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75 Cards in this Set

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Existential approaches to psychotherapy are more ______ than _______.

Philosophical; pragmatic.

Phenomenology =

the subjective experience of a person

ET's roots are in

Existential philosophy

Existential philosophy =

the study of being and phenomenology; emphasizes that all we can really know is our own experience

ET ideas should be a part of all acts of therapy

true; because all humans face the ultimate concerns

Yalom defines ET as

a dynamic approach to therapy which focuses on concerns that are rooted in the individual's existence

Continential/European school of thought emphasizes the

limitations and tragedy of the human condition

The United States school of thought emphasizes

human potential and encounter

the US school of thought is closely related to the

humanistic school exemplified by Rogers and Maslow.

Who was the founder of existential philosophy?

Soren Kierkegaard

The most coherent and readable formulation of ET in counseling is presented by


The basic philosophy of ET Theorists is that

humans are:


responsible for their own lives

possessing the potential for self-actualization

Underlying ET philosophy is that

the life of each human being is a finite drama enacted in a hostile or indifferent universe; the purpose of life is not at all given, but must be selected afresh by each individual through conscious acts of willfulness tempered by responsibility; no matter how close a person may feel toward another, each ultimate must face life alone.

Frankl added that

to live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering

ET theorists recognize the human capacity for

love and creativity

Frankl: The salvation of man is through; and in


Frankl: The principal motivation of human beings is the

search for meaning

For other ET Theorists, meaning is

created; there is no discovery involved

Frankl: we discover life meaning through three routes:

1. by creating a work/doing a deed

2. by experiencing something or encountering someone

3. by the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering

Proponents of ET generally accept the idea of the unconscious, but...

its content differs from the instinctual drives Freud proposed. Instead, it contains the true nature of our existence - that we are finite beings alone in a meaningless world

ET theory is focused on the ______ of humans


Four distinct ways of being:





Umwelt =

being in the physical world

mitwelt =

being in relation to others; the social/interpersonal world

eigenwelt =

the inner psychological world; being in one's subjective experience

uberwelt =

the spiritual world

Truly authentic existence means

attending to all four realms

ET theorists assume that everyone experiences _________


Anxiety arises from

our personal need to survive, to preserve our being, and to assert our being

The most powerful anxiety is ___________ and is associated with __________

existential anxiety; the awareness of one's mortality

Yalom identified four existential themes of human existence





The ultimate concern is


The source of most psychological dysfunction is

death and the anxiety it triggers

the awareness of death, however,

gives meaning to life

Existential guilt =

guilt we experience about possibilities unfulfilled

Existential guilt is ___________; because ________

unavoidable; every time we choose something, we discard an option

most ET theorists accept that human existence does not come with built in _________


Frankl on meaning: each individual's is __________ and is found only as a result of

unique; a difficult search and perhaps unavoidable suffering

ET: We are always and ultimately


Awareness of ultimate concerns is


The result of anxiety is


Existential theorists aren't interested in personality because

each individual has the choice on a moment by moment basis to determine who he is

the existential therapist is more interested in the client's _______ than in the _______

present; past

ET: Health =


ET: Psychological dysfunction is the result of

living an unexamined life; not thinking about the values and meaning in our lives

The major source of psychological dysfunction is the

awareness of death

Awareness of _______ raises _________, which then triggers ______________ ____________

ultimate concerns; anxiety; defense mechanisms

Frankl: Noogenic neurosis

difficulties related to existential frustration or the lack of life meaning

We rely mostly on two important defense mechanisms:

feeling special and believing in an ultimate rescuer

Do existential therapists do formal assessment?


ET to assess and diagnose doesn't

capture the essence of individual existence

ET is an ____________ approach


Existential therapists are quite ________ in their relationships with clients


ET does not fit in a ______ _____ Model

short term

the therapist in ET is a

consultant who has a very real, deep caring for the client

As part of relating authentically, the therapist must have

attended to his own existential issues

when a client is reluctant to face ultimate concerns, ET calls it

evasion, rather than resistance

the purpose of psychotherapy in ET is

to set people free: free of symptoms and free to be aware and to experience one's possibilities; to enable clients to live a more authentic life

an authentic life involves

accepting the ultimate concerns of being - the inevitability of our own deaths

Beginning of ET therapeutic relationship =

focused on building a strong, trusting therapeutic relationship

The working relationship phase =

the ET Therapist assesses the client's material in terms of the four ways of being (Umwelt, mitwelt, eigenwelt, and uberwelt)

therapy should not be ____________-driven, but ___________-driven

theory; relationship

ET: Resonances =

evidences of the values, beliefs, and emotions that present themselves in the current encounter between therapist and client

The existential approach is _____________ techniques


ET important elements of therapy =

self-exploration, insight, and challenge

ET - Bracketing =

the existential counselor must learn to suspend his own beliefs and biases in favor of fully understanding the client's world

ET Therapists are interested in observing the client's

nonverbal expression and calling attention to it

the ET counselor can disclose in two different ways:

about the process of therapy; about therapist's own existential struggles

ET paradoxical intention

encouraging a client to go with a troublesome symptom

ET dereflection =

directing the client to turn attention out to the world

ET Dream analysis = looking for

manifestations of the client's issues around the four ultimate concerns

ET Guided fantasy =

using imagery to increase death awareness

ET is criticized because

1. it isn't cohesive

2. writers are difficult to read

3. there isn't any one theorist to read to get an understanding

4. not very testable

ET is viable for use ______

across cultures

The themes of ET are particularly relevant for
