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33 Cards in this Set

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What's the definition of ethics?

Where no regulation exists or apply which behavioral guidance help?

Ethical principles

Blank space widely exposes and reports on unethical conduct, such as insider trading or the misuse of client's funds.


What words define values?

Morality, integrity, trust, honesty, competent

More in Trust hoccom

Individuals and corporations get into trouble when?

When their means values do not support their end values

The most difficult ethical dilemmas to resolve are those of?

Right versus right

What is the source of most ethical dilemmas that today's portfolio managers face?

The portfolio manager places the interests of the client before their own


Who is the ultimate fiduciary responsibility?

Fund's board of trustees

Although for some funds:

Administrative committee,

Company's board of directors

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Fiduciary status is based on blank space for a fund, not just on an individual title

Functions performed

In what document a fund must have at least one fiduciary who is an individual or entity named in it??

Trust indenture


Trust is expressed by way of 3 elements. what are they?

Disclosure of information,

Influence over decisions,

exercising control

In any meeting a discretionary portfolio manager has with prospective or current client, they must do the following

Listen intently to what the client is saying,

Not be manipulative, exploitative or deceptive,

Admit, when they don't know something,

Perform competently,


The trust relationship between a discretionary portfolio manager and client is based on 2 principles, what are they?

Competence ,


3 elements must be present for trust based relationship to develop between portfolio manager and client, what are they?

Portfolio manager has special knowledge that client does not have,

Portfolio manager belongs to an industry that is well regulated,

Portfolio manager places the interest of the client before their own

As the best practice, what should an employee's first day on the job begin with?


Adherence to an institutional investment manager's code of ethics


What is the definition of good business practice?

Distributing the firm's code of ethics to all affected employees at least on an annual basis is a good business practice.

This practice should also include having all recipients reaffirmed in writing their commitment to code of ethics.

Regarding personal investment activities of the institutional investment manager's staff, what are two elements of a good business practice

Written personal trading guidelines,

Prior approval process,

For a code of ethics to be effective, what are the necessary elements?

Senior management must support it,

Employees must participate in development and reinforcement,

Training and reinforcement must be implemented,

Should be reviewed periodically and updated when necessary,

Aside from firm's staff, who else should be made aware of the existence of the code of ethics?


The majority of institutional investment management firms have adopted to code of ethics through which entity?

CFA cod of ethics

What are the strengths of code of ethics?

The company is prepared to be explicit about ethics,

It can be valuable, formal and updateable expression of appropriate behavior,

Provides a social contract for the workplace,

Supports individual and firm's responsibilities and accountabilities

What are the weaknesses of code of ethics?

It may lull management and regulator into a false security sense. (Gathering dust)

It deals with resolving conflicts between right and wrong, but not more complex, and between 2 rights,

It may focus on what to do without explaining why.

Deals with an employee's obligations to employer but not the employer's obligations to employee

Poorly written code may contain policies that are inconsistent with an industry philosophy and incentive strategies

What are typical rationalizations?

If I do not do it, somebody else will.

It does not hurt anyone,

that is the way it has always been done,

if everybody does it, then it must be OK.

What are the common characteristics of Values?

L, G, B

They are long lasting , but not necessarily unchangeable,

They guide individual and corporate behavior and goals

They are beliefs, not facts.

A blank space, is one in which the ends and means mutually reinforce and support each other

Unified Value System

What is end value include ? (Csi question)

Sense of accomplishment,

family security,

self respect,

social recognition,


What are included in means value ?






Prior Approval Procees for Personal Trading of a firm's staff. Which department must provide written confirmation to affected employees?




Senior management personnel,

Prior to placing trades

Fir right versus wrong, some elements of the situation provides clear guidelines.

What are they?

One choice is clearly illegal,

One choice lacks a basis in truth,

the negative consequences of 1 particular decision will far outweigh any positive results,

the proposed action does not confirm with the code of fundamental inner values that are widely shared and understood,

What is the definition of Ethical Dilemma?

Exists when 2 or more of the possible choices pit different values against each other.

Pit means compete with

What is the definition of Prudent man Rule?

It directs the fiduciary to observe how a person of prudence, discretion and intelligence manages their own affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the permanent disposition of their funds, while considering the probable income, as well as the probable safety, of the capital to be invested.

What can cause the loss of professional designations and regulatory licenses for both the staff and the firm?

Firm's inability to conduct its affairs with its own code of ethics

A fund's, blank space, has the ultimate fiduciary responsibility

Board of trustees

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