6, where 0 is completely heterosexual and 6 is completely homosexual. He found that most people fall somewhere in the middle instead of 0 or 6.

Be familiar with Klein’s approach to studying and understanding sexual orientation. How is it both similar and different from Kinsey’s approach? What factors does Klein’s approach consider?

They are similar because they both use a scale to define how much you feel for being a heterosexual or homo sexual. Kinseys scale only focuses on the one dimension whereas Kleins has seven different dimensions (Attraction, Behavior, Fantasy, Emotional Preference, Social Preference, Self-Identification, and Lifestyle) and a time dimension (past, present, ideal)

Related to the coming out process, what are some reasons listed in your text for why people who identify as LGBT are coming out at earlier ages than in the past?

People are coming out at earlier ages because of increase of awareness of gay youth in the population and greater social support for doing so.

What are some of the myths and misconceptions related to “Interpersonal Qualities of Nonheterosexual Relationships.”

1- most gays & lesbians are unable to form close, ednuring romantic relationships & prefer to be promiscuous
2- gay & lesbian relationships are more likely than heterosexual relationship to be unhappy & dysfunctional
3- in same sex relationships, one partner chooses or is assigned the role of husband and the other takes on the role of wife
4- Most gay and lesbian couples are isolated from society and do not have meaningful social support networks