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28 Cards in this Set

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______: starting in the 1860 began to shift from an almost totally farming based society to an industrialized society
Industrial Revolution
____________: passed to check corporate practices " in restraint of trade."
1890 Sherman Antitrust Act
________: Philosophy of Frederick W. Taylor that sought to increase productivity and make the work easier by scientifically studying work methods and establishing standards
Scientific Management
Scientific Method's four principles
1. Replace Old Methods
2. Selection and Teaching of Employees
3.Joining of Employees
4. Division of work resulting in interdependence between management and workers.
________:known for his work in production control and his invention of the Gantt Chart ( depicts both expected and completed production)
Henry Lawrence Gantt
____________:area of interest was the study of motions and work methods
Frank Gilbreth
_______:lady of management spent over 50 years of her life emphasizing concern for the worker and showing how scientific management should foster rather than stifle employees
Lillian Gilbreth
______: a frenchman, was the first to issue a complete statement on a theory of general management. First to talk about CLOPS and named 14 principles
Henri Fayol
Just a look of the 14 principles named by who?
Division of work
Unity of Direction
Subordination of individual interests to the general interest
Scalar Chain
Stability of tenured personnel
Espirt de corps
Henri Fayol
Fayol first oulined________: summary of the key responsiblities of a manager- planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling
Function of a Management
When was Great Depression?
After Great Depression ______legislatures and courts actively supported organized labor and the worker.
Golden Age of Unionism
Studies began in 1925, published later 15 years.______: the positive behavior change demonstrated by employee when managers pay attention to them
Hawthorne Effect
____: under the systems approach to management the organization is influenced by its internal and external environmental factors.
Open System
_____: do not interact with their external environment
Closed System
Organizations are mostly _____system. However, companies think of just themselves like a ____
_____: wrote The Human Side of Enterprise. American Social and psychologist proposed a simple division of management styles that captured what he argued was fundamentally different ways of managing people.
Douglas McGregor
______: ( termed by McGregor) the controlling/ authoritative manager believes that the most employees don't like to work and will only work at the required level of productivity if they are forced to do so under the threat of punishment
Theory X
______:(termed by McGregor) the democratic/participative manager believes that employees can be trusted to meet production targets without being threatened and that they will often seek additional responsibilities because they enjoy the satisification of being creative and increasing their own skills
Theory Y
Douglas McGregor termed_____*
aka loafing on the job
_______: 1970's theory that different situations and conditions require different management approaches
Contingency approach to management
____: attempts to integrate the American and Japanese management practices by combining the American emphasis on individual responsibility with the Japanese emphasis on collective decision making, slow evaluation and promotion, and holistic concern for employees
-developed by William Ouchi
Theory Z
-1982 Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman Jr. released a book_______: it found 36 excellent companies
in Search of Excellence
Two lessons of in Search for Excellence
1) The companies of today may not be the companies of tomorrow 2) good management requires much more than following one set of rules
beginning in late 1970's all changed in the 1980's.
-a shift from finding to preventing
-Japanese products quality
Emphasis on Quality
______: a management philosophy that emphasized "managing the entire organization so that it excels in all dimensions of products and services that are important to the customer."
TQM- total quality management
_______: Jim Collins and Jerry Porras published a book in 1994 that took the business world by storm. Arguing the need to focus on creating a lasting organization by relying on "homegrown management."
Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
______: (issian berlin) The fox knows many things by the hedgehog knows one. In other words, great companies develop a simple core concept that guides all their future strategies, as opposed to chasing every new management fad or policy implementation
Hedgehog Concept