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140 Cards in this Set

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What was the first political party?
the federalists
What did the federalists want?
a strong national government, large tariffs, large banking system and wanted to be allies with the Brits and had a very loose interpretation of the Constitution
What would the federalists be called today?
the Democrats
Who were the anti-federalists?
didn't want a large bank, don't like tariffs, liked France and believe in strict constitution - basically the exact opposite of the federalists
What is the check and balance system?
the three legs of gov check each other in order to balance out power
When was George Washington elected pres? How many terms did he serve?
1789; two terms
What was the first capital and why was it changed? To what?
the first capital was New York, but the south didn't like how far up north it was so it became the Federal City ( Washington D.C. )
Who was the Secretary of Treasury when GW was pres?
Alexander Hamilton - got rid of our debt in 8 yrs!
When GW is pres, how is the argument about tariffs solved?
only tariffs on what is coming in not out
What caused the Whiskey Rebellion?
farmers were getting taxed on their crops
Why did GW get us involved in the French revolution?
he loved Lafeyette
What were the Shawnee Wars?
the Eng paid these very aggressive indians to cause problems for us so they seize our ships ( Eng are hoping that we will fall from power )
Why doesn't GW support the government splitting into two political parties?
Because he predicts that eventually the parties won't think about the good of the nation, only the success of their parties
Who was the second president?
John Adams
When was John Adams elected pres?
How many terms did John Adams serve?
one term
What happens with the French while John Adams is pres?
they start seizing our ships, so Adams sends 3 men to France to discuss this but they wouldn't let us talk to Napoleon without paying - we are so mad we are ready to go to war, so we build up our navy and our army and we have a LOT less than France does and when we threaten Napoleon, he immediately backs down!
What was our response slogan for what happened with Napoleon?
"Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!"
What was the Alien Act?
We stop ALL immigration - for 14 yrs
What was the Sedition Act?
If you spoke out against the gov, you can go to jail, but this is unconstitutional, so it is taken away
Why doesn't John Adams get run for pres again?
the Alien and Sedition Acts and the Napoleon incident is blamed on him
Who was the third president?
Thomas Jefferson
What political party was Thomas Jefferson?
Why was Hamilton challenged in a duel by Burr?
because Hamilton supported Jefferson over Burr - going against his own party, and at the end of the duel, Hamilton dies
What was the Louisiana Purchase?
we bought 1/3 of the land from the French
Who was the second best botanist in America?
Thomas Jefferson
What was the only thing Thomas Jefferson was bad at?
managing money
How was the relationship between Thomas Jefferson and his slaves ( one in particular ) ?
good; he had an affair with one of them but she was 75% white, but it was against the law to marry her
What was Thomas Jefferson mainly "plagued" by while pres?
the Shawnee Wars
What was the Battle of Tippecanoe?
the leader of the Shawnee indian's brother has a vision that all of the indians should come together to defeat the Americans; Harrison is our leader and we win
To try to stop the Eng and French from seizing out ships, what does Thomas Jefferson do?
he puts an embargo on - doesn't work, sends econ downhill; then the Non-Intercourse Act - suspends trade with nations in war but hurts us so we stop it
What else is Thomas Jefferson "plagued" with while pres? ( Besides the Shawnees )
The Barbary Pirates - North African - they capture our ships and demand ransom for them - so we couldn't trade with anyone on the Med. Sea - first foreign war we get into
Who is the fourth pres?
James Madison
When was James Madison elected pres?
How many terms does James Madison serve?
two terms
Who wrote the Constitution?
James Madison
Who was the fourth president?
James Madison
What is another name for James Madison?
"Father of the Constitution"
What was the War of 1812?
sort of a second revolution because we fight the Brits for a second time - we win, but barely
When did the Brits defeat Napoleon?
What does Thomas Jefferson do about the Barbary Pirates?
he activates our marines and they go sneak around and the Barbary Pirates surrender and we take everything back
Who led the attack on the Barbary Pirates?
What was the attack on the Barbary Pirates called?
the Tripoly War
What did Lord Nelson say about the Tripoly War?
"This was one of the most daring acts in naval history."
What was the only thing that stopped Napoleon's 30,000 troops in Haiti from invading us?
a slave rebellion broke out and the French get beat bad so Napoleon sends them all back
Who was the leader of the slave rebellion in Haiti?
the slave Toosant
What happened with the New Orleans port? When was this?
the Spanish leased it to us so that we could use the port but then the Spanish gave it back to the French so Napoleon refused to let us use it anymore so we offer $5 million to him and he says $15 million for that and thousands of miles of land and of course we say yes; 1803
Who was the fifth president?
James Monroe
What political group was Monroe?
democratic republican
What political group was James Madison?
democratic republican
How long did the War of 1812 last?
three years
What is strange about the most famous battle of the War of 1812?
it was fought after the peace treaty was signed
Who was the president during the War of 1812?
James Madison - he is the first president to ask Congress to declare war on Brits - yes
During the War of 1812, what happened when we marched into Canada?
it backfired - they came down and captured our cities
In 1813, what do we do?
we attack Canada again and burn their capital and they get mad and attack our capital; our general was Winder and the Brits was Cockran - so we take all of our papers to safety while Winder tries to defend our capital - we get beat and retreat and as the Brits are trying to follow us, they get heat strokes; our capital is burned
How many terms did Monroe serve?
two terms
When is Monroe elected president?
Was Monroe popular?
yes - very
Who was our sixth president?
John Quincy
When was Quincy elected president?
How many terms did Quincy serve?
one term
Who was the "Skinny dipping president"?
Who was our seventh president?
Andrew Jackson
How many terms did Jackson serve?
two terms
When was Jackson elected president?
What political party was Jackson?
Which president was basically a dictator?
Andrew Jackson
What were Jackson's nicknames?
"Old Hickory" and "Dueling President" ( first duel at age 21 )
Why did Jackson get in duels a lot?
people didn't like that he married someone who was divorced
Which president made the Indian Removal Act ( Trail of Tears ) ?
Andrew Jackson - leader of the Cherokees sued him and won but Jackson just ignored it
Who was our eighth president?
Ramond Van Buren
Who hand picked Van Buren?
Jackson, but then the depression comes and Jackson blames him and decides to distroy him
How many terms did Van Buren serve?
one term
When was Van Buren elected president?
Who was our ninth president?
William Harrison
Who is the president that only served for 50 days and then died?
What was Harrison's nickname?
Who was our tenth president?
When did Eli Whitney invent the Cotton Gin?
Who was the slave that set up for all of the slaves to sail back to Africa a year later and failed?
Denmark Vessey
What are radicals?
people who will kill for their cause ( John Brown, Nat Turner, Denmark Vessey )
Who is that man that took 50 years to free 1/4 of the slaves in the world by bringing up the issue 50 times in England?
William Wilbur Force
What were the religions in the north, south, and middle states?
N: Puritans, S: Babtists, M: Quakers
Who was Elijah Lovejoy?
printer killed one day by some people because he was protesting slavery
Who was the number one abolitionist?
Who was a French ambassador?
Thomas Jefferson
What were the conditions of settling in Mexico?
embrace Christianity, no slavery, must abide by Mexican rules, must farm land
Why did so many people want to move to Texas?
no taxes, can get away with slavery, and free land
Why do the Mexicans start to enforce the laws?
because so many of us are moving there and Santa Ana doesn't like it
What caused the Texas Revolution?
Mexico starts to enforce the laws, so we rebel
When was the Texas Revolution?
When did we pay Mexico for all of the western land for $15 million?
What were the causes of the Civil War?
not just slavery! different regions, different goals for the country, different industries
What did the Dred Scott decision do?
it said that states can decide if they want to be free or not - cancelled out Missouri Compromise
When did the Civil War start?
Which side has early victories in the Civil War?
the south
At first, what was the Civil War about?
states rights
When did the Underground Railroad start?
When was the Missouri Compromise?
What was Popk's Compromise?
Texas is excepted in as a slave state an Oregon in as a free state
When did we take total control of Mezico?
When did Texas win its independence?
What is the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty?
we feel sorry for the Mexicans and $30 million for Texas, California, and all of the Southwest
What is popular sovernighty?
let the people decide if they want slavery or not
When did we find gold in California?
What political party is Abraham Lincoln?
Free Soilers
Who was the "Great Pathfinder"
John C. Fremont
What political party was John C. Fremont?
Free Soiler
When is Abraham Lincoln elected president?
When does the Civil War end?
What was the south's ONE advantage in the Civil War?
they had GREAT generals
What was the population of the north?
22 million
What percent of the navy was in the south?
Who was the president of the south?
Jefferson Davis
Who came up with the Anaconda Plan?
General Scott
Who came up with the Unicorn Plan?
Robert E. Lee
Was Robert E. Lee the leader of the southern army?
NO - he was the leader of the VIRGINIA army
When did Abraham Lincoln use Martial Law and take away Maryland and Missouri's rights?
they were border states, so he made the decision for them
Who was the best EVER to graduate from West Point?
Robert E. Lee
Was the Minet Bullet dangerous?
What was a major disadvantage both sides had in the war?
black powder
Who invented the American Red Cross?
Clara Barton
What was the first submarine?
the Hunley
What was the first battle of the Civil War?
the 1st Bull Run/Monasses
Who was the general for the North in the 1st Bull Run?
Who was the general for the South in the 1st Bull Run?
What was the second battle of the Civil War? WHo is the north and south general?
the 7 Days Battle; McClellan and Lee
When does McClellan run for president?
When is the 2nd Battle of Bull Run?
1862 - Lee runs into Pope who is going to help McClellan - Pope gets slaughtered
What was the fourth battle of the Civil War?
What were the three battles in Antietam?
Cornfield ( S win ) , Bloody Lane ( S win four scrimmages and N win one - VERY important ) , Burnside Bridge ( S win )
About how many men die during Burnside Bridge?
What is the REAL first battle of the Civil War?
Ft. Sumpter
Where was Antietam fought?
When was the Emancipation Proclamation?
What is the fifth battle of the Civil War? Who were the generals of the north and south?
Fredrichsburg; Burns and Lee - Lee wins - Burns is fired
What is the sixth battle of the Civil War? Who are the north and south generals?
Chansler's Ville; Hooker and Lee - Lee wins big time
Which battle of the Civil War is referred to as the "Perfect Battle"?
Chansler's Ville
When Jackson dies, who does Lee appoint as his new right hand man?
Jeb Stewart
What battle is the equivalent of Saratoga in the American Revolution in the Civil War? Generals?
Gettysburg; Mead and Lee