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130 Cards in this Set

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Source Credibility Appeals

Appeals based on the personal attractiveness of the communicator to the audience


Character or integrity


Expertise in a given area


Standing in relationship to others


Boldness, energy and assertiveness



Logical Appeals

Appeals based on logic and reasoning

Emotional Appeals

Appeals based on the expected emotional response of an audience


Medium used to transmit a message


Intended or unintended impact(s) of a message

Information Source

Where the message is concieved


Mechanism for encoding the message


The message


Mechanism for decoding the message


Where the message ends up


Interference that occurs in the transmitting or receiving of signals


Response to a message or activity

External Noise

Interference from an environmental source

Internal Noise

Interference from an internal source

Psysiological Noise

Interference from a biological condition or function

Psychological Noise

Interference from a mental state

Field of Experience

Totality of all we are at the moment of communication


The shared ideas, traditions, norms, symbols, and values that define a community

Lasswell's Effects Model

- Linear

- pg 7

Shannon-Weaver mathematical model

- Linear or cyclical (revised)

- Has noise

- pg 8

Dance Model

- No fixed beginning or end

- pg 11

Barnlunds Transactional Model

Participants act simultaneously as senders and receivers

Transactional Theory

Communication is a dynamic process, involving continuous changes in communicators and environments


Elements of speech that are not recognized as language

Standpoint Theory

Theory that holds that our background and experiences determine our perspective

Reward Power

Power that comes from offering benefits or gifts

Legitimate Power

Power that comes from holding an office, title, or other legitimate position

Expert or Information Power

Power that comes from knowledge or expertise

Coercive Power

Power that comes from making threats or intimidations

Referent Power

Power that comes from personal attractiveness

Trickle-Down Access

Controlled and restricted access to information, flowing mostly downwards

Simultaneous Access

Unrestricted access to information flowing from mass media and reaching everyone at the same time

Open Access

Unrestricted and uncontrolled sharing of information on open platforms, accessible to anyone

Reference Group

A group whose opinions we value and in which we hold or aspire to membership


Relatively constant thoughts and feelings about who we are and how we differ from other people


Our views of ourselves

Looking-Glass Self

How we think others see us

Ideal Self

Who we aspire to be

Real Self

Who we actually are


Our perception of our overall value


Our perceived ability to accomplish something or make a difference

Global Self-Esteem

Self-esteem that shows in many aspects of our lives

Life Scripts

Storylines that we create to guide us through life

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

A prediction or belief that leads to its own fulfillment

Social Comparison Theory

Theory that holds that we look to others for a standard of comparison

Assimilation Effect

Heightened self-esteem following a favourable social comparison

Contrast effect

Feelings of inadequacy and lowered self esteem following an unfavourable social comparison

Significant others

People whose opinions matter to us and influence how we perceive ourselves


Malicious communications in the form of texts, e-mails, or posting on social and personal websites

Body-Image Disturbance

Reduced levels of satisfaction with our bodies and a downward spiral in how we see our physical selves

Myth of Perfection

The false notion that a state of perfection exists and is attainable


The tendency to pay more attention to information that supports a positive view of the self


The tendency to pay more attention to information that supports a negative view of the self

Self-serving Bias

The tendency to credit our successes to internal or personal factors and our failures to external or situational factors


Focus on individual needs and goals


Focus on group needs and goals

Face Work

Politeness strategies aimed at making other people feel better about themselves


The process of sensing, interpreting, and reacting to the physical world


Popularly held beliefs about a type of person or a group of persons that do not take individual differences into account

Breadth of Perceptual Field

The amount of information we take into our visual or other perceptual systems

Optical Communities

A social group that shares a similar view of the world

Own-race Bias

The idea that accuracy increases when we identify specific members of our own race


A group of which one is not a member

Selective Perception

The process by which we see and retain certain kinds of information while ignoring or discarding other kinds of information

Load-induced Blindness

Inability to see as a result of information overload in the visual field


A focus on what serves our own purposes and makes us look best

Warrenting theory

Theory that says we are more likely to believe information that someone cannot manipulate

Impression Formation Theory

Theory related to how we put together different pieces of information to form an impression of a person

Tar Effect

A tendency to dislike the person who criticizes someone else rather than disliking the person who is criticized

Self-categorization Theory

The idea that we see ourselves as both individuals AND group members, whereas we see others as either individuals OR group members

Perspective Taking

Looking at a situation from the other person's point of view


Effort to eliminate stereotypes by focusing on similarities

Active perceivers

Individuals who choose the amount and type of information they receive

Passive receivers

Individuals who rely on others to select information for them

Perception Checking

A process for confirming what we think we have seen, heard, or experienced

Low-context Cultures

Cultures that rely heavily on words rather than context

High-context cultures

Cultures that place great importance on context and rely to a lesser degree on words

Communication Predicament of Aging (CPA) Model

A model that predicts the relationship among aging cues, stereotyping, and communication behaviour


The characteristics that allow others to recognize us

Collective Identify

The characteristics of our personal identity that we share with members of a larger group

Gender Identity

Characteristics we share with others of a particular gender


A mix of both masculine and feminine traits


Low scores on both feminine and masculine traits

Ethnic Identity

Characteristics we share with others with a common ancestry

Racial Identity

Characteristics we share with others with respect to racial heritage

Religious Identity

Characteristics that relate to a belief system and/or a sense of belonging to a particular religion

Linguistic Identity

Characteristics we share with others who speak a common language

Cultural Identity

Characteristics we share with others from the same or similar cultural backgrounds


The process of being absorbed into a larger group

Regional Identity

Characteristics we share with others from a particular region of a country

National Identity

Characteristics we share with others from a particular country

Historical Self

An outdated self, someone who used to be

Concealable Stigmatized Identity

An identity that carries a stigma and that can be hidden from others

Self-verification Theory

Theory that says that we want others to see us as we see ourselves


The extent to which we regulate our behaviours in order to look good to others

High self-monitors

People who are very aware of the opinions of others

Low self-monitors

People who do not worry about the opinions of others

Impression Management

The way we create impressions of ourselves in the eyes of others

Beneficial Impression Management

Efforts to create positive impressions of close others


Using words that show uncertainty or reduce the negative impact of what we are saying


A form of agressive behaviour that includes punching, name calling, or spreading rumours

Social Presence Theory

Theory that explores the effects of sensing another's presence in a social interaction

Social Information Processing Theory

Theory that investigates how we process various types of information in collaborative settings such as social media

Hyperpersonal THeory

Theory that suggests that we use limited online cues to construct idealized images of another person

Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)

The process of using a computer to communicate messages

Synchronous Communication

Communicators exchange messages in real time

Asynchronous Communication

Communicators exchange messages with a time delay


Graphic representations of facial expressions that convey mood


Process of acting upon information

Human communication

Process of making sense of the world and sharing that sense with others

Interpersonal communication

Interacting simultaneously with another person and mutually influencing each other

Organizational communication

Making sense of the world and sharing that sense with others in the context of organizations

Schramm Model

- Increased emphasis on encoding and decoding of messages

- Field of experience

Growth mindset

Basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work

Fixed mindset

Basic qualities are fixed traits

Power distance

Extent to which people believe those in power should look and act more powerful than those with less power

Uncertainty avoidance

Extent to which people accept and need rules, guidance, bureaucracy, clear delineation of responsibilities


Degree to which people value assertiveness, achievements, independence


Extent to which people value nurturing and sympathy

Halo effect

When we consider a person good in one context, then we think everything they do is good

Horn effect

When we consider a person bad in one context, then we think everything they do is bad

Primacy effect

When we pay attention to, or remember the first information we are exposed to

Recency effect

When we only pay attention, or remember the last information we are exposed to

High self esteem

Thinks well of others and expects to be accepted

Low self esteem

Thinks poorly of others and expects to be rejected