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20 Cards in this Set

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Abase (verb):

“Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath: and behold every one that is proud, and abase him.”

-Bible quotes

Definition: behave in a way so as to belittle or degrade
Synonyms: humble, humiliate
Antonyms: Build up, elevate

Definition: behave in a way so as to belittle or degrade

Synonyms: humble, humiliate

Antonyms: Build up, elevate

Actuate (verb):

The pursuit of knowledge is, I think, mainly actuated by love of power” -Bertrand Russell

Definition: start a function or action, motivate
Synonyms: activate, animate
Antonyms: delay, depress

Definition: start a function or action, motivate

Synonyms: activate, animate

Antonyms: delay, depress

Avert (verb):

“May the gods avert the omen.”

-Marcus Tullius Cicero

Definition: thwart; avoid by turning away
Synonyms: deter, fend-off
Antonyms: aid, allow

Definition: thwart; avoid by turning away

Synonyms: deter, fend-off

Antonyms: aid, allow

Boorish (adj):

“The citizen's job is to be rude - to pierce the comfort of professional intercourse by boorish expressions of doubt”

-John Ralston Saul

Definition:  crude, awkward
Synonyms: barbaric, vulgar
Antonyms: delicate, gentle

Definition: crude, awkward

Synonyms: barbaric, vulgar

Antonyms: delicate, gentle

Brunt (noun):

“There is one thing alone - that stands the brunt of life throughout its course: a quiet conscience” -Euripides

Definition: bad end of a situation
Synonyms: burden, force
Antonyms: ease, peace

Definition: bad end of a situation

Synonyms: burden, force

Antonyms: ease, peace

Combatant (noun):

“And the combat ceased, for want of combatants.” -Pierre Corneille

Definition: fighter
Synonyms: adversary, antagonist
Antonyms: ally, assistant

Definition: fighter

Synonyms: adversary, antagonist

Antonyms: ally, assistant

Dormant (adj):

“Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.” -Horace

Definition: inactive; sleeping
Synonyms: asleep, comatose
Antonyms: active, awake

Definition: inactive; sleeping

Synonyms: asleep, comatose

Antonyms: active, awake

Dubious (adj):

“A blush is no language; only a dubious flag - signal which may mean either of two contradictories” -George Eliot

Definition: doubtful
Synonyms: arguable, debatable 
Antonyms: believable, certain

Definition: doubtful

Synonyms: arguable, debatable

Antonyms: believable, certain

Harangue (noun):

“He's a wonderful talker, who has the art of telling you nothing in a great harangue.” -Moliere

Definition: long lecture
Synonyms: diatribe, discourse 
Antonyms: tribute, acclaim

Definition: long lecture

Synonyms: diatribe, discourse

Antonyms: tribute, acclaim

Harry (verb):

“Thy wish was father, Harry, to that thought”

-William Shakespeare

Definition: pester; annoy
Synonyms: attack, badger
Antonyms: aid, appease

Definition: pester; annoy

Synonyms: attack, badger

Antonyms: aid, appease

Impenitent (adj):

“PIANO, n. A parlor utensil for subduing the impenitent visitor. It is operated by pressing the keys of the machine and the spirits of the audience.” -Ambrose Bierce

Definition: unrepentant
Synonyms: hardened, obdurate
Antonyms:  apologetic, ashamed

Definition: unrepentant

Synonyms: hardened, obdurate

Antonyms: apologetic, ashamed

Knave (noun):

“There are more fools than knaves in the world, else the knaves would not have enough to live upon.” -Samuel Butler

Definition: rascal
Synonyms: blackguard, fraud
Antonyms: hero, angel

Definition: rascal

Synonyms: blackguard, fraud

Antonyms: hero, angel

Legion (adj):

“An angel's arm can't snatch me from the grave; legions of angels can't confine me there”

-Edward Young

Definition: numerous
Synonyms: abundant, myriad
Antonyms: few, numbered

Definition: numerous

Synonyms: abundant, myriad

Antonyms: few, numbered

Liberality (noun):

“Generosity during life is a very different thing from generosity in the hour of death; one proceeds from genuine liberality and benevolence, the other from pride or fear.”

-Horace Mann

Definition: generosity 
Synonyms: alms-giving, benevolence
Antonyms: meanness, melevolence

Definition: generosity

Synonyms: alms-giving, benevolence

Antonyms: meanness, melevolence

Plaintiff (noun):

“When you have no basis for an argument, abuse the plaintiff” -Marcus Tullius Cicero

Definition: accuser
Synonyms: complainant, litigant
Antonyms: defendant, suspect

Definition: accuser

Synonyms: complainant, litigant

Antonyms: defendant, suspect

Probe (noun):

“I measure every grief I meet with narrow, probing eyes - I wonder if it weighs like mine - or has an easier size.” -Emily Dickinson

Definition: investigation
Synonyms: examination, exploration
Antonyms: glimpse, basis

Definition: investigation

Synonyms: examination, exploration

Antonyms: glimpse, basis

Protract (verb):

“Delay always breeds danger and to protract a great design is often to ruin it.”

-Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Definition: extend; draw out
Synonyms: prolong, put off
Antonyms: advance, complete

Definition: extend; draw out

Synonyms: prolong, put off

Antonyms: advance, complete

Quarry (noun):

“All the performances of human art, at which we look with praise or wonder, are instances of the resistless force of perseverance; it is by this that the quarry becomes a pyramid, and that distant countries are united with canals.”

-Samuel Johnson

Definition: goal
Synonyms: aim, chase
Antonyms: hunter, predator

Definition: goal

Synonyms: aim, chase

Antonyms: hunter, predator

Spurn (verb):

“Falsehoods which we spurn today, were the truths of long ago” -John Greenleaf Whittier

Definition: turn away; ignore
Synonyms: despise, disdain
Antonyms: accept, admire

Definition: turn away; ignore

Synonyms: despise, disdain

Antonyms: accept, admire

Subterfuge (noun):

“The right thing to do never requires any subterfuge, it is always simple and direct.”

-Calvin Coolidge

Definition: cheating
Synonyms: deception, poly
Antonyms: fairness, frankness

Definition: cheating

Synonyms: deception, poly

Antonyms: fairness, frankness