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32 Cards in this Set

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absence seizure
(petit mal seizure)
seixure that may be characterized by brief lapse of attention in which the PT may stare and does not respond
the inability to understand or produce speech
arterial rupture
rupture of a cerebral artery that may contribute to interruption of cerebral blood flow
a disorder in which cholesterol and calciu, build up inside the walls of blood vessels, forming plaque, which eventually leads to partial or complete blockage of blood flow; plaque of this type can also become a site where blood clots can form, break off, and embolize elsewhere in the circulation
a sensation experienced prior to a seizure; serves as a warning sign that a seizure is about to occur
cerebral embolism
obstruction of a cerebral artery caused by a clot that was formed elsewhere in the body and traveled to the brain
cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
an interruption of blood flow to the brain that results in the loss of brain function
a state of profound unconsciousness from which one cannot be roused
coup-contracoup brain injury
a brain injury that occurs when force is applied to the head and energy transmission through brain tissue causes injury on the opposite side of original impact
the inability to pronounce speech clearly, often due to loss of the nerves or brain cells that control the small muscles in the larynx
expressive aphasia
a speech disorder in which a person can understand what is being said but cannot produce the right sounds in order to speak properly
febrile seizures
convulsions that result from sudden high fevers (particularly in children)
generalized seizure (grand mal seizure)
seizure characterized by severe twitching of all the body's muscles that may last several minutes or more
weakness on one side of the body
hemorrhagic stroke
one of the two main types of strokes; occurs as a result of bleeding inside the brain
a condition characterized by low blood glucose levels
loss of bowel and bladder control due to a generalized seizure
infarcted cells
cells in the brain that die as a result of loss of blood flow to the brain
a lack of O2 in the cells of the brain that cause them to not function properly
ischemia stroke
one of the two main types of strokes;occurs when blood flow to a particular part of the brain is cut off by a blockage/clot inside a blood vessel
postictal state
period following a seizure that lasts between 5 to 30 minutes, characterized by labored respirations and some degree of altered mental status
receptive aphasia
a speech disorder in which a person has trouble understanding speech but is able to speak clearly
generalized, uncoordinated muscular activity associated with loss of consciousness; a convulsion
status epilepticus
a condition in which seizures recur every few minutes or last more than 30 minutes
a loss of brain function in certain brain cells that do not get enough O2 during a CVA. usually caused by obstruction of the blood vessels in the brain that feed O2 to those brain cells.
clotting of the cerebral arteries that may result in the interruption of cerebral blood flow and subsequent stroke
a type of seizure that features rhythmic back-and-forth motion of an extremity and body stiffness
transient ischemic attack (TIA)
a disorder of the brain in which brain cells temporarily stop working because of insufficient O2, causing stroke-like symptoms that resolve completely within 24 hrs of onset.
3 Keys Test for assessing Stroke
1. facial droop- ask PT to smile
2. arm drift- ask PT to close eyes and hold arms out with palms up
3. speech- ask PT to say, "The sky is blue in cincinnati."
3 Conditions that may stimulate stroke
1. hypoglycemia
2. postictal state
3. subdural or epidural bleeding
Glasgow coma scale
- eye opening
- best verbal response
- best motor response
Common Causes of Seizures
epileptic, structural (tumor, infection, scar tissue, head trauma, stroke), metabolic (hypoxia, hypoglycemia, poisoning, drug overdose, sudden withdrawal from medication or alcohol), febrile (sudden high fever),