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42 Cards in this Set

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The Wilmot Proviso was an idea proposed to Congress to
a.prohibit slavery in all parts of the Mexican Cession.
b.reinstate slavery in the northern states.
c.allow staves to be counted in the population of a state.
d.increase and improve the rights given to slaves


The Wilmot Proviso spurred a debate that showed growing sectionalism. which refers to
a.attempts to outline electoral districts based on religion.
b.taking advantage of loopholes in state and federal laws.
c.paying attention to just one part of a problem.
d.avoring the interests of region over those of the country


How did the idea of popular sovereignty affect slavery in the US?
a.Slavery would not be permitted in unofficial states.
b.States or territories would decide whether to permit slavery.
c.Slavery would not be permitted anywhere in the country.
d.The federal government would have the last word on slavery.


Why did members of the Free-Soil party support the abolition of slavery?
a.so slaves could own the farms where they were working.
b.for fear that slave labor would have taken whir workers’ jobs
c.to damage the economy of the South so that the North’s would improve
d.to gain power within the Democratic Party


What was Senator Henry Clay’s contribution in the Compromise of 1850?
a.calling for the end of slavery in the southern states
b.proposing a ban of slavery in the Mexican Cession
c.asking that the slave states be able to secede from the Union
d.proposing the California enter the Union as a free state


What was a consequence of the Compromise of 1850?
a.The federal government was losing power over the states.
b.Divisions between North and South became more distinct.
c.Economic benefits of the slave trade were destroyed in all parts of the nation.
d.The balance between free and slave states ended in the Union.


What was the position of South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun in the debate for the Compromise of 1850?
a.Slave states shoulds separate peacefully for the Union.
b. Slavery should end in the nation’s capital.
c. The federal government should ban the slave trade.
d. California should enter the Union as a free state.


Why was the case of Anthony Burns significant?
a. It marked the end of the Fugitive Slave Act.
b. It was the first case of a fugitive being declared free.
c. It led to a harsher version of the Fugitive Slave Act
d. It persuaded many to join the abolitionist cause.


Which was an aspect of the Fugitive Slave Act that horrified northerners?
a. Many free African Americans were fleeing northern industries for Canada.
b. Some free African Americans had been captured and sent to the South
c. Many fugitive slaves for the South were pouring into northern cities.
d. Some abolitionists were using violence to get across a message of freedom


Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a/an
a. novel
b. autobiography
c. journalistic account
d. political pamphlet


What did Harriet Beecher Stowe do to influence the debate over slavery?
a. pushed for the start of the Civil War
b. exposed the harsh reality of slave life
c. accused the federal government of obeying the southern stats
d. attacked political figures who supported slavery in the South


What helped inspire Harriet Beecher Stowe to write Uncle Tom’s Cabin
a. radding about the debates over the Compromise of 1850
b. listening to the stories of fugitive slaves she met in Ohio
c. witnessing slaveholder Simon Legree beat a slave to death
d. meeting the abolitionist southern writer Louisa McCord


Most northerners opposed the Fugitive Slave Act because it
a. endangered their wasu of life since a large number of fugitive slaves lived in the North.
b. encouraged slaves to resort to rebellion and violence to protest the new law.
c. have commissioners too much power and should have allowed slaves the right to jury trials.
d. ended the progress that the antislavery movement had make in the South.


Which of the following statements about the Fugitive Slave Act is true?
a.The law permitted fugitives to testify on their own behalf.
b. People who helped runaways often served as defence witnesses.
c. Commissioners benefited from returning slaves to slave holders.
d. Enforcement of the law began ten years after it wa passed.


Southern Democrats trusted Franklin Pierce to represent their party in the election of 1852 because he
a. disagreed with the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
b. believed that slavery should extend into the northern states
c.promised to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act
d.wanted to expand slavery to the western territories


Introduced in 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska Act
a.maintained the balance of slave and free states in the Union
b.divided the Louisiana Purchase into two territories
c.let the federal government decide on slavery in the Louisiana Purchase
d.reinforced the restriction placed on slavery by the Missouri Compromise


The Kansas-Nebraska Act led to the
a.prohibition of the practice of slavery in the territories
b.return of slavery issue between the North and South
c. reinforcement of ideas introduced in the Missouri Compromise
d.declaration of the Fugitive Slave Act as unconstitutional


Which of these was a result of the Pottawatomie Massacre?
a.Kansas’s citizens began a mass migration to northern states
b.Kansas collapsed into a civil war and many citizens were killed
c.Kansas’s government was no longer divided of the issue of slavery
d.Kansas was declared a free state by the federal government


Which of the following contributed to the Sack of Lawrence?
a.The government began to question slaveholders’ rights
b.Representative Preston brooks attacked Senator charles Sumner in the Senate
c.The pro-slavery grand jury charged the antislavery government with treason
d.The antislavery government in Kansas declared slavery illegal in the state


On the night of May 24 1856 five pro-slavery men were killed in Kansas. What is this event called?
a.the Pottawatomie Massacre
b.Brown’s Raid
c.the Sack of Lawrence
d.Shay’s Rebellion


Who proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act? Why?

Stephen Douglas introduced this act because he wanted to have the railroad start in Chicago so he got southern senators to support his plan and he gave them popular sovereignty

How did the violence of the Sack of Lawrence spark violence in the U.S. Senate?

The violence of the Sack of Lawrence sparked violence in the U.S. senate by Brooks using a walking cane to beat Summer unconscious in the Senate chambers after Sumner spoke out about the Pottawatomie Massacre.

In 1854 the Republican Party rallied around the
a.enforcement of the Fugitive Slave act.
b.spread of slavery in the West
c.idea of popular sovereignty in the U. S. territories.
d.support of the Kansas-Nebraska Act


The Supreme Court’s ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford established that
a.slaves were not allowed to accuse slaveholders
b.the Missouri Compromise restriction on slavery was unconstitutional
c.establishing a residence on free soil makes a slave free
d.Congress had the legal power to ban slavery in federal territories


Why were Republicans angered by the Dred Scott decision?
a.The Supreme Court ruled that Congress did not have the power to ban slavery
b. The Supreme Court had shifted the balance of power to the states
c.Dred scott had been denied due to process of law
d.Slaves were declared the social and political equals of white citizens


Chief Justice Roger B. Taney argued in 1857 that Congress could not prohibit someone from taking slaves into a federal territory because
a.slaves were not citizens of the U.S.
b.federal territories could not rule against slavery slave trade was still allowed in every state
c.slaves were property and property was defended by law
d. slaves were property and was defended by law


In the Lincoln-Douglas debates Abraham Lincoln accused Democrats of wanting to
a.overturn the Dred Scott decision
b.spread slavery in the West
c.establish slavery in the North
d.form their own separate nation


The purpose of the Lincoln-Douglas debates was for Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas to
a.announce their candidacies for Senator of Illinois and gain support of voters
b.spread the importance of antislavery movement to the state of Illinois
c.gain supporters for the newly formed Republican Party in the U.S.
d.fight for the rights of African American slaves in the U.S.


What did the Freeport Doctrine proposed by Stephen Douglas state?
a.slaves should be given the same rights as citizens
b.The decision to ban slavery in the territories was Congress’ responsibility
c.Slaves living in slave states should be given their freedom
d.The decision to practice slavery in the territories belonged to the people


In the Dred Scott decision the Court declared that the restrictions placed on slavery by the Missouri compromise were unconstitutional.


In his “House Divided” speech Abraham Lincoln declared that the U.S. would one day resolve its dispute over slavery.

during the Lincoln-Douglas debates Abraham Lincoln clearly stated that he believed African Americans to be the social and political equals of whites


The leading an armed resistance in Virginia in 1859 John Brown was attempting to
a.steal weapons and bring them to local slaves
b. fight the work of anti slavery supporters in Virginia.
c. control the slaves that had escaped in Virginia
d. show his anger over the Dred Scott decision

Why was John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry a failure?
a.his supporters did not follow his plan
b.He did not have enough supporters for his cause
c. his men turned on him before the raid began
d. he was met with resistance from slaves in Virginia

What did southerners fear after John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry?
a.the raid would increase southern support for the antislavery movement
b.the slaves in the South would take a cue from the raid and lead their own attack
c. the federal government would soon declare slavery illegal in the South
d. the safety of the South was in jeopardy and another attack for the North might occur

What was Abraham Lincoln’s opinion of John Brown’s raid in Virginia?
a.The antislavery movement should not be one of violence and bloodshed
b.Brown was justified in his methods of leading a violent attack in Virginia
c. the slaves in the South should have given strong support of Brown’s raid
d. The attack in Virginia need to be better organized to effect change

John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry do to affected life in the US by
a.resolving the issue of slavery in the territories of the US
b. sparking a number of antislavery raids in the South
c.strengthening the pro slavery movement in the US
d. heightening the conflicts between slave and free states

What was the significance of the election of 1860?
a.It brought to light the division that existed in the US over slavery
b. It exposed the corruption of the electoral college in the election process
c. It showed that the South was losing its political power in the nation
d. It illustrated that a candidate did not have to carry a state to win

Which of the following statements best expressed the reason why the Democratic Party was not a strong force in the election of 1860?
a.many members of the Democratic party and had not year gained enough support
b. The Democrat were a relatively new political party and had not yet gained enough support
c. many southerners in the Democratic Party became abolitionists and supported other parties
d. the Democrats could not agree on a single candidate so their votes were divided between two candidates

Which statement best expressed the reason why the southern states decided to secede from the Union after the election of 1860?
a.the southern economy and way of life would be destroyed
b.slaves would begin an uprising if the states did not secede
c. seceding from the union would end the possibility of war
d. secession would end the conflicts between northern states over slavery

Newly elected President lincoln affirmed that
a.the constitution of the confederacy was illegal
b. seceding states would be punished with force
c. citizen have right to overthrow the government
d. the seceding states had to give back federal property

When Lincoln was elected in 1860 he stated that the government would
a.make the needs of the south its priority
b.not start a war with the southern states
c.not ban slavery in the South
d.compromise about the extension of slavery