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12 Cards in this Set

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Why did Woodrow Wilson involve the United States in Mexico’s revolutionary turmoil?

* refused to recognize any government that used force to gain power
* stationed US warships off Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico
* wanted to “teach South American republics to elect good men”
* sailors quickly released
* Wilson backed him up by sending 6,000 troops
* occupied city at a cost of 19 American lives and 200 Mexican troops

Why did the United States enter the Great War in Europe?

* threat of depression in the beginning because of war
* Allie’s demand for food and supplies created economic boom for US
* US was secretly loaning money to Allies and intended on it being paid back
* declared war on Germany
* British propaganda started public outcry
* Germany kept consistently breaking neutrality agreement

How did Wilson promote his peace plan?

* Wilson’s trusted advisor
* assigned to shuttled diplomacy
* sent to Britain to inform gov’t that US will offer moral support if Germany rejected diplomatic initiative
* stated if effort for remediation fails, the US would be morally committed to England’s side
* Wilson goes to Congress and outlines ideas about America’s position at the end of war
* demands based on the supposition that the Allies would win the war
* core of the Treaty of Versailles
* treaties should be negotiated publicly, never privately
* no popular with England; most powerful Navy in the world
* Required US and Britain as active enforcers
* Needs to be define submarine warfare
* Wilson claiming the seas can be open in war just as they are in peace
* have to look at the definition of blockade
* Problem: Freedom of the seas requires power and the ability to enforce it
* Wilson wanted economy to be global and free
* the larger the military power, the more prone you are to go to war
* US already had a small, outdated military
* can only take place with international conferences and agreements
* can’t negotiate from a position of weakness
* impartial adjustment of colonial claims based upon the people involved
* England recognized the need for common wealth status
* ended up giving colonies to Japan
* called on Central powers to evacuate occupied lands and to allow various overlapping nationalities and ethnic groups to develop their own new nation-states
* creation of independent nation for the Poles
* called for a League of Nations

What were the consequences of the war at home and abroad?

* democrats ended up taking control over both houses of Congress
* World War I sped up American industrial production, leading to an economic boom throughout the 'Roaring Twenties.'
* circumstances thrust the United States into a position as world leaders
* payments by Germany that would keep it dangerously weak and impoverished
* Russian
* Austro-Hungarian
* German
* Ottoman (Turkey)
* one part of Austria-Hungary turned into Czechoslovakia
* part of Serbia turned into Yugoslavia
* gave Poland an outlet to the sea via German territory
* Germany left in debt to England and France; England and France in debt to US
* helped bring about the Russian Revolution of 1917

What was the relationship between big business and gov’t in the 1920’s?

* Lower taxes
* Higher tariffs
* Anti-unionism

What accounted for the nativism of the 1920’s?

* Communism no longer a theory
* concern in US about Bolshevism
* American Communist party
* Bomb Plots
* Italian Immigrants who robbed a bank and killed two men
* Eventually executed because of the heritage

What contributed to the economic boom of the 1920’s?

* US industry had been boosted by the war
* letting things take their course
* achieved by passing a new law called the Fordney - McCumber Tarriff Act in 1922
* encouraged Americans to buy goods made in the USA
* led to a Boom or an increase in the amount of goods being made and sold by American businesses.
* Henry Ford- assembly line
* Hire Purchase - people could buy on credit
* massive consumer spending.

What was modernism, and how did it influence American culture?

* both a mood and a movement
* recognized that Western civilization had entered an era of change
* traditional ways of thinking and creating art were being rejected and replaced with new understandings and forms of expression
* anarchical cultural revolt against conventional tastes in art, literature, drama, music, dance, and architecture
* viewed reality as a subjective realm
* found the subconscious regions of the psyche more interesting
* more potent than the traditional focus on reason, common sense, and logic
* interest in ugly and crude elements of life transformed dynamics of 20th century culture
* culture wars almost as violent as combat during WW 1
* delivered a blow to the widespread belief that Western civilization was progressing
* war disillusioned many young people
* turned backs on mainstream American life
* John scopes
* prosecutor was William Bryan
* trial was a circus maximus
* Scope declared guilty
* case thrown out on a technicality
* Fundamentalist were isolated

How did new systems of distribution, Marketing, and Mass Communication shape American culture?

* change in the way Americans were thinking
* wanted to get away from the city
* highways were built
* high rises
* department stores
* commuters
* mass public transit
* produced a discretionary dollar that afforded them to buy new products
* vacuum cleaner
* automobile
* refrigerator
* washing machine
* trendsetter
* went to speakeasies during the day
* smoked in public
* buying on credit
* gave listener better access to programing
* 1929- 12 million people owned radios
* Roosevelt’s fireside chats
* cosmetics
* fashion
* appliances
* expressed trends via newspaper/magazines
* America became better informed
* form of mass communication
* helped to promote cultural experiences
* actors

What caused the Great Depression?

* Farmer
* assembly line
* productivity increased
* automobile
* construction
* real estate
* petroleum
* plastics
* chemicals
* profits going to managers and owners
* saw factories making money and going to expansion
* more produced=more $
* real-estate
* people too poor to buy things that they needed
* a dollar down and a dollar a week
* failed to keep up
* people over their heads in debt
* indebtedness of economy was 76 billion in 1920’s and rose to 106 billion by 1929
* no foreign exchange
* Germany began to suffer from reparations
* England and France suffered from debt to US
* found Germany being bled dry
* could have counteracted the rise of HItler
* Europe in depression simultaneously with US

Woodrow Wilson

* ambitious and successful Progressive agenda, centered around protecting the public from exploitation by trusts, earned him national recognition,
* focused on revitalization of the American economy,
* won him the presidency with 435 electoral votes out of 531 and a Democratic Congress.
* As president, domestic agenda continued his campaign against corrupt trusts
* the former creating honest tariff reform by greatly reducing rates (for the first time since the Civil War) and instituting income tax;
* the latter creating new currency and establishing the twelve Federal Reserve banks and their board of governors to perform central banking functions.
* The Federal Trade Commission was established in 1914 to restrict "unfair" trade practices.
* Woodrow Wilson maintained American neutrality for two years
* rapid escalation of submarine warfare by Germany to include unlimited war on neutrals as well as belligerents left Wilson with no alternative but to ask Congress for a declaration of war in April 1917.
* Fourteen Points Address of 1918 called for a peace of reconciliation, based on democracy, self-determination, without annexations and indemnities, and a postwar League of Nations
* new Republican Congress at home was not in agreement with the peace negotiated under Wilson, particularly with the League of Nations and collective security aspects
* Ultimately, a separate peace was negotiated between the United States and Germany
* Wilson was awarded the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize, and heralded in Europe as a savior of peace.
* Exhausted from his vigorous efforts toward ratification of the Versailles Treaty, traveling 8,000 miles by rail around the country, Wilson fell ill and would never fully recover
* was unable to campaign for the presidency, which Warren G. Harding would win in 1920 defeating Democratic candidate James M. Cox. Wilson retired to Washington, D.C., where he passed away in 1924

Why did the Senate refuse to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

* Republican
* able to obtain 39 signatures to block ratification of Treaty
* concerns that the League would erode US sovereignty and pull the US into further wars
* worried about the collective security provisions in the League of Nations charter
* felt that the US might be forced to go to war in order to protect other nations that were invaded
* felt that the League of Nations would reduce America’s ability to control its own foreign policy and would potentially involve the country in unnecessary wars
* could possibly revive German militarism