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42 Cards in this Set

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State of either sad mood or loss of interest in ones activities

- feeling hopelessness

- suicidal ideation

- psycho motor agitation/retardation

- trouble concentrating


State personality elevated mood

- feeling grandiosity

- over enthusiasm

- racing thoughts

- vapid's speech

- impulsive actions


Individual shows mild symptoms of mania

What's the difference between hypermania and mania

Hypomania is not severe enough to interfere with daily functions no hallucinations/delusions > 4 days consecutive

Major depressive disorder

Disorder sad mood 4 > symptoms

- weight (decreased appetite)

- insomnia/hypersomnia

- psychomotor agitation/retardation

- fatigue

- feeling worthlessness/guilt

- trouble concentrating

- suicidal thoughts

Lasting 2 >weeks

Persistent depressive disorder ( dysthymic disorder )

More intense form of depression

2> years

Depression Felt most of the day

Seasonal affective disorder ( SAD)

Identified by two-year period in which a person experiences major depression during the winter months and recovers fully in the summer some experience wild mania in the summer

Mixed features

A subtype of depression

Present at least three manic/ psychomanic symptoms but doesn't meet criteria for manic episode

Cyclothymic disorder

Mild more chronic form of bipolar disorder

Alternate between hypomania in mild episodes of depression > 2 years

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Symptoms occurring immediately prior onset menses characterized by mixture depression , anxiety, tension and irritability/anger

Bipolar disorder

Disorder cycles between mania episodes and depressive episodes

Bipolar I disorder

Full symptoms of mania experience

Depression less mild infrequent

Bipolar II disorder

Only hypomania episodes experience

Depressive component is more pronounced


Neurotransmitters ( including epinephrine nonepinephrine dopamine and serotonin ) that's implicated in mood disorders

Learned helplessness theory

Exposure to uncontrollable negative events leads to a belief inability to control important outcomes

Negative cognitive triad

Negative views on

( self, world, and future )

Ex of how someone with negative cognitive triad thinks in error ?

They over exaggerate the negatives and downplay the good things that happen to them. Causes and aids depression.

Ex of how someone with negative cognitive triad thinks in error ?

They over exaggerate the negatives and downplay the good things that happen to them. Causes and aids depression.

Reformulated learned helplessness theory

People who attribute negative events to

( internal, stable, and global causes )

More likely than others to experience learned helplessness

Difference between learned helplessness vs reformulated learned helplessness

(LH) type of stressful event

(RLH) cognitive factors might influence how person becomes helpless

Interpersonal theories of depression

Theories that view cause of depression rooted in interpersonal relationships

Interpersonal theories of depression

Theories that view cause of depression rooted in interpersonal relationships

Rejection sensitivity

Tendency to be hypervigilant and over reactive to signs of rejection from others


Relapse or episodic occurrence tentatively or coming back after remission

Second Messengers

Chemical changes within a neuron just after neuron receives neurotransmitter message and just before it responds.


Tendency to repetitively think about the causes , situational factors and consequences of negative experience

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor's ( SSRI's)

Class of antidepressant drugs

Not more effective in treatment than other drugs . Safer if taken in overdose

Ex of (SSRI's)

Zoloft , Prozac , Paxil

Selective serotonin- norepinephrine reputation inhibitors (SNRI's)

Drugs affect serotonin and the nonepinephrine system are used to treat anxiety and depression

Example of (SNRI's)



Electroconvulsive Therapy

treatment for depression involves induction of brain seizure by passing electrical current through patients brain while anesthetized

repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)

biological treatment which exposes patients to repeated high intense magnetic impulses . Focused on particular brain structures in order to stimulate them.

Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS)

treatment in which vagus nerve is stimulated by a small electronic device much like a pacemaker, surgically implanted under patients skin in left cheat wall

Deep brain stimulation

Procedure to treat depression in which electrodes are surgically implanted in specific areas of brain and connected to pulse generator (under skin) and stimulates those areas.

Light therapy

Treatment for SAD that involves exposure to bright lights during winter months.

Behavior therapy

Therapy hat focuses on changing a persons specific behaviors by replacing unwanted behaviors with desired behaviors.

Interpersonal therapy (IPT)

More structured short term version of psychodynamic therapies

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor's ( MAOIs)

An enzyme that causes the breakdown of monoamine neurotransmitter in the synapse

Mood stabilizers

To relieve or prevent symptoms of mania

Mood stabilizers

To relieve or prevent symptoms of mania


Drug used to treat manic and depressive symptoms

Depatoke and Tegretol

Formerly anti epileptic drugs help people with bipolar disorder